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A repository to keep track of my problem solving practice, containing solutions from Codeforces and Atcoder.

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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces
  • AtCoder   AtCoder


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
899 C - New Year and Permutation GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math *1600 Oct/31/2020 11:38
898 D - Districts Connection GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar *1200 Oct/20/2020 20:24
897 C - Dominant Piranha GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *900 Oct/20/2020 20:16
896 B - Yet Another Bookshelf GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *800 Oct/20/2020 20:11
895 A - Boring Apartments GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 Oct/20/2020 20:07
894 D - Non-zero Segments GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1500 Sep/30/2020 09:58
893 C - Almost Arithmetical Progression GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp *1500 Sep/21/2020 12:55
892 B - Petya and Divisors GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures number theory *1900 Sep/21/2020 11:51
891 B - Greenhouse Effect GNU C++17 (64) dp *1700 Sep/20/2020 18:33
890 A - Treasure GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1500 Sep/18/2020 12:26
889 D - Renting Bikes GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy *1800 Sep/18/2020 11:56
888 C - Chocolate Bunny GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms interactive math two pointers *1600 Sep/16/2020 11:32
887 D - Trash Problem GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *2100 Sep/15/2020 12:09
886 B - Negative Prefixes GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1300 Sep/15/2020 11:39
885 C - Mortal Kombat Tower GNU C++17 (64) dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1500 Sep/15/2020 11:24
884 A - Buying Torches GNU C++17 (64) math *1000 Sep/14/2020 20:59
883 B - Product Max C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Sep/13/2020 17:33
882 A - Not C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Sep/13/2020 17:30
881 C - Link Cut Centroids GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees *1700 Sep/12/2020 19:56
880 B - Maximum Product GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1200 Sep/12/2020 19:38
879 A - Subset Mex GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *900 Sep/12/2020 19:18
878 D - Decrease the Sum of Digits GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1500 Sep/04/2020 21:42
877 E - Two Platforms GNU C++17 (64) binary search dp sortings two pointers *1800 Sep/04/2020 20:57
876 C - Yet Another Array Restoration GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *1200 Sep/04/2020 20:25
875 B - Minimum Product GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1100 Sep/04/2020 20:16
874 A - Yet Another Two Integers Problem GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 Sep/04/2020 20:06
873 B - Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game GNU C++17 (64) games *1800 Sep/01/2020 10:05
872 C - Molly's Chemicals GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures implementation math *1800 Aug/31/2020 22:42
871 B - Little Elephant and Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures *1800 Aug/31/2020 22:06
870 D - Stoned Game GNU C++17 (64) brute force games greedy implementation *1800 Aug/30/2020 22:01
869 C - Multiples of Length GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1600 Aug/30/2020 21:11
868 B - Power Sequence GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory sortings *1500 Aug/30/2020 20:30
867 A - Juggling Letters GNU C++17 (64) greedy strings *800 Aug/30/2020 20:07
866 E - Coprime C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Aug/29/2020 18:15
865 C - Sum of product of pairs C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/29/2020 18:03
864 D - Friends C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/29/2020 17:55
863 B - Substring C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/29/2020 17:35
862 A - Don't be late C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/29/2020 17:31
861 D - Powerful array GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation math two pointers *2200 Aug/27/2020 22:41
860 C - Gas Pipeline GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy *1500 Aug/26/2020 21:34
859 B - Square Filling GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1200 Aug/26/2020 21:03
858 A - There Are Two Types Of Burgers GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation math *800 Aug/26/2020 20:57
857 E - Clear the Multiset GNU C++17 (64) data structures divide and conquer dp greedy *2200 Aug/26/2020 17:03
856 D - Zigzags GNU C++17 (64) brute force combinatorics data structures math two pointers *1900 Aug/26/2020 12:44
855 E - The Contest GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy *2000 Aug/26/2020 12:28
854 A1 - Heidi Learns Hashing (Easy) GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *1200 Aug/26/2020 09:47
853 K - Stones C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/24/2020 21:56
852 I - Coins C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/24/2020 19:32
851 G - Longest Path C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/24/2020 19:21
850 B - Blocks GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1300 Aug/22/2020 21:37
849 C - Shawarma Tent GNU C++17 (64) brute force geometry greedy implementation *1300 Aug/22/2020 21:26
848 A - Suits GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *800 Aug/22/2020 20:58
847 C - Read Time GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy two pointers *1900 Aug/22/2020 18:58
846 A - Distance and Axis GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *900 Aug/22/2020 11:56
845 C - Mere Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory sortings *1300 Aug/22/2020 11:45
844 D - Maximum Distributed Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy implementation math number theory sortings trees *1800 Aug/22/2020 11:23
843 D - Bubble Sort Graph GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures dp *1500 Aug/21/2020 17:04
842 B - Working out GNU C++17 (64) dp *1600 Aug/21/2020 15:47
841 C - Fools and Roads GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar trees *1900 Aug/20/2020 17:11
840 A - Vasya and Robot GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1500 Aug/20/2020 16:44
839 D - The Best Vacation GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force greedy implementation two pointers *1900 Aug/19/2020 21:34
838 C - Long Beautiful Integer GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1700 Aug/19/2020 17:06
837 C - Xenia and Weights GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1700 Aug/19/2020 16:46
836 C - Primes and Multiplication GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1700 Aug/19/2020 12:54
835 C - Pinkie Pie Eats Patty-cakes GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math sortings *1700 Aug/19/2020 12:04
834 B - Modulo Sum GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics data structures dp two pointers *1900 Aug/18/2020 22:26
833 E - Sleeping Schedule GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation *1700 Aug/18/2020 21:40
832 D - Omkar and Bed Wars GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy *1700 Aug/17/2020 10:33
831 C - George and Job GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation *1700 Aug/16/2020 11:11
830 D - Colored Rectangles GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy sortings *1800 Aug/16/2020 10:39
829 C - Boboniu and Bit Operations GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force dp greedy *1600 Aug/15/2020 11:31
828 C - Good Subarrays GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp math *1600 Aug/15/2020 11:16
827 F - Ant colony GNU C++17 (64) data structures math number theory *2100 Aug/07/2020 10:33
826 E1 - Weights Division (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar greedy trees *2000 Aug/06/2020 10:03
825 D - Binary String To Subsequences GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1500 Aug/05/2020 20:28
824 C - Boats Competition GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy two pointers *1200 Aug/05/2020 20:18
823 B - Gifts Fixing GNU C++17 (64) greedy *800 Aug/05/2020 20:13
822 A - Remove Smallest GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *800 Aug/05/2020 20:09
821 D - Sleepy Game GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar games graphs *2100 Aug/02/2020 17:01
820 C - Save Energy! GNU C++17 (64) math *1700 Aug/02/2020 15:57
819 D - A Leapfrog in the Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1700 Aug/02/2020 15:23
818 C - Zebras GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Aug/02/2020 12:00
817 B - Intercepted Message GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1100 Aug/02/2020 11:12
816 A - Left-handers, Right-handers and Ambidexters GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 Aug/02/2020 10:57
815 D - Captain Flint and Treasure GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2000 Jul/31/2020 11:47
814 C - Uncle Bogdan and Country Happiness GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar greedy math trees *1800 Jul/31/2020 10:22
813 B - Captain Flint and a Long Voyage GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1000 Jul/31/2020 09:41
812 A - Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math number theory *800 Jul/30/2020 20:10
811 C - Good String GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy two pointers *1500 Jul/30/2020 07:42
810 B - Array Walk GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy *1600 Jul/30/2020 07:32
809 B - Sereja ans Anagrams GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures *1900 Jul/28/2020 15:59
808 F - Make It Connected GNU C++17 (64) dsu graphs greedy *1900 Jul/28/2020 12:49
807 E - Monotonic Renumeration GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics sortings *1700 Jul/28/2020 12:10
806 D - Zero Quantity Maximization GNU C++17 (64) hashing math number theory *1500 Jul/28/2020 11:08
805 F2 - Spanning Tree with One Fixed Degree GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy *1900 Jul/28/2020 10:57
804 F1 - Spanning Tree with Maximum Degree GNU C++17 (64) graphs *1600 Jul/27/2020 21:51
803 C - String Transformation 1 GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy sortings trees *1700 Jul/26/2020 17:00
802 E - Pashmak and Graph GNU C++17 (64) dp sortings *1900 Jul/26/2020 16:40
801 D - Pashmak and Parmida's problem GNU C++17 (64) data structures divide and conquer sortings *1800 Jul/26/2020 16:09
800 B - Drazil and His Happy Friends GNU C++17 (64) brute force dsu meet-in-the-middle number theory *1300 Jul/24/2020 19:43
799 D - Harmonious Graph GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy sortings *1700 Jul/24/2020 17:03
798 E - Alternating Tree GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dfs and similar divide and conquer dp probabilities trees *2300 Jul/24/2020 14:17
