Emque is an in-memory message broker
- In-memory message broker
- HTTP or gRPC transport
- Clustering
- Sharding
- Proxying
- Discovery
- Auto retries
- TLS support
- Command line interface
- Interactive prompt
- Go client library
Emque generates a self signed certificate by default if no TLS config is specified
/pub?topic=string publish payload as body
/sub?topic=string subscribe as websocket
- Emque servers are standalone servers with in-memory queues and provide a HTTP API
- Emque clients shard or cluster Emque servers by publish/subscribing to one or all servers
- Emque proxies use the go client to cluster Emque servers and provide a unified HTTP API
Because of this simplistic architecture, proxies and servers can be chained to build message pipelines
go get github.com/asim/emque
Listens on *:8081
Set server address
emque --address=localhost:9091
Enable TLS
emque --cert_file=cert.pem --key_file=key.pem
Persist to file per topic
emque --persist
Use gRPC transport
emque --transport=grpc
Emque can be run as a proxy which includes clustering, sharding and auto retry features.
Clustering: Publish and subscribe to all Emque servers
emque --proxy --servers=,,
Sharding: Requests are sent to a single server based on topic
emque --proxy --servers=,, --select=shard
Resolver: Use a name resolver rather than specifying server ips
emque --proxy --resolver=dns --servers=emque.proxy.dev
echo "A completely arbitrary message" | emque --client --topic=foo --publish --servers=localhost:8081
emque --client --topic=foo --subscribe --servers=localhost:8081
Interactive mode
emque -i --topic=foo
Publish via HTTP
curl -k -d "A completely arbitrary message" "https://localhost:8081/pub?topic=foo"
Subscribe via websockets
curl -k -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" \
-H "Upgrade: websocket" \
-H "Host: localhost:8081" \
-H "Origin:http://localhost:8081" \
-H "Sec-Websocket-Version: 13" \
-H "Sec-Websocket-Key: Emque" \
Emque provides a simple go client
import "github.com/asim/emque/client"
// publish to topic foo
err := client.Publish("foo", []byte(`bar`))
// subscribe to topic foo
ch, err := client.Subscribe("foo")
if err != nil {
data := <-ch
// defaults to Emque server localhost:8081
c := client.New()
gRPC client
import "github.com/asim/emque/client/grpc"
c := grpc.New()
Clustering is supported on the client side. Publish/Subscribe operations are performed against all servers.
c := client.New(
client.WithServers("", "", ""),
Sharding is supported via client much like gomemcache. Publish/Subscribe operations are performed against a single server.
import "github.com/asim/emque/client/selector"
c := client.New(
client.WithServers("", "", ""),
A name resolver can be used to discover the ip addresses of Emque servers
import "github.com/asim/emque/client/resolver"
c := client.New(
// use the DNS resolver
// specify DNS name as server