BatFetch is a command-line tool that displays detailed information about the battery of your device in a clean and organized way. The tool is inspired by pfetch, a popular command-line system information tool.
It provides information about the battery model, current charge level, power state, and health status. The tool also displays an ASCII art title that adds a touch of fun to the output.
To obtain detailed information in JSON format, use the -j or --json flag. Note that this feature requires the installation of jq on your system.
batfetch -j
# or
batfetch --json
Make sure to install jq for the JSON output functionality:
# On arch based systems*
yay -S jq
# On Debian-based systems
sudo apt-get install jq
# On Red Hat-based systems
sudo yum install jq
yay -S batfetch
git clone
cd batfetch
sudo make install
git clone
cd batfetch
sudo make uninstall
This will run the command without installation of the tool.
nix run github:ashish-kus/batfetch
Using flake to install in the system.
# flake input
batfetch = {
url = "github:ashish-kus/batfetch";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
environment.systemPackages = [
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