- Fixed City dropdown filter only searching title
- Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Edje plugin
- [Weight] Fixed weight not being calculated
- Fixed City Field not updated after selecting the dropdown
- Combine City and District into one SELECT, separated with optgroup
- Removed the function that reorders checkout field.
- Fixed an error when choosing City Origin.
- Removed City Origin cache since it's no longer do API call to get the list.
- Fixed a bug where Shipping cost doesn't initially load when customer has existing address.
- City and District no longer uses API. All data stored internally in JSON.
- Added RPX, J&T, and PCP couriers.
- Added City and District data as part of the plugin. No need to do API call just to get them.
- Fixed Shipping Zone can't be removed
- Fixed City origin not saving due to Enhanced Select bug.
- Add comment and add more PHPdoc
- Add prefix to city with same name. Example: "Bandung (Kota)" and "Bandung (Kabupaten)"
- Fix for initial installation
- Directory structure changes
- Namespace the landing code with class
- Fixed plugin not working on new website.
- Added Global settings, you still need to set individual shipping zones for it to work.
- Added support to Shipping Zone for WooCommerce 2.6
- Remove select2 on City and District field
- Refactor open function name into Class.
- Fix bug when using WooCommerce 2.6
- Fully functional