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37 lines (26 loc) · 2.69 KB


Clone, contribute, create a pull request, and nudge philadams to review it. Do remember to add yourself to

Work gets a bit crazy at times, so there might be a short wait, but I'll get to your PR as soon as possible! Thank you for your interest in the project and for contributing your time.


Remember to update the Habitica command line tool page on the Habitica wikia with the latest release number and date.

Internalization (I18N)

Habitipy use Python's builtin gettext module to translate messages. If you want to create a new translation for your language, please follow the following instruction. Messages for translation are scraped from code using xgettext utility. It generates a template file with extension pot, which is then used to generate and update actual translation file with extansion po. This is done using msginit and msgmerge cli utilities to generate and update translation files respectively. Translation files are kept under habitipy/i18n folder with two-letter language code they have translation for.

Any language have a two-letter code. If unsure what code corresponds to your language, please read this wikipedia article. From here onward any use of word yourlang MUST be replaced with your language's two-letter code. So a file containing translation for your language will be named habitipy/i18n/yourlang.po. For example, russian translation file will be named habitipy/i18n/ru.po

When application is running it will use a binary translation file habitipy/i18n/yourlang/LC_MESSAGES/ Those files are generated from habitipy/i18n/yourlang.po which contain the actual translation. The encoding of mo files from po files is done using msgfmt cli utility.

Except for initial po file generation other operations should run automatically by using make.

Create a new translation

Run these commands to get yourself a new translation file:

msginit -i habitipy/i18n/messages.pot -o habitipy/i18n/yourlang.po

Then edit habitica_planner/i18n/yourlang.po with translations. After that you can rerun make and get a binary mo file with your translation. Please commit both po and mo files. Then you can install the package to test your localization. If you've done the procedure right, you'll get habitipy cli tool with every message (except python standard) translated.d

Localization update

If there is a change in localization strings, you should run make again to get merged habitica_planner/i18n/new_yourlang.po then copy that over your habitica_planner/i18n/yourlang.po.