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LeezyPheanstalkBundle Command Line Tools

The LeezyPheanstalkBundle provides a number of command line utilities. Commands are available for the following tasks:

  1. Delete a job.
  2. Flush a tube.
  3. List available tubes.
  4. Pause a tube.
  5. Peek a tube to get the first ready/burried job and associated data.
  6. Peek a job and get associated data.
  7. Put a new job in a tube.
  8. Get statistics about beanstalkd server.
  9. Get statistics about a job.
  10. Get statistics about a tube.
  11. Get next ready job.


You must have correctly installed and configured the LeezyPheanstalkBundle before using 
these commands.

Delete a job

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:delete-job 42

Flush a tube.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:flush-tube your-tube


When you flush a tube, it will be removed from the beanstalkd server.

List available tubes.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:list-tube


Tubes that are display contains at least one job.

Pause a tube.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:pause-tube your-tube

Peek a tube to get the first ready job and associated data.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:peek-tube your-tube

Peek a tube to get the first burried job and associated data.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:peek-tube -b your-tube

Peek a job and get associated data.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:peek 42

Put a new job in a tube.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:put your-tube "Hello world - I am a job"

Get statistics about beanstalkd server.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:stats

Get statistics about a job.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:stats-job 42

Get statistics about a tube.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:stats-tube your-tube

Get next ready job.

$ php app/console leezy:pheanstalk:next-ready your-tube --details