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arthuredelstein edited this page Dec 16, 2011 · 3 revisions

Building Clooj from Source

This article details how to retrieve the latest clooj source code and to begin building and packaging locally with the aim of developing features or fixing bugs in clooj.


You need to have the following installed on your system to begin compiling and using clooj from source:

Get the clooj source

Using git, download the latest source from the master branch (or one of your choosing):

git clone

After a short while -- depending on the speed of your connection -- you should have the latest clooj sources downloaded to a directory called "clooj" in the current working directory.

Start building clooj

Now you've got the source downloaded, move to the clooj directory so we can start building and packaging.

If you want to just jump straight in to a working version of clooj from the source, just run a simple lein uberjar which will package everything up for you. Now you can run clooj from the resulting artefact by running java -jar clooj*standalone.jar. Clooj should start up and be ready for programming. (cool).