797 F - Tree with Maximum Cost GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp trees *1900 Jul/23/2020 11:14
796 D - Unmerge GNU C++17 (64) dp *1800 Jul/22/2020 11:23
795 C2 - Prefix Flip (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures implementation strings *1700 Jul/21/2020 21:54
794 C1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures strings *1300 Jul/21/2020 20:50
793 B - Sequential Nim GNU C++17 (64) dp games *1100 Jul/21/2020 20:36
792 A - Common Subsequence GNU C++17 (64) brute force *800 Jul/21/2020 20:08
791 F - Asya And Kittens GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dsu *1700 Jul/21/2020 18:09
790 C - Present GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy *1700 Jul/21/2020 17:37
789 D - Points and Powers of Two GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *1800 Jul/21/2020 12:41
788 C - Not Equal on a Segment GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1700 Jul/21/2020 10:27
787 B - Dubious Cyrpto GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force math number theory *1500 Jul/19/2020 20:54
786 A - Acacius and String GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation strings *1500 Jul/19/2020 20:45
785 C - Choosing flowers GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures dfs and similar dp greedy sortings two pointers *2000 Jul/19/2020 17:06
784 F - Removing Leaves GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy implementation trees *2300 Jul/18/2020 17:01
783 D - a-Good String GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force divide and conquer dp implementation *1500 Jul/18/2020 11:44
782 E - Directing Edges GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2000 Jul/18/2020 11:28
781 C - Make It Good GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1200 Jul/17/2020 20:42
780 A - Three Pairwise Maximums GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Jul/17/2020 20:31
779 B - Restore the Permutation by Merger GNU C++17 (64) greedy *800 Jul/17/2020 20:15
778 B - Views Matter GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation sortings *1400 Jul/13/2020 21:27
777 A - Coins GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *800 Jul/13/2020 21:03
776 D - Fill The Bag GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy *1900 Jul/13/2020 16:23
775 C - Sereja and Brackets GNU C++17 (64) data structures schedules *2000 Jul/13/2020 12:30
774 D - Berserk And Fireball GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation math two pointers *2000 Jul/13/2020 10:44
773 B - Universal Solution GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1400 Jul/12/2020 21:07
772 A - Three Indices GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures *900 Jul/12/2020 21:00
771 C - Create The Teams GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1400 Jul/12/2020 20:57
770 C - Vus the Cossack and Strings GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *1800 Jul/12/2020 16:49
769 B - Maximum Value GNU C++17 (64) binary search math sortings two pointers *2100 Jul/12/2020 11:48
768 C - Omkar and Baseball GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1500 Jul/12/2020 10:41
767 B - Omkar and Last Class of Math GNU C++17 (64) greedy math number theory *1300 Jul/12/2020 10:37
766 A - Omkar and Completion GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *800 Jul/11/2020 20:36
765 A - Alyona and mex GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1700 Jul/11/2020 15:35
764 D1 - Coffee and Coursework (Easy version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy *1700 Jul/11/2020 12:02
763 D2 - Coffee and Coursework (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy *1700 Jul/11/2020 12:02
762 F1 - Tree Cutting (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar trees *1800 Jul/11/2020 11:43
761 D - Tree Requests GNU C++17 (64) binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees *2200 Jul/11/2020 11:22
760 E - Bear and Forgotten Tree 2 GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2400 Jul/10/2020 16:13
759 D - 0-1 MST GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs two pointers *1900 Jul/10/2020 15:48
758 E - Counter Attack GNU C++17 (64) data structures dsu graphs hashing sortings *2100 Jul/10/2020 12:59
757 E - Connected Components? GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs *2100 Jul/10/2020 12:14
756 E - Lomsat gelral GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar dsu trees *2300 Jul/09/2020 21:46
755 C - Vasya And Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1800 Jul/09/2020 16:26
754 E - Tree Painting GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp trees *2100 Jul/09/2020 12:20
753 B - Digits Sequence (Hard Edition) GNU C++17 (64) binary search divide and conquer implementation *1800 Jul/08/2020 21:16
752 E1 - String Coloring (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dp graphs greedy sortings *1800 Jul/08/2020 15:41
751 F1 - Same Sum Blocks (Easy) GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1900 Jul/08/2020 15:12
750 F2 - Same Sum Blocks (Hard) GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy *1900 Jul/08/2020 15:11
749 G - Privatization of Roads in Treeland GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1900 Jul/08/2020 12:10
748 E - Superhero Battle GNU C++17 (64) math *1700 Jul/08/2020 11:09
747 B - Count Subrectangles GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy implementation *1500 Jul/08/2020 10:14
746 E - Squares and not squares GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Jul/07/2020 15:33
745 E - Porcelain GNU C++17 (64) dp *1900 Jul/07/2020 11:54
744 D - Chat in a Circle C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/05/2020 18:02
743 C - H and V C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/05/2020 17:53
742 B - Judge Status Summary C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/05/2020 17:34
741 A - Payment C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/05/2020 17:31
740 B - Neighbor Grid GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1200 Jul/05/2020 12:08
739 A - Sign Flipping GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1100 Jul/05/2020 11:59
738 G - Tree Modification GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar graph matchings graphs trees *2800 Jul/05/2020 11:54
737 F - Integer Game GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms games interactive math *2600 Jul/05/2020 11:38
736 C - Element Extermination GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 Jul/05/2020 10:53
735 D - Replace by MEX GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms sortings *1900 Jul/05/2020 10:51
734 C - K-special Tables GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1300 Jul/04/2020 16:48
733 A - Guest From the Past GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *1700 Jul/04/2020 16:40
732 D1 - Remove the Substring (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1600 Jul/04/2020 16:09
731 D2 - Remove the Substring (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy implementation two pointers *1700 Jul/04/2020 16:08
730 B - Magical Calendar GNU C++17 (64) math *1200 Jul/01/2020 19:36
729 A - Magical Sticks GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Jul/01/2020 19:06
728 D - Coloring Edges GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2100 Jul/01/2020 16:10
727 C - Longest Regular Bracket Sequence GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy sortings strings *1900 Jul/01/2020 11:05
726 D - Make The Fence Great Again GNU C++17 (64) dp *1800 Jul/01/2020 09:57
725 D - Ehab and the Expected XOR Problem GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms *1900 Jul/01/2020 09:26
724 C - Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms number theory *1300 Jun/30/2020 21:16
723 B - Ehab Is an Odd Person GNU C++17 (64) sortings *1200 Jun/30/2020 21:11
722 A - Ehab Fails to Be Thanos GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1000 Jun/30/2020 21:06
721 C - Playlist GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures sortings *1600 Jun/30/2020 15:40
720 D - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1800 Jun/30/2020 11:50
719 B - Born This Way GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force two pointers *1600 Jun/30/2020 11:31
718 A - Another One Bites The Dust GNU C++17 (64) greedy *800 Jun/29/2020 21:25
717 D - Sequence Sorting GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy two pointers *2000 Jun/29/2020 16:30
716 C - Save the Nature GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy *1600 Jun/29/2020 16:15
715 C - Make It Equal GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1600 Jun/29/2020 15:41
714 A - Enlarge GCD GNU C++17 (64) number theory *1800 Jun/29/2020 15:28
713 E1 - Reading Books (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy sortings *1600 Jun/28/2020 21:17
712 D - Zero Remainder Array GNU C++17 (64) math sortings two pointers *1400 Jun/28/2020 20:47
711 C - Move Brackets GNU C++17 (64) greedy strings *1000 Jun/28/2020 20:24
710 B - Multiply by 2, divide by 6 GNU C++17 (64) math *900 Jun/28/2020 20:16
709 A - Required Remainder GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Jun/28/2020 20:09
708 E - New Reform GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy *1600 Jun/28/2020 17:07
707 C - Tourist's Notes GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force greedy implementation math *1600 Jun/28/2020 16:43
706 D - Yet Another Monster Killing Problem GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures dp greedy sortings two pointers *1700 Jun/28/2020 15:54
705 D - Lakes in Berland GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy implementation *1600 Jun/28/2020 12:24
704 C - Berry Jam GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 Jun/28/2020 11:58
703 C - Anya and Smartphone GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures implementation *1600 Jun/28/2020 11:37
702 D - Sum of Divisors C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jun/27/2020 19:55
701 C - Tsundoku C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jun/27/2020 17:51
700 B - Minor Change C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/27/2020 17:32
699 A - Calc Python (3.8.2) AtCoder *100 Jun/27/2020 17:30
698 F1 - Flying Sort (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy two pointers *2100 Jun/27/2020 16:25
697 C - Sorting Railway Cars GNU C++17 (64) *1600 Jun/27/2020 16:21
696 D1 - Add on a Tree GNU C++17 (64) trees *1600 Jun/27/2020 15:46
695 C - Marina and Vasya GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy strings *1700 Jun/27/2020 12:20
694 D - Dima and Lisa GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *1800 Jun/27/2020 11:54
693 D - Count the Arrays GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math *1700 Jun/27/2020 11:34
692 C - A Tale of Two Lands GNU C++17 (64) binary search sortings two pointers *1500 Jun/26/2020 21:50
691 B - All the Vowels Please GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory *1100 Jun/26/2020 21:17
690 A - Silent Classroom GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics greedy *900 Jun/26/2020 21:10
689 C - Joty and Chocolate GNU C++17 (64) implementation math number theory *1600 Jun/26/2020 16:56
688 A - Sasha and a Bit of Relax GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation *1600 Jun/26/2020 16:33
687 D - Maximum Sum on Even Positions GNU C++17 (64) divide and conquer dp greedy implementation *1600 Jun/26/2020 11:27
686 C - Pluses and Minuses GNU C++17 (64) math *1300 Jun/26/2020 11:22
685 B - 01 Game GNU C++17 (64) games *900 Jun/26/2020 11:22
684 A - Donut Shops GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1000 Jun/26/2020 11:22
683 D - Count Good Substrings GNU C++17 (64) math *2000 Jun/25/2020 15:59
682 B - Good Sequences GNU C++17 (64) dp number theory *1500 Jun/25/2020 11:45
681 A - Cows and Sequence GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures implementation *1600 Jun/25/2020 11:04
680 B - Zero Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy trees *1800 Jun/25/2020 10:29
679 B - Hometask GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 Jun/24/2020 22:13
678 C - Tennis Championship GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 Jun/24/2020 17:21
677 C - Anton and Fairy Tale GNU C++17 (64) binary search math *1600 Jun/24/2020 16:41
676 D - Unbearable Controversy of Being GNU C++17 (64) brute force combinatorics dfs and similar graphs *1700 Jun/24/2020 12:16
675 C - Gargari and Bishops GNU C++17 (64) greedy hashing implementation *1900 Jun/24/2020 11:33
674 D - TediousLee GNU C++17 (64) dp graphs greedy math trees *1900 Jun/24/2020 10:45
673 C - RationalLee GNU C++17 (64) greedy math sortings two pointers *1400 Jun/24/2020 10:25
672 B - AccurateLee GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation strings *1200 Jun/23/2020 19:46
671 A - FashionabLee GNU C++17 (64) geometry math *800 Jun/23/2020 19:36
670 F - Graph Without Long Directed Paths GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs *1700 Jun/23/2020 16:02
669 B - Petr and Permutations GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math *1800 Jun/23/2020 12:51
668 A - Fair GNU C++17 (64) graphs greedy number theory shortest paths *1600 Jun/23/2020 12:14
667 A - Little Pony and Expected Maximum GNU C++17 (64) probabilities *1600 Jun/23/2020 11:43
666 D - Cow and Snacks GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs *1700 Jun/23/2020 10:42
665 D - Walking Between Houses GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Jun/22/2020 21:41
664 C - Creative Snap GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force divide and conquer math *1700 Jun/22/2020 18:00
663 B - Average Superhero Gang Power GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation math *1700 Jun/22/2020 17:33
662 C - Multi-Subject Competition GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1600 Jun/22/2020 16:40
661 B - Vova and Trophies GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1600 Jun/22/2020 16:25
660 C - Two Arrays GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp *1600 Jun/22/2020 11:43
659 D - Beautiful Graph GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs *1700 Jun/21/2020 21:04
658 C - One Quadrillion and One Dalmatians C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jun/21/2020 18:25
657 E - Red Scarf C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jun/21/2020 17:51
656 D - Replacing C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jun/21/2020 17:41
655 B - Mix Juice C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/21/2020 17:35
654 A - αlphabet Python (3.8.2) AtCoder *100 Jun/21/2020 17:32
653 C - Party Lemonade GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp greedy *1600 Jun/21/2020 16:02
652 E - Binary Subsequence Rotation GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy *2100 Jun/21/2020 11:41
651 D - Odd-Even Subsequence GNU C++17 (64) binary search dp dsu greedy implementation *2000 Jun/21/2020 11:00
650 C - Number Game GNU C++17 (64) games math number theory *1400 Jun/21/2020 10:44
649 B - GCD Compression GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory *1100 Jun/21/2020 10:36
648 A - Maximum GCD GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math number theory *800 Jun/21/2020 10:27
647 A - Takahashikun, The Strider C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/20/2020 20:57
646 C - Bear and Prime Numbers GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures dp implementation math number theory *1700 Jun/20/2020 16:04
645 A - Thor GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures implementation *1600 Jun/20/2020 15:33
644 B - Obtain Two Zeroes GNU C++17 (64) binary search math *1300 Jun/20/2020 11:56
643 C - Vasya and Basketball GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures implementation sortings two pointers *1600 Jun/19/2020 16:42
642 D - Vasya and Chess GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms games math *1700 Jun/19/2020 16:10
641 D - AND, OR and square sum GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy math *1700 Jun/19/2020 11:10
640 B - Codeforces Subsequences GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy math strings *1500 Jun/19/2020 10:40
639 A - C+= GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation math *800 Jun/19/2020 10:35
638 C - Replacement GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures implementation *1600 Jun/18/2020 16:56
637 A - String Game GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy strings *1700 Jun/18/2020 16:39
636 D - Multiplication Table GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force *1800 Jun/18/2020 16:28
635 D - A and B and Interesting Substrings GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp two pointers *1800 Jun/17/2020 16:40
634 D - Task On The Board GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings *1800 Jun/17/2020 11:03
633 C - Social Distance GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1300 Jun/16/2020 20:18
632 B - Even Array GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 Jun/16/2020 20:10
631 A - Short Substrings GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *800 Jun/16/2020 20:07
630 C - To Add or Not to Add GNU C++17 (64) binary search sortings two pointers *1600 Jun/16/2020 16:20
629 C - Misha and Forest GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings trees *1500 Jun/16/2020 15:11
628 B - Maximum Absurdity GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp implementation *1500 Jun/16/2020 14:38
627 C - Ladder GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation two pointers *1700 Jun/16/2020 11:27
626 C - Pocket Book GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics *1400 Jun/16/2020 10:43
625 E - Smart Infants C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jun/14/2020 18:29
624 D - Not Divisible C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jun/14/2020 17:55
623 C - Forbidden List C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jun/14/2020 17:49
622 B - Crane and Turtle C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/14/2020 17:42
621 A - Five Variables Python (3.8.2) AtCoder *100 Jun/14/2020 17:31
620 C - Prefix Sum Primes GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1200 Jun/14/2020 17:21
619 B - Tiling Challenge GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *900 Jun/14/2020 17:09
618 D - N Problems During K Days GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 Jun/14/2020 16:49
617 C - Ehab and Prefix MEXs GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Jun/13/2020 22:05
616 B - Most socially-distanced subsequence GNU C++17 (64) greedy two pointers *1300 Jun/13/2020 20:55
615 A - XXXXX GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures number theory two pointers *1200 Jun/13/2020 20:41
614 C - Lamps C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jun/13/2020 20:19
613 B - Tag C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/13/2020 17:34
612 A - Nickname Python (3.8.2) AtCoder *100 Jun/13/2020 17:30
611 B - Shuffle GNU C++17 (64) math two pointers *1300 Jun/12/2020 11:13
610 D - Two Divisors GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory *2000 Jun/12/2020 10:46
609 C - Palindromic Paths GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1500 Jun/11/2020 21:50
608 A - Shovels and Swords GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy math *1100 Jun/11/2020 20:08
607 C - Color Stripe GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy *1600 Jun/09/2020 16:10
606 E - Maximum Subsequence Value GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms *1900 Jun/08/2020 15:30
605 D - Solve The Maze GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy implementation shortest paths *1700 Jun/08/2020 12:29
604 A - Matrix Game GNU C++17 (64) games greedy implementation *1100 Jun/08/2020 11:43
603 B - Trouble Sort GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1300 Jun/08/2020 11:35
602 C - Rotation Matching GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1400 Jun/08/2020 11:30
601 D - Johnny and Contribution GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms graphs greedy implementation sortings *1700 Jun/05/2020 10:35
600 C - Johnny and Another Rating Drop GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy math *1400 Jun/04/2020 20:59
599 B - Johnny and His Hobbies GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force *1200 Jun/04/2020 20:21
598 A - Johnny and Ancient Computer GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1000 Jun/04/2020 20:11
597 C - Serval and Parenthesis Sequence GNU C++17 (64) greedy strings *1700 Jun/04/2020 17:43
596 B - Serval and Toy Bricks GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1200 Jun/04/2020 11:50
595 A - Serval and Bus GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *1000 Jun/04/2020 11:42
594 F - Maximum White Subtree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1800 Jun/03/2020 22:48
593 D - Distance in Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp trees *1800 Jun/03/2020 22:23
592 D - Stas and the Queue at the Buffet GNU C++17 (64) greedy math sortings *1600 Jun/03/2020 19:25
591 B - Dima and a Bad XOR GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp *1600 Jun/03/2020 19:01
590 D - Petya and Array GNU C++17 (64) data structures divide and conquer two pointers *1800 Jun/03/2020 18:32
589 B - Uniqueness GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1500 Jun/03/2020 17:48
588 C - Checkposts GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs two pointers *1700 Jun/03/2020 15:22
587 D - Common Divisors GNU C++17 (64) brute force hashing implementation math strings *1400 Jun/02/2020 10:54
586 D - Good Substrings GNU C++17 (64) data structures strings *1800 Jun/01/2020 14:22
585 D - Guess The Maximums GNU C++17 (64) binary search implementation interactive math *2100 Jun/01/2020 12:06
584 E - Tree Shuffling GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 Jun/01/2020 10:48
583 C - Game On Leaves GNU C++17 (64) games trees *1600 May/31/2020 20:36
582 B - Subsequence Hate GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *1400 May/31/2020 20:20
581 A - Odd Selection GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation math *1200 May/31/2020 20:13
580 E - Count Median C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 May/31/2020 19:44
579 B - Multiplication 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 May/31/2020 18:08
578 D - Div Game C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 May/31/2020 18:02
577 C - Multiplication 3 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 May/31/2020 17:40
576 A - Multiplication 1 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 May/31/2020 17:30
575 C - Minimize The Integer GNU C++17 (64) greedy two pointers *1600 May/31/2020 17:19
574 C - Hard problem GNU C++17 (64) dp strings *1600 May/31/2020 16:16
573 C - Array Product GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1700 May/31/2020 10:42
572 A - Benches GNU C++17 (64) binary search implementation *1100 May/30/2020 21:37
571 B - Vitamins GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force dp implementation *1200 May/30/2020 21:33
570 A - Color Revolution Kotlin *special problem math *1000 May/29/2020 21:16
569 D - Yet Another Yet Another Task GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation two pointers *2000 May/29/2020 13:16
568 C - Mixing Water GNU C++17 binary search math *1700 May/29/2020 12:57
567 B - New Theatre Square GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy implementation two pointers *1000 May/29/2020 12:06
566 A - Berland Poker GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *1000 May/29/2020 11:55
565 C - Celex Update GNU C++17 math *1600 May/27/2020 11:46
564 B - Maria Breaks the Self-isolation GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1000 May/26/2020 20:14
563 A - Park Lighting GNU C++17 greedy math *800 May/26/2020 20:09
562 D1 - Parallel Universes (Easy) GNU C++17 implementation *1600 May/26/2020 19:06
561 E - Enemy is weak GNU C++17 data structures trees *1900 May/26/2020 18:08
560 B - Password GNU C++17 binary search dp hashing string suffix structures strings *1700 May/25/2020 12:26
559 G - A/B Matrix GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 May/25/2020 10:19
558 F - Spy-string GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp hashing strings *1700 May/24/2020 19:57
557 E - Polygon GNU C++17 dp graphs implementation shortest paths *1300 May/24/2020 19:43
556 D - Buying Shovels GNU C++17 math number theory *1300 May/24/2020 19:25
555 C - Similar Pairs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graph matchings greedy sortings *1100 May/24/2020 19:20
554 B - Honest Coach GNU C++17 greedy sortings *800 May/24/2020 19:13
553 A - Minimal Square GNU C++17 greedy math *800 May/24/2020 19:09
552 C - Perfect Keyboard GNU C++17 dfs and similar greedy implementation *1600 May/24/2020 16:11
551 C - Coffee Break GNU C++17 binary search data structures greedy two pointers *1600 May/23/2020 21:54
550 B - Buying a TV Set GNU C++17 math *1000 May/23/2020 21:39
549 A - Heist GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *800 May/23/2020 21:18
548 B - Fox And Two Dots GNU C++17 dfs and similar *1500 May/23/2020 17:45
547 D - Slime GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation *1800 May/23/2020 10:40
546 C - Gambling GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1300 May/22/2020 21:31
545 B - Non-Coprime Partition GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1100 May/22/2020 21:20
544 A - Equality GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 May/22/2020 21:14
543 C - Vasya and Multisets GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy implementation math *1500 May/20/2020 15:02
542 C - Karen and Game GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *1700 May/20/2020 10:36
541 C - Books Queries GNU C++17 implementation *1400 May/19/2020 11:52
540 C - Destroying Array GNU C++17 data structures dsu *1600 May/19/2020 11:28
539 D1 - RGB Substring (easy version) GNU C++17 implementation *1500 May/18/2020 22:23
538 A - Knight Tournament GNU C++17 data structures dsu *1500 May/18/2020 22:11
537 B - Alice and the List of Presents GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1500 May/18/2020 21:39
536 D - .. (Double Dots) C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 May/17/2020 21:40
535 C1 - Simple Polygon Embedding GNU C++17 binary search geometry math ternary search *1400 May/17/2020 21:00
534 B - Ternary String GNU C++17 binary search dp implementation two pointers *1200 May/17/2020 20:48
533 A - Alarm Clock GNU C++17 math *900 May/17/2020 20:48
532 D2 - Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Hard version) GNU C++17 binary search greedy hashing string suffix structures strings *1800 May/17/2020 11:54
531 C - Count Triangles GNU C++17 binary search implementation math two pointers *1800 May/16/2020 20:51
530 B - Young Explorers GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *1200 May/16/2020 20:40
529 A - Sequence with Digits GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1200 May/16/2020 20:11
528 D - Game With Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1400 May/16/2020 20:10
527 A - Sushi for Two GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation *900 May/15/2020 21:24
526 D - Constructing the Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures sortings *1600 May/14/2020 21:20
525 C - Board Moves GNU C++17 (64) math *1000 May/14/2020 20:27
524 B - Two Arrays And Swaps GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *800 May/14/2020 20:22
523 A - Most Unstable Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *800 May/14/2020 20:16
522 E - Cover it! GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs shortest paths trees *1700 May/14/2020 11:26
521 B - Ania and Minimizing GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1000 May/13/2020 22:09
520 B2 - Cat Party (Hard Edition) GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1600 May/13/2020 21:35
519 B1 - Cat Party (Easy Edition) GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1500 May/13/2020 21:35
518 D - Nastya Is Buying Lunch GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1800 May/13/2020 16:22
517 C - Orac and LCM GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 May/13/2020 12:18
516 E - Orac and Game of Life GNU C++17 (64) data structures graphs implementation math shortest paths *2000 May/13/2020 12:00
515 D - Orac and Medians GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *2000 May/12/2020 22:00
514 A - Orac and Factors GNU C++17 (64) math *900 May/12/2020 21:22
513 B - Orac and Models GNU C++17 (64) dp math number theory *1400 May/12/2020 21:21
512 C - Nastya Is Transposing Matrices GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms sortings *1500 May/12/2020 16:02
511 B - Nastya Is Playing Computer Games GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1000 May/12/2020 15:29
510 A - Nastya Is Reading a Book GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 May/12/2020 15:17
509 C - Yet Another Counting Problem GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 May/11/2020 17:19
508 D - Extra Element GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *1700 May/11/2020 16:24
507 C - The Football Season GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *2000 May/11/2020 10:42
506 D - Paint the Tree GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dp graphs implementation trees *1800 May/10/2020 22:20
505 D - Teleporter C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 May/10/2020 18:03
504 B - Easy Linear Programming C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 May/10/2020 17:35
503 A - Registration C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 May/10/2020 17:32
502 D - Alice, Bob and Candies GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1300 May/10/2020 16:24
501 C - K-th Not Divisible by n GNU C++17 (64) binary search math *1200 May/10/2020 16:06
500 F - Binary String Reconstruction GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar math *1500 May/10/2020 16:04
499 G - Special Permutation GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *1600 May/10/2020 15:27
498 B - Same Parity Summands GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1200 May/10/2020 15:24
497 E - Special Elements GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation two pointers *1500 May/10/2020 15:21
496 A - Sum of Round Numbers GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 May/09/2020 20:11
495 B - Книга - лучший подарок GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1100 May/09/2020 10:56
494 C - Skier GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1400 May/07/2020 19:59
493 B - Square? GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation math *900 May/07/2020 19:50
492 A - A+B (Trial Problem) GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 May/07/2020 19:35
491 D - Labyrinth GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths *1800 May/07/2020 16:54
490 B - Azamon Web Services GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1600 May/07/2020 12:57
489 E - Military Problem GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs trees *1600 May/07/2020 12:33
488 C - Hilbert's Hotel GNU C++17 (64) math sortings *1600 May/07/2020 11:00
487 D - Phoenix and Science GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1900 May/05/2020 22:21
486 C - Phoenix and Distribution GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy sortings strings *1600 May/05/2020 22:01
485 B - Phoenix and Beauty GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1400 May/05/2020 21:42
484 C - Modified GCD GNU C++17 (64) binary search number theory *1600 May/02/2020 19:57
483 A - Phoenix and Balance GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 May/02/2020 10:44
482 A - Stones GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *800 Apr/29/2020 16:15
481 B - Binary Period GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms strings *1100 Apr/26/2020 20:22
480 A - Road To Zero GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1000 Apr/26/2020 20:15
479 A - Sum in the tree GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees *1600 Apr/26/2020 16:42
478 F - Three Paths on a Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 Apr/26/2020 12:28
477 C - Lucky Numbers GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math *1100 Apr/25/2020 15:57
476 D - Vus the Cossack and Numbers GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1500 Apr/25/2020 12:35
475 F - Consecutive Subsequence GNU C++17 (64) dp *1700 Apr/25/2020 11:30
474 B - Two-gram GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *900 Apr/25/2020 11:22
473 A - DZY Loves Sequences GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation two pointers *1600 Apr/24/2020 22:04
472 D - Xenia and Bit Operations GNU C++17 (64) data structures trees *1700 Apr/24/2020 16:44
471 C - Nastya and Strange Generator GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1500 Apr/23/2020 21:10
470 B - Nastya and Door GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1300 Apr/23/2020 20:37
469 A - Nastya and Rice GNU C++17 (64) math *900 Apr/23/2020 20:18
468 C1 - Brain Network (easy) GNU C++17 (64) *1300 Apr/23/2020 12:39
467 C2 - Brain Network (medium) GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs trees *1500 Apr/23/2020 12:21
466 C - Cut 'em all! GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs greedy trees *1500 Apr/23/2020 11:51
465 B - JOE is on TV! GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics greedy math *1000 Apr/22/2020 21:57
464 F - Spiders GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy trees *1400 Apr/22/2020 21:29
463 J - Send the Fool Further! (easy) GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs trees *1400 Apr/22/2020 21:09
462 E - Weights Distributing GNU C++17 (64) brute force graphs greedy shortest paths sortings *2100 Apr/22/2020 17:24
461 D - Constant Palindrome Sum GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures greedy two pointers *1700 Apr/22/2020 16:42
460 C - Alternating Subsequence GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy two pointers *1200 Apr/22/2020 12:56
459 D - Equalize the Remainders GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy implementation *1900 Apr/22/2020 11:50
458 B - Balanced Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/21/2020 20:17
457 A - Candies GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *900 Apr/21/2020 20:11
456 C - Alphabetic Removals GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1200 Apr/21/2020 15:40
455 B - Reversing Encryption GNU C++17 (64) implementation *900 Apr/21/2020 15:26
454 A - Mishka and Contest GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation *800 Apr/21/2020 15:22
453 D - Colored Boots GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1500 Apr/20/2020 22:39
452 C2 - Increasing Subsequence (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1700 Apr/20/2020 17:37
451 E - Minimum Array GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy *1700 Apr/20/2020 16:43
450 E - Two Arrays and Sum of Functions GNU C++17 (64) greedy math sortings *1600 Apr/20/2020 16:13
449 D - Walking Robot GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1500 Apr/20/2020 13:16
448 E - Two Teams GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation sortings *1800 Apr/20/2020 12:28
447 B - Make Them Equal GNU C++17 (64) math *1200 Apr/20/2020 11:30
446 A - Restoring Three Numbers GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Apr/20/2020 11:15
445 A - k-Multiple Free Set GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy sortings *1500 Apr/19/2020 22:49
444 D - Kuroni and the Celebration GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar interactive trees *1900 Apr/19/2020 18:34
443 D - Carousel GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dp graphs greedy math *1800 Apr/19/2020 17:34
442 B - Minimum Ternary String GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1400 Apr/18/2020 11:55
441 C - Cow and Message GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp math strings *1500 Apr/17/2020 23:57
440 B - Yet Another Array Partitioning Task GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1500 Apr/17/2020 23:16
439 D - Remove One Element GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp *1500 Apr/17/2020 22:49
438 A - Ichihime and Triangle GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/17/2020 22:15
437 C - Palindrome Transformation GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation *1700 Apr/17/2020 21:54
436 B - Equivalent Strings GNU C++17 (64) divide and conquer hashing sortings strings *1700 Apr/17/2020 18:20
435 C - Another Problem on Strings GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force dp math strings two pointers *1600 Apr/17/2020 17:19
434 A - Tokitsukaze and Discard Items GNU C++17 (64) implementation two pointers *1400 Apr/17/2020 16:36
433 B - Color the Fence GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 Apr/17/2020 15:53
432 B2 - Character Swap (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) strings *1600 Apr/17/2020 12:38
431 C - K-Complete Word GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu greedy implementation strings *1500 Apr/17/2020 11:40
430 C - Alarm Clocks Everywhere GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1300 Apr/16/2020 19:47
429 A - Reverse a Substring GNU C++17 (64) implementation sortings strings *1000 Apr/16/2020 15:34
428 D - Xenia and Colorful Gems GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures implementation math sortings *1700 Apr/16/2020 14:20
427 D - Welfare State GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1600 Apr/16/2020 11:04
426 B - Kana and Dragon Quest game GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *900 Apr/16/2020 10:06
425 C - Linova and Kingdom GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy sortings trees *1600 Apr/16/2020 10:05
424 C - Minimum Value Rectangle GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1600 Apr/15/2020 12:37
423 D - Mouse Hunt GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs *1700 Apr/15/2020 11:32
422 A - Palindromic Twist GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *1000 Apr/15/2020 10:18
421 C - System Administrator GNU C++17 (64) graphs *1700 Apr/14/2020 19:53
420 B - Network Topology GNU C++17 (64) graphs implementation *1200 Apr/14/2020 19:20
419 B - Road Construction GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms graphs *1300 Apr/14/2020 19:08
418 E2 - Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures dp two pointers *1800 Apr/14/2020 18:58
417 E1 - Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version) GNU C++17 binary search brute force data structures dp two pointers *1700 Apr/13/2020 21:01
416 D - Anti-Sudoku GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1300 Apr/13/2020 20:42
415 C - Two Teams Composing GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation sortings *1100 Apr/13/2020 20:27
414 B - Construct the String GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *900 Apr/13/2020 20:14
413 A - Candies and Two Sisters GNU C++17 math *800 Apr/13/2020 20:07
412 C - Eugene and an array GNU C++17 binary search data structures implementation two pointers *1700 Apr/13/2020 12:04
411 A - Filling Diamonds GNU C++17 brute force dp implementation math *900 Apr/13/2020 11:49
410 C - Powered Addition GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force greedy *1500 Apr/13/2020 11:39
409 B - Sorted Adjacent Differences GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1200 Apr/13/2020 11:14
408 C - Circle of Monsters GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 Apr/11/2020 06:01
407 B - Middle Class GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1100 Apr/10/2020 20:16
406 A - Level Statistics GNU C++17 implementation math *1200 Apr/10/2020 20:10
405 C - Developing Skills GNU C++17 implementation math sortings *1400 Apr/10/2020 16:01
404 D1 - Equalizing by Division (easy version) GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1500 Apr/10/2020 12:09
403 D2 - Equalizing by Division (hard version) GNU C++17 brute force math sortings *1600 Apr/10/2020 12:08
402 C - Find Amir GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1000 Apr/10/2020 11:24
401 B - Minimum number of steps GNU C++17 combinatorics greedy implementation math *1400 Apr/10/2020 11:09
400 A - Mafia GNU C++17 binary search math sortings *1600 Apr/10/2020 10:54
399 C - A and B and Team Training GNU C++17 greedy implementation math number theory *1300 Apr/10/2020 10:34
398 B - Kind Anton GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Apr/08/2020 20:19
397 A - Little Artem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1000 Apr/08/2020 20:12
396 A - ABC Swap Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Apr/04/2020 17:31
395 C - Equalize GNU C++17 dp greedy strings *1300 Apr/03/2020 12:59
394 C - k-Tree GNU C++17 dp implementation trees *1600 Apr/03/2020 12:16
393 B - Marvolo Gaunt's Ring GNU C++17 brute force data structures dp *1500 Apr/02/2020 13:22
392 A - Vacations GNU C++17 dp *1400 Apr/02/2020 12:46
391 B - Limericks GNU C++17 math number theory Apr/01/2020 20:53
390 D - Again? GNU C++17 implementation Apr/01/2020 20:40
389 A - Is it rated? GNU C++17 Apr/01/2020 20:22
388 A - Escape from Stones GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures implementation two pointers *1200 Apr/01/2020 19:36
387 C - Meaningless Operations GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 Apr/01/2020 16:36
386 B - Tape GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1400 Apr/01/2020 16:02
385 B - Composite Coloring GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1400 Apr/01/2020 13:40
384 D - Little Girl and Maximum XOR GNU C++17 bitmasks dp greedy implementation math *1700 Mar/30/2020 17:49
383 D - Mysterious Present GNU C++17 dp sortings *1700 Mar/29/2020 16:08
382 B - Sonya and Exhibition GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1300 Mar/29/2020 12:03
381 B - A and B GNU C++17 greedy math *1500 Mar/29/2020 11:16
380 E - Red and Green Apples C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *500 Mar/29/2020 11:04
379 D - Line++ C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *400 Mar/29/2020 10:23
378 C - Traveling Salesman around Lake Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *300 Mar/28/2020 17:41
377 B - Golden Coins Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Mar/28/2020 17:33
376 A - Coffee Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Mar/28/2020 17:31
375 E - Tree Queries GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *1900 Mar/28/2020 12:16
374 A - XORinacci GNU C++17 math *900 Mar/27/2020 22:22
373 A - Fly GNU C++17 binary search math *1500 Mar/27/2020 22:16
372 C - Maximum Median GNU C++17 binary search greedy math sortings *1400 Mar/27/2020 21:30
371 C - Edgy Trees GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs math trees *1500 Mar/27/2020 16:39
370 A - Timofey and a tree GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp dsu graphs implementation trees *1600 Mar/27/2020 15:51
369 B - K-th Beautiful String GNU C++17 binary search brute force combinatorics implementation math *1300 Mar/26/2020 20:50
368 C - Ternary XOR GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1200 Mar/26/2020 20:20
367 A - Divisibility Problem GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/26/2020 20:06
366 D - Roads not only in Berland GNU C++17 dsu graphs trees *1900 Mar/26/2020 17:35
365 B - Bear and Forgotten Tree 3 GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs trees *1600 Mar/26/2020 16:20
364 B - Cthulhu GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1500 Mar/26/2020 15:53
363 A - Hongcow Builds A Nation GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs *1500 Mar/26/2020 12:40
362 D - Igor In the Museum GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *1700 Mar/26/2020 11:50
361 C - Connect GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar dsu *1400 Mar/26/2020 11:22
360 C - Swap Adjacent Elements GNU C++17 dfs and similar greedy math sortings two pointers *1400 Mar/26/2020 11:02
359 B - Bear and Three Musketeers GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs hashing *1500 Mar/26/2020 10:54
358 C - Queen GNU C++17 dfs and similar trees *1400 Mar/26/2020 10:52
357 D - Colorful Graph GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs *1600 Mar/25/2020 21:47
356 C - Valera and Elections GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *1600 Mar/25/2020 17:57
355 A - Xor-tree GNU C++17 dfs and similar trees *1300 Mar/25/2020 15:35
354 B - The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed GNU C++17 binary search *1600 Mar/25/2020 12:50
353 C - Andryusha and Colored Balloons GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1600 Mar/25/2020 12:12
352 B - New Year Permutation GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy math sortings *1600 Mar/24/2020 17:46
351 D - Valid BFS? GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs shortest paths trees *1700 Mar/24/2020 17:18
350 A - Sonya and Queries GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1400 Mar/24/2020 12:27
349 C - Game with Chips GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1600 Mar/24/2020 11:45
348 E - Count The Blocks GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1800 Mar/24/2020 11:41
347 B - Princesses and Princes GNU C++17 brute force graphs greedy *1200 Mar/23/2020 20:31
346 A - Sum of Odd Integers GNU C++17 math *1100 Mar/23/2020 20:12
345 C - Maximum Volume C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *300 Mar/22/2020 17:52
344 D - Banned K C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *400 Mar/22/2020 17:46
343 B - String Palindrome Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Mar/22/2020 17:35
342 A - The Number of Even Pairs Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Mar/22/2020 17:31
341 B - Bash's Big Day GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1400 Mar/22/2020 16:29
340 C - Summarize to the Power of Two GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *1300 Mar/22/2020 16:03
339 B1 - K for the Price of One (Easy Version) GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *1400 Mar/21/2020 17:35
338 D2 - Magic Powder - 2 GNU C++17 binary search implementation *1500 Mar/21/2020 17:08
337 D1 - Magic Powder - 1 GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation *1400 Mar/21/2020 17:05
336 B - Karen and Coffee GNU C++17 binary search data structures implementation *1400 Mar/21/2020 16:11
335 C - Constanze's Machine GNU C++17 dp *1400 Mar/21/2020 12:59
334 D1 - Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Easy version) GNU C++17 hashing string suffix structures strings *1500 Mar/20/2020 17:48
333 C - Permutation Partitions GNU C++17 combinatorics greedy math *1300 Mar/20/2020 13:23
332 B - Maximums GNU C++17 implementation math *900 Mar/20/2020 13:14
331 A - Bad Ugly Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms number theory *1000 Mar/20/2020 13:11
330 C - The Child and Toy GNU C++17 graphs greedy sortings *1400 Mar/19/2020 19:31
329 A - NP-Hard Problem GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs *1500 Mar/19/2020 14:41
328 D - Caesar's Legions GNU C++17 dp *1700 Mar/19/2020 13:29
327 C - Basketball Exercise GNU C++17 dp *1400 Mar/19/2020 12:27
326 B - Mashmokh and ACM GNU C++17 combinatorics dp number theory *1400 Mar/19/2020 12:08
325 B - Han Solo and Lazer Gun GNU C++17 brute force data structures geometry implementation math *1400 Mar/19/2020 11:45
324 A - Winner GNU C++17 hashing implementation *1500 Mar/19/2020 11:20
323 B - The least round way GNU C++17 dp math *2000 Mar/18/2020 20:02
322 B - File Name GNU C++17 greedy strings *800 Mar/18/2020 16:45
321 D - Almost Arithmetic Progression GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1500 Mar/18/2020 16:40
320 C - Letters GNU C++17 binary search implementation two pointers *1000 Mar/18/2020 16:26
319 E - Bus Video System GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1400 Mar/18/2020 16:18
318 F - Mentors GNU C++17 binary search data structures implementation *1500 Mar/18/2020 15:51
317 A - Bear and Prime 100 GNU C++17 constructive algorithms interactive math *1400 Mar/17/2020 18:34
316 B - Mahmoud and Ehab and the bipartiteness GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *1300 Mar/17/2020 17:51
315 C - Three displays GNU C++17 brute force dp implementation *1400 Mar/17/2020 17:26
314 A - Oh Those Palindromes GNU C++17 constructive algorithms strings *1300 Mar/17/2020 13:11
313 A - Little Elephant and Problem GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1300 Mar/17/2020 12:56
312 C - News Distribution GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1400 Mar/17/2020 12:42
311 C - Polycarp Restores Permutation GNU C++17 math *1500 Mar/17/2020 12:04
310 A - Points on Line GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics two pointers *1300 Mar/17/2020 11:33
309 B - Optimal Point on a Line GNU C++17 brute force sortings *1400 Mar/15/2020 19:35
308 B - Chris and Magic Square GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Mar/15/2020 19:18
307 B - Polycarp Training GNU C++17 data structures greedy sortings *1000 Mar/15/2020 15:57
306 C - Good String Python 3 greedy *1300 Mar/15/2020 15:52
305 C - Common Divisors GNU C++17 implementation math *1300 Mar/15/2020 15:36
304 D - Ehab the Xorcist GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1700 Mar/15/2020 11:07
303 C - Ehab and Path-etic MEXs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees *1500 Mar/14/2020 21:02
302 B - CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Mar/14/2020 20:10
301 A - EhAb AnD gCd Python 3 constructive algorithms greedy number theory *800 Mar/14/2020 20:07
300 C - Sqrt Inequality Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *300 Mar/14/2020 17:53
299 A - Kth Term Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Mar/14/2020 17:31
298 B - Journey Planning GNU C++17 data structures sortings *1400 Mar/14/2020 16:34
297 C - Remove Adjacent GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *1600 Mar/14/2020 16:20
296 C - Stripe GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1200 Mar/13/2020 12:52
295 B - Our Tanya is Crying Out Loud GNU C++17 dp greedy *1400 Mar/13/2020 12:10
294 B - Mike and Fun GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy implementation *1400 Mar/13/2020 11:47
293 B - Strongly Connected City GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs implementation *1400 Mar/13/2020 11:22
292 D - Pair of Topics GNU C++17 binary search data structures sortings two pointers *1400 Mar/12/2020 19:17
291 C - Frog Jumps GNU C++17 binary search data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation *1100 Mar/12/2020 18:53
290 B - Yet Another Palindrome Problem GNU C++17 brute force strings *1100 Mar/12/2020 18:42
289 A - Yet Another Tetris Problem Python 3 implementation number theory *900 Mar/12/2020 18:38
288 D - Diverse Garland GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy *1400 Mar/12/2020 13:09
287 C - The World is a Theatre GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1400 Mar/12/2020 12:44
286 B - Chat Order GNU C++17 *special problem binary search constructive algorithms data structures sortings *1200 Mar/12/2020 12:32
285 B - Powers of Two GNU C++17 brute force data structures implementation math *1500 Mar/12/2020 12:26
284 B - Pasha and Tea GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation math sortings *1500 Mar/11/2020 22:25
283 A - Link/Cut Tree GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1500 Mar/11/2020 21:35
282 B - Cow and Friend GNU C++17 geometry greedy math *1300 Mar/11/2020 17:48
281 B - Nick and Array GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1500 Mar/11/2020 16:08
280 D - Binary String Minimizing GNU C++17 greedy *1500 Mar/11/2020 13:26
279 C - New Year and Domino GNU C++17 dp implementation *1500 Mar/11/2020 12:04
278 C - Hexadecimal's Numbers Python 3 brute force implementation math *1200 Mar/10/2020 22:15
277 B - Sagheer, the Hausmeister GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force dp *1600 Mar/10/2020 21:51
276 C - Sagheer and Nubian Market GNU C++17 binary search sortings *1500 Mar/10/2020 19:49
275 B - Chloe and the sequence GNU C++17 binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms implementation *1200 Mar/10/2020 19:29
274 C - Vladik and fractions GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 Mar/10/2020 19:11
273 B - Suffix Structures Python 3 implementation strings *1400 Mar/10/2020 19:03
272 B - Burning Midnight Oil GNU C++17 binary search implementation *1500 Mar/10/2020 18:41
271 C - They Are Everywhere GNU C++17 binary search strings two pointers *1500 Mar/10/2020 18:20
270 E - Boxers GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1500 Mar/10/2020 17:21
269 B - Vasya and Wrestling GNU C++17 implementation *1400 Mar/10/2020 16:59
268 A - Two Regular Polygons GNU C++17 geometry greedy math number theory *800 Mar/09/2020 22:31
267 B - Bogosort GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Mar/09/2020 22:28
266 C - Adding Powers GNU C++17 bitmasks greedy implementation math number theory ternary search *1400 Mar/09/2020 22:24
265 C - Mashmokh and Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1500 Mar/09/2020 22:01
264 C - Geometric Progression GNU C++17 binary search data structures dp *1700 Mar/09/2020 19:33
263 A - Bits GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms *1700 Mar/09/2020 18:29
262 B - Pasha and String GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math strings *1400 Mar/09/2020 17:33
261 A - Functions again GNU C++17 dp two pointers *1600 Mar/09/2020 17:04
260 D - Distinct Characters Queries GNU C++17 data structures *1600 Mar/09/2020 12:36
259 A - New Year Transportation GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs implementation *1000 Mar/09/2020 12:06
258 C - Candies GNU C++17 binary search implementation *1500 Mar/08/2020 20:17
257 A - Greg and Array GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1400 Mar/07/2020 19:22
256 D - String Formation C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *400 Mar/07/2020 18:00
255 B - Count Balls Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Mar/07/2020 17:35
254 A - Station and Bus Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Mar/07/2020 17:31
253 C - Kuroni and Impossible Calculation GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics math number theory *1600 Mar/04/2020 17:15
252 B - Kuroni and Simple Strings GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy strings two pointers *1200 Mar/04/2020 17:09
251 A - Kuroni and the Gifts Python 3 brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings *800 Mar/03/2020 20:08
250 D - Almost All Divisors GNU C++17 math number theory *1600 Feb/29/2020 15:49
249 B - Arpa’s obvious problem and Mehrdad’s terrible solution GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1500 Feb/29/2020 15:06
248 B - Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp dsu graphs *1400 Feb/27/2020 13:27
247 A - The Two Routes GNU C++17 graphs shortest paths *1600 Feb/27/2020 13:07
246 C - Lunar New Year and Number Division GNU C++17 greedy implementation math sortings *900 Feb/27/2020 12:23
245 D - Lunar New Year and a Wander GNU C++17 data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths *1500 Feb/27/2020 12:19
244 C - Fox And Names GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs sortings *1600 Feb/26/2020 20:56
243 D - Eternal Victory GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths trees *1800 Feb/26/2020 19:34
242 B - WeirdSort GNU C++17 dfs and similar sortings *1200 Feb/25/2020 17:40
241 D - Three Integers GNU C++17 brute force math *2000 Feb/25/2020 17:20
240 C - Perform the Combo GNU C++17 brute force *1300 Feb/24/2020 20:39
239 A - Add Odd or Subtract Even Python 3 greedy implementation math *800 Feb/24/2020 20:08
238 A - Dead Pixel GNU C++17 implementation *800 Feb/24/2020 19:41
237 C - Restoring Permutation GNU C++17 greedy *1200 Feb/24/2020 19:28
236 A - Bear and Friendship Condition GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1500 Feb/23/2020 18:50
235 A - Fast Food Restaurant Python 3 brute force greedy implementation *900 Feb/23/2020 15:27
234 C1 - Skyscrapers (easy version) GNU C++17 brute force data structures dp greedy *1500 Feb/23/2020 15:08
233 A - Vasya and Petya's Game GNU C++17 math number theory *1500 Feb/23/2020 12:06
232 C - Hard Process GNU C++17 binary search dp two pointers *1600 Feb/23/2020 11:15
231 C - Vasya and String GNU C++17 binary search dp strings two pointers *1500 Feb/23/2020 11:04
230 C - Divisibility by Eight Python 3 brute force dp math *1500 Feb/22/2020 22:06
229 B - Preparing Olympiad Python 3 bitmasks brute force *1400 Feb/22/2020 21:22
228 A - Vitaly and Strings GNU C++17 constructive algorithms strings *1600 Feb/21/2020 18:48
227 C - The Number Of Good Substrings GNU C++17 binary search bitmasks brute force *1700 Feb/21/2020 17:42
226 C - Friends and Gifts GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures math *1500 Feb/21/2020 17:18
225 D - Soldier and Number Game GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp math number theory *1700 Feb/21/2020 16:31
224 B - Zmei Gorynich GNU C++17 greedy math *1600 Feb/21/2020 13:08
223 D - Taxes GNU C++17 math number theory *1600 Feb/19/2020 18:09
222 A - Local Extrema GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Feb/19/2020 17:44
221 D - Dr. Evil Underscores GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force dfs and similar divide and conquer dp greedy strings trees *1900 Feb/18/2020 16:46
220 C - Ayoub's function GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics greedy math strings *1700 Feb/17/2020 18:36
219 C - Air Conditioner GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation sortings two pointers *1500 Feb/15/2020 19:49
218 B - Longest Palindrome GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1100 Feb/15/2020 18:56
217 A - Two Rabbits Python 3 math *800 Feb/15/2020 18:40
216 B - Motarack's Birthday GNU C++17 binary search greedy ternary search *1500 Feb/15/2020 16:45
215 A - Three Strings Python 3 implementation strings *800 Feb/13/2020 20:07
214 C - Anu Has a Function GNU C++17 greedy math *1500 Feb/12/2020 18:38
213 A - Frog 1 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/08/2020 16:34
212 E - Tetrahedron GNU C++17 dp math matrices *1500 Feb/07/2020 12:30
211 D - Flowers GNU C++17 dp *1700 Feb/07/2020 12:00
210 F - LCS C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/06/2020 18:25
209 H - Grid 1 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/06/2020 17:47
208 D - Knapsack 1 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/06/2020 17:04
207 C - Vacation C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/06/2020 16:15
206 B - Frog 2 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/06/2020 16:06
205 D - Fight with Monsters GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1500 Feb/04/2020 21:05
204 C - Yet Another Walking Robot GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1500 Feb/04/2020 20:30
203 B - Food Buying Python 3 math *900 Feb/04/2020 20:16
202 A - Array with Odd Sum Python 3 math *800 Feb/04/2020 20:11
201 A - Sweet Problem GNU C++17 math *1100 Feb/02/2020 11:05
200 C - Table Decorations GNU C++17 greedy *1800 Feb/02/2020 11:01
199 C - Dijkstra? GNU C++17 graphs shortest paths *1900 Feb/02/2020 10:38
198 B - Infinite Prefixes GNU C++17 math strings *1700 Feb/01/2020 17:44
197 D - Same GCDs GNU C++17 math number theory *1800 Feb/01/2020 16:55
196 C - Obtain The String GNU C++17 dp greedy strings *1600 Feb/01/2020 16:41
195 E - Obtain a Permutation GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *1900 Jan/29/2020 18:58
194 D - MEX maximizing GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation math *1600 Jan/23/2020 19:58
193 C - Product of Three Numbers GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1300 Jan/22/2020 20:46
192 B - Collecting Packages Python 3 implementation sortings *1200 Jan/22/2020 20:21
191 A - Collecting Coins Python 3 math *800 Jan/22/2020 20:11
190 C - NEKO's Maze Game GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Jan/22/2020 17:50
189 A - New Password GNU C++17 *special problem implementation *800 Jan/21/2020 10:54
188 A - Cut Ribbon GNU C++17 brute force dp *1300 Jan/20/2020 18:32
187 A - ConneR and the A.R.C. Markland-N GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation *1100 Jan/19/2020 19:17
186 C - Low Elements Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *300 Jan/19/2020 17:30
185 B - Comparing Strings Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Jan/19/2020 17:23
184 A - AC or WA Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Jan/19/2020 17:21
183 B - Yet Another Meme Problem GNU C++17 math *1100 Jan/15/2020 12:22
182 A - Cloning Toys GNU C++17 implementation *1300 Jan/14/2020 16:48
181 C - Good Array GNU C++17 *1300 Jan/14/2020 16:30
180 A - Next Test GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1200 Jan/14/2020 15:52
179 A - Reposts GNU C++17 *special problem dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1200 Jan/14/2020 15:23
178 B - Complete the Word GNU C++17 greedy two pointers *1300 Jan/13/2020 20:24
177 C - Beautiful Sets of Points GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1500 Jan/13/2020 19:35
176 A - k-th divisor GNU C++17 math number theory *1400 Jan/13/2020 19:15
175 B - Pillars GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1000 Jan/12/2020 12:42
174 C - Array Splitting GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1400 Jan/12/2020 12:30
173 A - Mezo Playing Zoma Python 3 math *800 Jan/12/2020 11:56
172 B - Zero Array GNU C++17 greedy math *1500 Jan/11/2020 19:49
171 B - Just Eat It! GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation *1300 Jan/11/2020 19:08
170 C - Fadi and LCM GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1400 Jan/10/2020 20:10
169 C - Count Order Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *300 Jan/10/2020 17:42
168 B - Count ABC Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Jan/10/2020 17:37
167 A - 500 Yen Coins Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Jan/10/2020 17:36
166 B - Duff in Love GNU C++17 math *1300 Jan/08/2020 19:42
165 A - Watchmen GNU C++17 data structures geometry math *1400 Jan/07/2020 19:21
164 A - Angry Students Python 3 greedy implementation *800 Jan/05/2020 19:46
163 A - Almost Prime GNU C++17 number theory *900 Jan/05/2020 12:55
162 B - Before an Exam GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1200 Jan/05/2020 12:22
161 A - New Year and Naming Python 3 implementation strings *800 Jan/04/2020 17:40
160 B - Quasi Binary GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy implementation *1400 Jan/04/2020 17:15
159 A - Bear and Poker GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1300 Jan/04/2020 17:02
158 B - Kefa and Company GNU C++17 binary search sortings two pointers *1500 Jan/03/2020 13:08
157 C - Woodcutters GNU C++17 dp greedy *1500 Jan/03/2020 12:25
156 B - Amr and Pins Python 3 geometry math *1400 Jan/03/2020 12:13
155 C - Ice Cave GNU C++17 dfs and similar *2000 Jan/03/2020 12:02
154 D - Queue GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1300 Jan/02/2020 16:51
153 C - Powers Of Two GNU C++17 bitmasks greedy *1400 Jan/02/2020 16:36
152 A - Love Triangle GNU C++17 graphs *800 Jan/02/2020 12:50
151 E - Cyclic Components GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1500 Jan/02/2020 12:44
150 C - Make Good GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms math *1400 Dec/30/2019 16:38
149 B - Interesting Subarray GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 Dec/29/2019 20:01
148 A - Card Game Python 3 games greedy math *800 Dec/29/2019 19:38
147 C - Next Prime C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *300 Dec/29/2019 16:52
146 B - Greedy Takahashi Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Dec/29/2019 16:35
145 A - Strings Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Dec/29/2019 16:32
144 B - Candies Division Python 3 math *900 Dec/28/2019 22:40
143 A - Minutes Before the New Year Python 3 math *800 Dec/28/2019 22:37
142 A - Equation Python 3 brute force math *800 Dec/21/2019 16:37
141 E - Two Fairs GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs *1900 Dec/16/2019 19:18
140 A - Suffix Three Python 3 implementation *800 Dec/15/2019 10:38
139 B - Make Them Odd GNU C++17 greedy number theory *1200 Dec/14/2019 16:53
138 A - Happy Birthday, Polycarp! Python 3 implementation *1000 Dec/14/2019 16:42
137 C - Yet Another Broken Keyboard Python 3 combinatorics dp implementation *1200 Dec/12/2019 19:39
136 A - Three Friends Python 3 brute force greedy math sortings *900 Dec/12/2019 19:27
135 B - Beautiful Numbers GNU C++17 data structures implementation math two pointers *1300 Dec/06/2019 12:14
134 A - Beautiful String GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1000 Dec/05/2019 20:24
133 C - Journey GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp graphs probabilities trees *1500 Dec/03/2019 11:30
132 A - Protect Sheep GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs implementation *900 Dec/02/2019 16:35
131 D - Divide by three, multiply by two GNU C++17 dfs and similar math sortings *1400 Dec/02/2019 11:42
130 D - Secret Passwords GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1500 Dec/01/2019 22:02
129 C - Rumor GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy *1300 Dec/01/2019 17:50
128 A - Learning Languages GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu *1400 Dec/01/2019 17:10
127 B - Random Teams GNU C++17 combinatorics constructive algorithms greedy math *1300 Dec/01/2019 16:27
