Spark Manager python package
# Install Python module
# get code
git clone
cd sparkmanager
# install python package
python -m pip install .
# Install as extension to Jupyter
# copy front end javascript and assets to correct location
jupyter nbextension install sparkmanager --py --sys-prefix
# tell jupyter to load frontend module when starting notebook (js: import sparkmanager/main)
jupyter nbextension enable sparkmanager --py --sys-prefix
# tell jupyter to load backend module when starting server (python: import sparkmanager)
jupyter serverextension enable sparkmanager --py --sys-prefix
# Install as extension to IPython kernel
# tell IPython kernel to load the kernel extension (python: import sparkmanager)
ipython profile create && echo "c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('sparkmanager.kernelextension')" >> $(ipython profile locate default)/
To find configuration paths for Jupyter, use the command
jupyter --paths
Use the command
ipython --debug -c 'exit()'
to find configuration paths for the IPython kernel.
When you make changes, you can update the extension in Jupyter by re-running
cd sparkmanager
# installs this extension as a python module
python -m pip install .
for changes to the kernel extension or server extension, and by re-runnning
cd sparkmanager
# installs this extension as a python module
python -m pip install .
# re-copies notebook extension javascript/assets to the correct location
jupyter nbextension install sparkmanager --py --sys-prefix
You can build a docker image to test the extension with
docker build . -t sparkmanager
See the Dockerfile
for the build instructions.
Run the docker image with
docker run -p 8888:8888 sparkmanager