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A Yen for the Future

by Arzu Isik Topbas

image source:freepik

I tested the many time-series tools that I have learned in order to predict future movements in the value of the Japanese yen versus the U.S. dollar. I used two main models Time Series Forecasting and Linear Regression Modeling.

1 - Time-Series Forecasting

Time-Series Forecasting

In the long term, It seems that the Japanese Yen is strengthening against the Dollar. On the other hand, there are a lot of short-term ups and downs.

1. Decomposition using a Hodrick-Prescott Filter

I used The Hodrick-Prescott Filter to decompose the "Settle" price into two seperate series: noise and trend. It seems that there's a lot of short term fluctuations that deviate around the trend.


The Noise plot gave us a visualization of where the most noise is on this chart. These points can be correllated with volatile periods in the market.


2. Forecasting Returns using an ARMA Model

I created an ARMA model and fit it to the returns data. Note. I set the AR and MA ("p" and "q") parameters to p=2 and q=1: order=(2, 1)

In the summary table, the p-values for each lag are not statistically significant. The model is not a good fit given the p-value exceeds 0.05.



3. Forecasting the Settle Price using an ARIMA Model

I created an ARIMA model by using the "Settle" price data. For autoregressive (AR) the parameter p was set to 5, for differences the parameter d was set to 1 and, for the moving average (MA) the parameter q was set to 1 making order=(5,1,1).

Again, based on the summary table, the p-values for each lag did not show to be statistically significant - none are less than 0.05.


Based on the ARIMA model, we can see that an increase in the Yen over the dollar is expected for the 5 day period.


4. Forecasting Volatility with GARCH

I created a Garch model and fit it to the returns data. Note. Similar to ARMA, I set the AR and MA ("p" and "q") parameters to p=2 and q=1: order=(2, 1) In the summary table,the p-values are greater than 0.05 and therefore statistically significant.


Based on the GARCH forecast plot , volatility risk of the Yen will increase each day for the next 5 days.



According to ARMA and ARIMA models, the Japanese Yen will increase relative to the US dollar, however, there might be an unreliable coefficient that might cause misleading result because the p-values are greater than 0.05. Thus, I would not buy the Japanese Yen.

Based on the GARCH forcast, volatility risk of the Yen will increase each day.

Again, due to p- values are not less than 0.05, I do not feel confident in using these models for trading.

2 - Linear Regression Forecasting

I build a Scikit-Learn linear regression model to predict Yen futures ("settle") returns with lagged Yen futures returns and categorical calendar seasonal effects (e.g., day-of-week or week-of-year seasonal effects).

The model has a root mean square error of 0.415% on out-of-sample data and 0.5962% on in-sample data. Hence, the model performs better with data that it has not worked with before.


The In-Sample data and the Out of Sample results is highly deviant from each other.Because the root mean square error of 0.415% on out-of-sample data is smaller than the root mean square error of 0.5962% on in-sample data, it is considered that the model is Overfitting.