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Some typescript objects I use in a couple repos.

The intended purpose is for marshalling JSON objects into objects in a sane "semi checked" way. (You can never really be that sure.)

Happy to accept additions, suggestions, etc.



npm install @arran4/tsobjectutils

Basic idealized / intended use:

export class User {
    props : Partial<Record<keyof User, unknown>> | null = null,
    public Email : string = GetStringPropOrDefault(props, "Email", ""),
    public Name : string = GetStringPropOrDefault(props, "Name", ""),
    public UserUID : string = GetStringPropOrDefault(props, "UserU0ID", ""),
    public Created : Date | null = GetDatePropOrDefault(props, "Created", null),
    public Modified : Date | null = GetDatePropOrDefault(props, "Modified", null),
  ) {}

By using the props component you both have created:

  • an option on how to initialize the object
  • an easy way to copy an object
  • an easy way to unmarshal a deseiralized json object into an object with some assurance as to the content


export function GetDateArrayPropOrDefaultFunction<R>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultFunction: () => R): Date[] | R;
export function GetDateArrayPropOrDefault<R>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: R): Date[] | R;
export function GetDateArrayPropOrThrow(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): Date[];
export function GetDatePropOrDefaultFunction<R>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultFunction: () => R): R | Date;
export function GetDatePropOrDefault<R>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: R): R | Date;
export function GetDatePropOrThrow(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): Date;
export function GetNumberPropOrDefaultFunction<R extends number | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultFunction: () => R): R;
export function GetNumberPropOrDefault<R extends number | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: R): R;
export function GetNumberPropOrThrow<R extends number | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): R;
export function GetObjectArrayFunctionPropOrDefault<Y, X extends Y[] | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, constructorFunc: ConstructorFunc<Y>, defaultValue: X): X;
export function GetObjectArrayFunctionPropOrThrow<Y, X extends Y[] | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, constructorFunc: ConstructorFunc<Y>): X;
export function GetObjectArrayPropOrDefaultFunction<Y, X extends Y[] | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, constructorFunc: ConstructorFunc<Y>, defaultValue: () => X): X;
export function GetObjectArrayPropOrDefault<Y, X extends Y[] | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: X): X;
export function GetObjectArrayPropOrThrow<Y, X extends Y[] | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): X;
export function GetObjectFunctionPropOrDefault<Y>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, constructorFunc: ConstructorFunc<Y>, defaultValue: Y): Y;
export function GetObjectFunctionPropOrThrow<Y>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, constructorFunc: ConstructorFunc<Y>): Y;
export function GetObjectPropOrDefaultFunction<Y>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, constructorFunc: ConstructorFunc<Y>, defaultValue: () => Y): Y;
export function GetObjectPropOrDefault<Y>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: Y): Y;
export function GetObjectPropOrThrow<Y>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): Y;
export function GetStringArrayPropOrDefaultFunction<R>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultFunction: () => R): string[] | R;
export function GetStringArrayPropOrDefault<R>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: R): string[] | R;
export function GetStringArrayPropOrThrow<T>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): string[];
export function GetStringPropOrDefaultFunction<R extends string | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultFunction: () => R): R;
export function GetStringPropOrDefault<R extends string | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, defaultValue: R): R;
export function GetStringPropOrThrow<R extends string | null>(props: Record<string, any> | undefined | null, prop: string, errorMessage?: string): R;
export function GetBooleanPropOrThrow(props:any, prop:string):boolean
export function GetBooleanPropOrDefaultFunction(props:any, prop:string, defaultFunction:any):boolean
export function GetBooleanPropOrDefault(props:any, prop:string, defaultValue:boolean):boolean
export type ConstructorFunc<Y> = (params: Partial<Exclude<Y | undefined, null>>) => Y;

Check Tests for example usage.