RelSys is a tool for evaluating a system of queues where arriving customers can be relocated to an alternative queue if none of the servers in the preferred queue are idle. We have developed two interfaces for RelSys: A Python module and a command-line interface.
- Description of RelSys
- Input parameters
- Output types
- How to use
- Python
- Command-line interface
- C++
- How to cite
Consider a number of parallel queues where the capacity of the queue equals the number of servers. That is, queues where customers arrive according to a Poisson process and have exponentially distributed service-time. In the common M/M/c/c queue (also denoted the Erlang loss or Erlang-B system), a customer is rejected and lost from the system if all the servers are occupied upon arrival. In RelSys, we allow customers to be transferred with a probability to one of the other queues. If there is an idle server in the alternative queue, the customer is accepted and served with an exponentially distributed time with the same rate-parameter as the customer would have in the preferred queue. The figure below depicts an example featuring two queues where customers are relocated (i.e. transferred) with a probability to the other queue whenever the preferred queue is full.
RelSys uses five types of input parameters:
- An arrival rate vector, where each element corresponds to a customer type.
- A service time vector, where each element corresponds to a customer type.
- A relocation probability matrix. Rows correspond to customer types and columns to queues.
- A capacity vector. Each element corresponds to a queue.
- A preferrence vector. Each element indicates the preferred queue of each customer type.
RelSys has six output types:
- Occupancy probability distributions.
- Occupancy frequency distributions (only available if the system was evaluated using simulation).
- Shortage probabilities.
- Availability probabilities.
- Expected occupancy.
- Expected fraction of occupied capacity.
All outputs, except for the expected occupancy and expected fraction of occupied capacity, can be evaluated from two customer perspectives: The perspective of the customers preferring the queues, and the perspective of all customers arriving to the queues.
Below are guides on how to install and use the Python package and command-line interface.
Linux installation:
Download and install relsys
directly from PyPI.
pip install relsys
works out of the box on Linux.
Windows installation:
Requires Visual Studio 2022 (17.9) with MSVC C++ compiler and libraries installed (see below).
After installing Visual Studio (incl. MSVC C++ compiler and libraries), install directly from PyPI with:
pip install relsys
How to use the Python package:
Start by importing the module,
import relsys
Now, specify the input parameters for the model. In this example, we consider a system containing 4 customer types and 4 queues.
arrivalRates = [0.8,2.5,0.6,2.8]
serviceTimes = [10,5,10,8]
capacity = [15,20,10,30]
relocationProbabilities = [[0.0,0.4,0.1,0.5],
preferredQueue = [0,1,2,3]
Create the model object and import the parameters,
mdl = relsys.model(arrivalRates,serviceTimes,capacity,relocationProbabilities,preferredQueue)
The model can now be evaluated with run
Return the resulting occupancy distributions with getDensity
and shortage probabilities with getShortageProb
for queueIdx in range(4):
for queueIdx in range(4):
#import the module
import relsys
#arrival rates of each customer type
arrivalRates = [0.8,2.5,0.6,2.8]
#mean service time of each customer type
serviceTimes = [10,5,10,8]
#capacity of each queue
capacity = [15,20,10,30]
#fraction of rejected customers that are moved to an alternative queue node
#this is a number of customers x number of queues matrix
relocationProbabilities = [[0.0,0.4,0.1,0.5],
#queue indices preferred by each customer type
preferredQueue = [0,1,2,3]
#create the model object and import the parameters
mdl = relsys.model(arrivalRates,serviceTimes,capacity,relocationProbabilities,preferredQueue)
#run the model
#check the resulting occupancy distribution of each queue
for queueIdx in range(4):
#check the resulting shortage probabilities of each queue
for queueIdx in range(4):
setType(string mdltype)
. Set the method to use in the evaluation of the model ("simulation" (default), "approximation", "auto").queuesEval(list qEvalIdx)
. Set the indices of queues to evaluate.equalize(bool equalize)
. Specify if service times should be equalized and loads correspondingly adjusted (True: On, False: Off (default)).setVerbose(bool set)
. Control verbose (True: On, False: Off (default)).setSeed(int sd)
. Set the seed.setAccSamType(string stype)
. Set the accuracy estimation type for the simulation ("preferred" (default), "all").setSimTolerance(double tol)
. Set the tolerance level for the accuracy estimation in the simulation (default: 5e-3).setBurnIn(double bin)
. Set the burn-in time of the simulation.setSimTime(double mnTime)
. Set the simulation time.setSamples(int mnSamples)
. Set the minimum number of open/shortage samples.setHyperPhases(int openStates, int blockedStates)
. Set the number of phases in the hyper-exponential distributions accounting for the open/shortage time.
