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117 lines (87 loc) · 3.86 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (87 loc) · 3.86 KB


Configset upload failed with error code 405: Solr HTTP error: OK (405).
Solr HTTP error: OK (405).

  • Rerun ddev start.

Drush was unable to query the database.

  • The key part is 'Drush was unable to query the database'.
    • Make sure you do not have database credentials in settings.local.
    • You have an empty database, partial import, something is wrong with it.
    • Download a fresh database.

Failed to execute command drush en search_api_solr_admin -y.
Failed to execute command drush sapi-sl --field=id:.
Failed to execute command drush solr-upload-conf.

  • Run composer require drupal/search_api_solr_admin -W.
  • Run ddev solrcollection.

Server [server-name] is not a Solr server.

  • An existing solr server is configured as a database server.
    • Remove this server and create a new solr cloud server.
    • Ensure your settings.local overrides are correct.

(The) server with ID 'local' could not be retrieved for index 'Global'.

  • The server 'local' does not exist.
  • Comment out configuration overrides in settings.local.php.
    • Start ddev, create the server [name].
      • Assign the following values:
        • Server name: local
        • Backend: solr
        • Configure Solr Backend: Solr Cloud with Basic Auth
        • Default Solr Collection: search
        • Username: solr
        • Password: SolrRocks
    • Uncomment configuration values.
    • Make sure [name] matches the configuration overrides, in all respective lines.
      • Ex. $config['']['server'] = [name];
      • Ex. $config['search_api.server.[name]']['backend_config']['connector'] = 'solr_cloud_basic_auth';
    • Run: ddev solrcollection

Solr version is 8.8.2 in docker-compose.solr, but does not match server version.

  • Build version was changed to 8.8.2 to match Pantheon hosts exact version.
    • Recreate your collection.
      • Navigate in your browser to http://[site-name]
        • Delete existing collection.
        • Run ddev solrcollection.
    • Reload your collection.
      • Navigate to http://[site-name][server-name].
        • Click 'Reload Collection'.
        • Server version should now be 8.8.2.

TypeError: Drupal\search_api_solr\Utility\SolrCommandHelper::__construct(): Argument #4 ($configset_controller) must be of type Drupal\search_api_solr\Controller\SolrConfigSetController.

  • Update drupal/search_api_pantheon.


Single line

composer config --json --merge extra.drupal-scaffold.allowed-packages '["augustash/ddev-drupal"]' && composer config scripts.ddev-setup "Augustash\\Ddev::postPackageInstall" && composer require augustash/ddev-drupal && composer ddev-setup


Set the following to root composer.json:

Root level:

"scripts": {
    "ddev-setup": "Augustash\\Ddev::postPackageInstall"

extra -> drupal-scaffold -> allowed-packages:



composer require augustash/ddev-drupal && composer ddev-setup

Composer install will trigger configuration script, follow prompts.


On ddev-setup, you will be prompted for:

  • Client code
  • Pantheon site name
  • Pantheon site environment
  • Drupal version
  • PHP version
  • Solr support
  • wkhtmltopdf support

These are used to set config.yaml ddev configuration.


Database will be downloaded automatically, this is handled in /.ddev/commands/host/db. Will not download if there are tables in the existing local db.

Db command is: ddev auth ssh && ddev pull pantheon --skip-files -y


You will be prompted to install solr.

If installed, collection/core will be automatically created, collection/core is aliased to 'search'.

settings.local search api configuration overrides will be set automatically.


Nothing currently.