diff --git a/src/plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/components/tag_cloud_visualization.tsx b/src/plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/components/tag_cloud_visualization.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..304bd641fd658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/components/tag_cloud_visualization.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import * as Rx from 'rxjs';
+import { take } from 'rxjs/operators';
+import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom';
+import { I18nProvider } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import { getFormatService } from '../services';
+import { Label } from './label';
+import { TagCloud } from './tag_cloud';
+import { FeedbackMessage } from './feedback_message';
+const MAX_TAG_COUNT = 200;
+export function createTagCloudVisualization({ colors }: { colors: any }) {
+ const colorScale = d3.scale.ordinal().range(colors.seedColors);
+ return class TagCloudVisualization<> {
+ _containerNode: any;
+ _vis: any;
+ _truncated: boolean;
+ _tagCloud: TagCloud;
+ _visParams: any;
+ _renderComplete$: any;
+ _feedbackNode: any;
+ _feedbackMessage: any;
+ _labelNode: HTMLElement;
+ _label: any;
+ constructor(node: any, vis: any) {
+ this._containerNode = node;
+ const cloudRelativeContainer = document.createElement('div');
+ cloudRelativeContainer.classList.add('tgcVis');
+ cloudRelativeContainer.setAttribute('style', 'position: relative');
+ const cloudContainer = document.createElement('div');
+ cloudContainer.classList.add('tgcVis');
+ cloudContainer.setAttribute('data-test-subj', 'tagCloudVisualization');
+ this._containerNode.classList.add('visChart--vertical');
+ cloudRelativeContainer.appendChild(cloudContainer);
+ this._containerNode.appendChild(cloudRelativeContainer);
+ this._vis = vis;
+ this._truncated = false;
+ this._tagCloud = new TagCloud(cloudContainer, colorScale);
+ this._tagCloud.on('select', event => {
+ if (!this._visParams.bucket) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._vis.API.events.filter({
+ table: event.meta.data,
+ column: 0,
+ row: event.meta.rowIndex,
+ });
+ });
+ this._renderComplete$ = Rx.fromEvent(this._tagCloud, 'renderComplete');
+ this._feedbackNode = document.createElement('div');
+ this._containerNode.appendChild(this._feedbackNode);
+ this._feedbackMessage = React.createRef();
+ render(
+ ,
+ this._feedbackNode
+ );
+ this._labelNode = document.createElement('div');
+ this._containerNode.appendChild(this._labelNode);
+ this._label = React.createRef();
+ render(, this._labelNode);
+ }
+ async render(data: any, visParams: any) {
+ this._updateParams(visParams);
+ this._updateData(data);
+ this._resize();
+ await this._renderComplete$.pipe(take(1)).toPromise();
+ if (data.columns.length !== 2) {
+ this._feedbackMessage.current.setState({
+ shouldShowTruncate: false,
+ shouldShowIncomplete: false,
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ this._label.current.setState({
+ label: `${data.columns[0].name} - ${data.columns[1].name}`,
+ shouldShowLabel: visParams.showLabel,
+ });
+ this._feedbackMessage.current.setState({
+ shouldShowTruncate: this._truncated,
+ shouldShowIncomplete: this._tagCloud.getStatus() === TagCloud.STATUS.INCOMPLETE,
+ });
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ this._tagCloud.destroy();
+ unmountComponentAtNode(this._feedbackNode);
+ unmountComponentAtNode(this._labelNode);
+ }
+ _updateData(data: any) {
+ if (!data || !data.rows.length) {
+ this._tagCloud.setData([]);
+ return;
+ }
+ const bucket = this._visParams.bucket;
+ const metric = this._visParams.metric;
+ const bucketFormatter = bucket ? getFormatService().deserialize(bucket.format) : null;
+ const tagColumn = bucket ? data.columns[bucket.accessor].id : -1;
+ const metricColumn = data.columns[metric.accessor].id;
+ const tags = data.rows.map((row: any[], rowIndex: any) => {
+ const tag = row[tagColumn] === undefined ? 'all' : row[tagColumn];
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ const metric = row[metricColumn];
+ return {
+ displayText: bucketFormatter ? bucketFormatter.convert(tag, 'text') : tag,
+ rawText: tag,
+ value: metric,
+ meta: {
+ data,
+ rowIndex,
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ if (tags.length > MAX_TAG_COUNT) {
+ tags.length = MAX_TAG_COUNT;
+ this._truncated = true;
+ } else {
+ this._truncated = false;
+ }
+ this._tagCloud.setData(tags);
+ }
+ _updateParams(visParams: any) {
+ this._visParams = visParams;
+ this._tagCloud.setOptions(visParams);
+ }
+ _resize() {
+ this._tagCloud.resize();
+ }
+ };