. Evaluate the model using the input parameters.
getDensity(int queueIdx=0, string type="preferred")
. Return the density distribution of a queue. The second argument specifies the arrival type: "all" and "preferred" (default).getFreq(int queueIdx=0, string type="preferred")
. Return the frequency distribution of a queue. The second argument specifies the arrival type: "all" and "preferred" (default).getShortageProb(int queueIdx=0, string type="preferred")
. Return the shortage probability of a queue. The second argument specifies the arrival type: "all" and "preferred" (default).getAvailProb(int queueIdx=0, string type="preferred")
. Return the probability that at least one server is available. The second argument specifies the arrival type: "all" and "preferred" (default).getExpOccupany(int queueIdx=0)
. Return the expected number of occupied servers.getExpOccFraction(int queueIdx=0)
. Return the expected fraction of occupied servers.
. Return the imported arrival rates.getServiceTimes()
. Return the imported service times.getCapacity()
. Return the imported capacities.getReloc()
. Return the imported relocation probabilities.getPreferredQueue()
. Return the imported preferred queues.
We have created a Command-Line Interface (CLI), which is similar to the Python package in terms of features, inputs, and outputs. The CLI utilizes files to import the input parameters and export the results.
Linux installation:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the RelSys
subfolder in the cloned repository and compile the EXE-file (relsys.exe
) for the CLI:
g++ -O3 -std=c++11 $(ls *.cpp | grep -v 'PythonWrapper.cpp\|ModuleInterface.cpp') -o relsys.exe
Make sure the CLI works: ./relsys.exe -demo
Windows installation:
Make sure that g++ is installed and added to your Path variable:
- To get g++: (1) Install MinGW. (2) Start MinGW and install all basic support libraries for C++.
- Add C:\MinGW\bin to the Windows Path variable.
- Make sure g++ works:
g++ --version
Now clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the RelSys
subfolder in the cloned repository, open Windows PowerShell, and compile the EXE-file (relsys.exe
) for the CLI:
g++ -O3 -std=c++11 -o relsys.exe Combinatorial.cpp LinSolver.cpp QueuePerformance.cpp Customer.cpp CustomerData.cpp main.cpp RelocEvaluation.cpp Model.cpp RelocSimulation.cpp EntireSystem.cpp Experiments.cpp PhaseFitter.cpp StatusBar.cpp HeuristicQueue.cpp SystemParameters.cpp HyperQueue.cpp QueueData.cpp
Make sure the CLI works: ./relsys.exe -demo
How to use the CLI:
The syntax for the CLI is relsys [options]
. Use the -help
flag to view all available options.
relsys -help
Create a space-separated file for each of the input parameter types. For instance,
0.8 2.5 0.6 2.8
10 5 10 8
15 20 10 30
0.0 0.4 0.1 0.5
0.3 0.0 0.5 0.0
0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
0.2 0.3 0.5 0.0
0 1 2 3
Evaluate the model using simulation, and save the result in a semicolon-separated file named results.csv
relsys -m simulation -arr arrivalRates.txt -ser serviceTimes.txt -cap capacity.txt -rel relocProbs.txt -prq preferred.txt -o results.csv
The following guide will show you how to use the C++ source code for evaluating a model. Run git clone
. The directory RelSys/
contains the complete source code for RelSys. Start by heading here. Replace the content of the current main-file with:
#include "Model.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//model code goes here
return 0;
Now, put in the parameters of the model. Once again, we consider a system containing 4 customer types and 4 queues. Note that in C++, we also have to specify the indices of the queues we want to evaluate,
//arrival rates for each customer type
vector<double> arrivalRates = {0.8,2.5,0.6,2.8};
//mean service time for each customer type
vector<double> serviceTimes = {10,5,10,8};
//capacity of each queue
vector<int> capacity = {15,20,10,30};
//fraction of rejected customers that are moved to an alternative queue node
//this is an nCustomerTypes x nQueues matrix
vector<vector<double>> relocationProbabilities = {{0.0,0.4,0.1,0.5},
//queue indices preferred by each customer type
vector<int> preferredQueue = {0,1,2,3};
//indices of the queues to be evaluated