126 B - Cormen --- The Best Friend Of a Man GNU C++17 dp greedy *1000 Dec/01/2019 12:11
125 C - Everyone is a Winner! GNU C++17 binary search math meet-in-the-middle number theory *1400 Nov/29/2019 21:17
124 B - PIN Codes Python 3 greedy implementation *1400 Nov/29/2019 20:31
123 A - Two Substrings GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy implementation strings *1500 Nov/29/2019 18:03
122 C - Number of Ways GNU C++17 binary search brute force data structures dp two pointers *1700 Nov/29/2019 17:35
121 A - Hit the Lottery GNU C++17 dp greedy *800 Nov/29/2019 17:05
120 A - Boredom GNU C++17 dp *1500 Nov/29/2019 17:01
119 A - Kefa and First Steps GNU C++17 brute force dp implementation *900 Nov/29/2019 16:35
118 A - Heating Python 3 math *1000 Nov/27/2019 19:37
117 C - Booking System GNU C++17 binary search dp greedy implementation *1600 Nov/27/2019 13:27
116 B - Little Pony and Sort by Shift GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Nov/26/2019 18:41
115 B - Physics Practical GNU C++17 binary search dp sortings two pointers *1400 Nov/26/2019 18:24
114 B - Ping-Pong (Easy Version) GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs *1500 Nov/26/2019 17:08
113 C - Soldier and Cards GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar games *1400 Nov/26/2019 11:22
112 A - Maze GNU C++17 dfs and similar *1600 Nov/25/2019 20:01
111 B - DZY Loves Chemistry GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu greedy *1400 Nov/25/2019 15:24
110 A - DZY Loves Chessboard GNU C++17 dfs and similar implementation *1200 Nov/25/2019 14:41
109 C - Kefa and Park GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *1500 Nov/25/2019 13:39
108 A - Party GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *900 Nov/25/2019 12:50
107 B - Two Buttons GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation math shortest paths *1400 Nov/24/2019 19:14
106 B - ROT N Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Nov/24/2019 17:36
105 A - Can't Wait for Holiday Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Nov/24/2019 17:32
104 B - Array GNU C++17 bitmasks implementation two pointers *1500 Nov/21/2019 15:39
103 C - Sweets Eating GNU C++17 dp greedy math sortings *1500 Nov/20/2019 20:31
102 B - Polo the Penguin and Matrix GNU C++17 brute force dp implementation sortings ternary search *1400 Nov/19/2019 20:02
101 A - Funky Numbers GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation *1300 Nov/19/2019 11:44
100 A - Factory GNU C++17 implementation math matrices *1400 Nov/18/2019 20:14
99 C - Fixing Typos GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1400 Nov/18/2019 19:52
98 C - Vanya and Exams GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1400 Nov/18/2019 16:26
97 C - Median GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *1500 Nov/18/2019 16:02
96 A - Counting Kangaroos is Fun GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings two pointers *1600 Nov/18/2019 15:36
95 A - Single Push Python 3 implementation *1000 Nov/16/2019 20:25
94 A - LCM Challenge GNU C++17 number theory *1600 Nov/16/2019 18:14
93 B - Binary Palindromes GNU C++17 greedy strings *1400 Nov/16/2019 18:08
92 B - Echo Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Nov/16/2019 17:35
91 A - Circle Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Nov/16/2019 17:33
90 B - Sereja and Array GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Nov/16/2019 16:18
89 B - Sereja and Suffixes GNU C++17 data structures dp *1100 Nov/16/2019 16:03
88 B - Pashmak and Flowers Python 3 combinatorics implementation sortings *1300 Nov/16/2019 15:50
87 B - Fixed Points GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1100 Nov/16/2019 13:18
86 C - Building Permutation GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1200 Nov/16/2019 12:57
85 B - Little Girl and Game GNU C++17 games greedy *1300 Nov/16/2019 12:23
84 B - Ciel and Flowers PyPy 3 combinatorics math *1600 Nov/15/2019 18:53
83 B - Prime Matrix GNU C++17 binary search brute force math number theory *1300 Nov/15/2019 17:15
82 B - Books GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1400 Nov/15/2019 16:34
81 C - Little Girl and Maximum Sum GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation sortings *1500 Nov/15/2019 16:07
80 C - Dominated Subarray GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings strings two pointers *1200 Nov/14/2019 11:25
79 B - Magic Stick Python 3 math *1000 Nov/13/2019 20:25
78 A - Two Rival Students Python 3 greedy math *800 Nov/13/2019 20:12
77 C - Exams Python 3 greedy sortings *1400 Nov/13/2019 19:43
76 C - XOR and OR Python 3 constructive algorithms implementation math *1500 Nov/13/2019 19:16
75 B - Coach Python 3 brute force dfs and similar graphs *1500 Nov/11/2019 17:00
74 A - Dima and Continuous Line Python 3 brute force implementation *1400 Nov/11/2019 16:10
73 B - Fox Dividing Cheese Python 3 math number theory *1300 Nov/11/2019 15:50
72 B - Valera and Fruits Python 3 greedy implementation *1400 Nov/11/2019 12:49
71 B - Flag Day Python 3 constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Nov/11/2019 12:11
70 B - Jzzhu and Sequences Python 3 implementation math *1300 Nov/10/2019 18:00
69 C - Hamburgers Python 3 binary search brute force *1600 Nov/10/2019 17:35
68 A - Sereja and Bottles Python 3 brute force *1400 Nov/09/2019 21:00
67 B - Little Dima and Equation Python 3 brute force implementation math number theory *1500 Nov/09/2019 18:12
66 A - Sum of Two Integers Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Nov/09/2019 17:32
65 B - Painting Eggs GNU C++17 greedy math *1500 Nov/09/2019 16:59
64 A - Dragons Python 3 greedy sortings *1000 Nov/09/2019 16:34
63 A - Fancy Fence Python 3 geometry implementation math *1100 Nov/09/2019 16:28
62 B - Sale Python 3 greedy sortings *900 Nov/09/2019 16:20
61 A - Slightly Decreasing Permutations Python 3 greedy implementation *1100 Nov/09/2019 16:15
60 A - Jeff and Digits Python 3 brute force implementation math *1000 Nov/09/2019 16:03
59 A - I_love_%username% Python 3 brute force *800 Nov/09/2019 14:09
58 A - Blackjack Python 3 implementation *800 Nov/09/2019 13:55
57 A - Ultra-Fast Mathematician Python 3 implementation *800 Nov/09/2019 13:46
56 A - Beautiful Matrix Python 3 implementation *800 Nov/09/2019 13:37
55 A - Arrival of the General Python 3 implementation *800 Nov/09/2019 13:33
54 B - Taxi Python 3 *special problem greedy implementation *1100 Nov/08/2019 18:35
53 B - Ilya and Queries GNU C++17 dp implementation *1100 Nov/08/2019 17:26
52 B - Interesting drink GNU C++17 binary search dp implementation *1100 Nov/07/2019 18:54
51 A - Flipping Game PyPy 3 brute force dp implementation *1200 Nov/07/2019 18:24
50 B1 - Character Swap (Easy Version) Python 3 strings *1000 Nov/06/2019 20:54
49 A - Maximum Square Python 3 implementation *800 Nov/06/2019 20:44
48 B - Minimize the Permutation Python 3 greedy *1400 Nov/04/2019 19:02
47 A - Payment Without Change Python 3 math *1000 Nov/04/2019 18:50
46 B - BerSU Ball Python 3 dfs and similar dp graph matchings greedy sortings two pointers *1200 Oct/29/2019 22:02
45 B1 - TV Subscriptions (Easy Version) Python 3 implementation *1000 Oct/26/2019 17:16
44 B2 - TV Subscriptions (Hard Version) Python 3 implementation two pointers *1300 Oct/26/2019 17:15
43 A - Forgetting Things Python 3 math *900 Oct/26/2019 16:48
42 B - Long Number Python 3 greedy *1300 Oct/25/2019 20:01
41 C1 - Increasing Subsequence (easy version) GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Oct/25/2019 19:39
40 A - Broken Keyboard Python 3 brute force strings two pointers *1000 Oct/24/2019 21:12
39 D - Candy Box (easy version) GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1400 Oct/24/2019 19:43
38 E - By Elevator or Stairs? GNU C++17 dp shortest paths *1700 Oct/24/2019 19:15
37 B2 - Books Exchange (hard version) GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu math *1300 Oct/24/2019 18:23
36 B1 - Books Exchange (easy version) GNU C++14 dsu math *1000 Oct/22/2019 21:30
35 C2 - Good Numbers (hard version) Python 3 binary search greedy math meet-in-the-middle *1500 Oct/22/2019 20:54
34 C1 - Good Numbers (easy version) Python 3 brute force greedy implementation *1300 Oct/22/2019 20:50
33 A - Yet Another Dividing into Teams Python 3 math *800 Oct/22/2019 20:10
32 C - Slimes Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *300 Oct/19/2019 17:46
31 B - TAKOYAKI FESTIVAL 2019 Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Oct/19/2019 17:34
30 A - Curtain Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Oct/19/2019 17:31
29 B - Worms Python 3 binary search implementation *1200 Oct/19/2019 17:16
28 B - T-primes Python 3 binary search implementation math number theory *1300 Oct/19/2019 16:51
27 C - Given Length and Sum of Digits... Python 3 dp greedy implementation *1400 Oct/17/2019 17:47
26 A - IQ test Python 3 brute force *1300 Oct/17/2019 16:51
25 A - Theatre Square PyPy 3 math *1000 Oct/17/2019 16:47
24 A - Balanced Rating Changes Python 3 implementation math *1000 Oct/16/2019 20:13
23 A - Distinct Digits PyPy 3 brute force implementation *800 Sep/29/2019 18:40
22 D - Disjoint Set of Common Divisors Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *400 Sep/28/2019 19:07
21 C - Go to School Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *300 Sep/28/2019 19:00
20 B - Roller Coaster Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Sep/28/2019 18:53
19 A - Odds of Oddness Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Sep/28/2019 18:51
18 A - Dawid and Bags of Candies PyPy 3 brute force implementation *800 Sep/23/2019 19:45
17 C - Registration System PyPy 3 data structures hashing implementation *1300 Sep/22/2019 12:45
16 D - Swords PyPy 3 math *1300 Sep/22/2019 12:18
15 B - Knights Python 3 constructive algorithms greedy *1100 Sep/21/2019 22:01
14 C - Perfect Team Python 3 binary search math *1200 Sep/21/2019 21:59
13 B - Shooting Python 3 greedy implementation sortings *900 Sep/21/2019 13:04
12 A - Prefixes GNU C++11 strings *800 Sep/21/2019 12:44
11 A - 2048 Game Python 3 brute force greedy math *1000 Sep/19/2019 20:34
10 B - Multiplication Table Python 3 math number theory *1300 Sep/18/2019 22:02
9 A - Cards Python 3 implementation sortings strings *800 Sep/18/2019 21:40
8 A - Next Round Python 3 *special problem implementation *800 Sep/18/2019 21:26
7 B - One Clue Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *200 Aug/10/2019 17:37
6 A - +-x Python3 (3.4.3) AtCoder *100 Aug/10/2019 17:32
5 A - Three Piles of Candies Python 3 brute force constructive algorithms math *800 Jul/25/2019 18:33
4 B - Equalize Prices Python 3 math *900 Jun/26/2019 20:45
3 A - Nearest Interesting Number Python 3 implementation *800 Jun/26/2019 20:35
2 A - Stock Arbitraging Python 3 greedy implementation *800 Apr/29/2019 20:41
1 A - Reachable Numbers Python 3 implementation *1100 Apr/26/2019 20:18


A repository to keep track of my problem solving practice, containing solutions from Codeforces and Atcoder.






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