vector<int> evaluatedQueue = {0,1,2,3};
Now we can create and evaluate the model,
//create the model object
Model mdl(arrivalRates,serviceTimes,capacity,
//now evaluate the model
The following returns the resulting occupancy distributions and shortage probabilities,
cout << "Occupancy distributions:" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<evaluatedQueue.size(); i++){
cout << "----" << "Queue " << evaluatedQueue[i] << "----" << endl;
for (int j=0; j<mdl.queueDenDistPref[evaluatedQueue[i]].size(); j++){
cout << mdl.queueDenDistPref[evaluatedQueue[i]][j] << endl;
cout << endl << "Shortage probabilities:" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<evaluatedQueue.size(); i++){
cout << mdl.blockingProbabilityPref[evaluatedQueue[i]] << endl;
The model is finally evaluated by compiling the C++ program. If you have cloned the repository to your computer, remove the files PythonWrapper.cpp
and ModuleInterface.cpp
, and run g++ -O3 -std=c++11 *.cpp -o relsys.exe
in your terminal. Run your program with ./relsys.exe
#include "Model.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//arrival rates for each customer type
vector<double> arrivalRates = {0.8,2.5,0.6,2.8};
//mean service time for each customer type
vector<double> serviceTimes = {10,5,10,8};
//capacity of each queue
vector<int> capacity = {15,20,10,30};
//fraction of rejected customers that are moved to an alternative queue node
//this is an nCustomerTypes x nQueues matrix
vector<vector<double>> relocationProbabilities = {{0.0,0.4,0.1,0.5},
//queue indices preferred by each customer type
vector<int> preferredQueue = {0,1,2,3};
//indices of the queues to be evaluated
vector<int> evaluatedQueue = {0,1,2,3};
//create the model object
Model mdl(arrivalRates,serviceTimes,capacity,
//now evaluate the model
//get the results
cout << "Occupancy distributions:" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<evaluatedQueue.size(); i++){
cout << "----" << "Queue " << evaluatedQueue[i] << "----" << endl;
for (int j=0; j<mdl.queueDenDistPref[evaluatedQueue[i]].size(); j++){
cout << mdl.queueDenDistPref[evaluatedQueue[i]][j] << endl;
cout << endl << "Shortage probabilities:" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<evaluatedQueue.size(); i++){
cout << mdl.blockingProbabilityPref[evaluatedQueue[i]] << endl;
return 0;
Model(vector<double> arrRates, //vector of arrival rates
vector<double> serTimes, //vector of service times
vector<int> cap, //vector of capacities
vector<vector<double>> relProbMat, //relocation probability matrix
vector<int> prefQ, //vector of preferred queues
vector<int> evalQ, //queues to evaluate
string mdlt="simulation", //sets the model type (auto, approximation or simulation)
bool eqze=false); //If true, all service times are equalized and arrival rates adjusted to keep the load on the queues.
. Evaluate the model.setSeed(int sd)
. Set a seed.setBurnIn(double bn)
. Set the burn-in time.setMinimumSimulationTime(double mnTime)
. Set the simulation time.setMinSamples(int mnSamples)
. Set the minimum number of open/shortage samples.setHyperStates(int openStates, int blockedStates)
. Set the number of phases in the hyper-exponential distributions accounting for the open/shortage time.setSimTolerance(double at)
. Set the tolerance for the automatic termination of the simulation.setAccuracySampleType(string stype)
. Set the accuracy evaluation type for the automatic termination of the simulation (preferred , all).
Andersen, Anders Reenberg, Bo Friis Nielsen, and Andreas Lindhardt Plesner. 2023. "An Approximation of the Inpatient Distribution in Hospitals with Patient Relocation Using Markov Chains." Healthcare Analytics 3: 100145.
Leeters, Christoph, and Anders Reenberg Andersen. 2023. "Queueing systems with relocation of customers." ORbit: medlemsblad for Dansk Selskab for Operationsanalyse.
Please cite our paper:
Andersen, Anders Reenberg, Bo Friis Nielsen, and Andreas Lindhardt Plesner. 2023. "An Approximation of the Inpatient Distribution in Hospitals with Patient Relocation Using Markov Chains." Healthcare Analytics 3: 100145.
or the software itself using the DOI below:
We have published a capsule for the Linux CLI on Code Ocean. The URL and DOI for the capsule follows below: