This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 2.4 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
2.4.0 (2013-12-03)
bug #9673 Fixed BC break in csrf protection (WouterJ)
bug #9665 [Bridge/Doctrine] ORMQueryBuilderLoader - handled the scenario when no entity manager is passed with closure query builder (jakzal)
bug #9662 [FrameworkBundle] Enabled csrf_protection by default if form.csrf_protection is enabled (bschussek)
bug #9656 [DoctrineBridge] normalized class names in the ORM type guesser (fabpot)
bug #9647 use the correct class name to retrieve mapped class' metadata and reposi... (xabbuh)
bug #9648 [Debug] ensured that a fatal PHP error is actually fatal after being handled by our error handler (fabpot)
bug #9643 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed js escaping in time.html.twig (hason)
bug #9641 [Debug] Avoid notice from being "eaten" by fatal error. (fabpot)
bug #9639 Modified guessDefaultEscapingStrategy to not escape txt templates (fabpot)
bug #9314 [Form] Fix DateType for 32bits computers. (WedgeSama)
bug #9443 [FrameworkBundle] Fixed the registration of validation.xml file when the form is disabled (hason)
bug #9625 [HttpFoundation] Do not return an empty session id if the session was closed (Taluu)
bug #9621 [ExpressionLanguage] fixed lexing expression ending with spaces (fabpot)
bug #9637 [Validator] Replaced inexistent interface (jakzal)
bug #9628 [HttpKernel] Fix profiler event-listener usage outside request stack context (romainneutron)
bug #9624 [Console] Fix undefined offset when formatting namespace suggestions (GromNaN)
bug #9605 Adjusting CacheClear Warmup method to namespaced kernels (rdohms)
bug #9617 [HttpKernel] Http kernel regression fix (hhamon)
bug #9610 Container::camelize also takes backslashes into consideration (ondrejmirtes)
2.4.0-RC1 (2013-11-25)
bug #9607 [HttpKernel] Fix a bug when using the kernel property in overridden method Client::setServerParameters() (gnutix)
bug #9597 [Security] Typos in Security's ExpressionLanguage (ovrflo)
feature #9587 [SecurityBundle] Added csrf_token_generator and csrf_token_id as new (shieldo)
feature #9578 [DomCrawler] Fixes
method returning empty string for missing attributes (aik099) -
bug #9565 [Debug] Fixed ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler which could cause a fatal error (jakzal)
bug #9525 Cache Warmup Breaks Namespaced Kernel (rdohms)
bug #9447 [BrowserKit] fixed protocol-relative url redirection (jong99)
bug #9535 No Entity Manager defined exception (armetiz)
bug #9485 [Acl] Fix for issue #9433 (guilro)
bug #9516 [AclProvider] Fix incorrect behavior when partial results returned from cache (superdav42)
feature #9546 [FrameworkBundle] use the new request_stack service in the GlobalVariables object (hhamon)
bug #9566 [Console] Revert BC-break for verbose option value (chEbba)
bug #9553 [FrameworkBundle] use the new request_stack service to get the Request object in the base Controller class (hhamon)
feature #9541 [Translation] make IdentityTranslater consistent with normal translator (Tobion)
bug #9536 [FrameworkBundle] Update 2 dependencies (currently broken) (asm89)
bug #9352 [Intl] make currency bundle merge fallback locales when accessing data, ... (shieldo)
bug #9537 [FrameworkBundle] Fix mistake in translation's service definition. (phpmike)
bug #9529 [ExpressionLanguage] Fixed conflict between punctation and range (WouterJ)
bug #9367 [Process] Check if the pipe array is empty before calling stream_select() (jfposton)
bug #9211 [Form] Fixed memory leak in FormValidator (bschussek)
bug #9469 [Propel1] re-factor Propel1 ModelChoiceList (havvg)
bug #9499 Request::overrideGlobals() may call invalid ini value (denkiryokuhatsuden)
feature #9494 made Router implement RequestMatcherInterface (fabpot)
bug #9420 [Console][ProgressHelper] Fix ProgressHelper redraw when redrawFreq is greater than 1 (giosh94mhz)
bug #9212 [Validator] Force Luhn Validator to only work with strings (Richtermeister)
bug #9476 Fixed bug with lazy services (peterrehm)
bug #9461 set mergeFallback to true, (ychadwick)
bug #9451 Fix bug with variable named context to securityContext (mieszko4)
feature #9434 moved logic for the session listeners into the HttpKernel component (fabpot)
bug #9431 [DependencyInjection] fixed YamlDumper did not make services private. (realityking)
bug #9332 [Config] Quoting reserved characters (WouterJ)
bug #9416 fixed issue with clone now the children of the original form are preserved and the clone form is given new children (yjv)
bug #9423 [Form] fix CsrfProviderAdapter (Tobion)
feature #9342 Add X-Debug-Url profiler url header (adrienbrault)
bug #9412 [HttpFoundation] added content length header to BinaryFileResponse (kbond)
2.4.0-BETA2 (2013-10-30)
bug #9408 [Form] Fixed failing FormDataExtractorTest (bschussek)
bug #9397 [BUG][Form] Fix nonexistent key id in twig of data collector (francoispluchino)
bug #9395 [HttpKernel] fixed memory limit display in MemoryDataCollector (hhamon)
bug #9168 [FrameworkBundle] made sure that the debug event dispatcher is used everywhere (fabpot)
bug #9388 [Form] Fixed: The "data" option is taken into account even if it is NULL (bschussek)
bug #9394 [Form] Fixed form debugger to work even when no view variables are logged (bschussek)
bug #9391 [Serializer] Fixed the error handling when decoding invalid XML to avoid a Warning (stof)
feature #9365 prevent PHP from magically setting a 302 header (lsmith77)
feature #9252 [FrameworkBundle] Only enable CSRF protection when enabled in config (asm89)
bug #9378 [DomCrawler] [HttpFoundation] Make
attributes identification case-insensitive (matthieuprat) -
bug #9354 [Process] Fix #9343 : revert file handle usage on Windows platform (romainneutron)
bug #9335 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
bug #9334 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
bug #9333 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
bug #9338 [DoctrineBridge] Added type check to prevent calling clear() on arrays (bschussek)
bug #9330 [Config] Fixed namespace when dumping reference (WouterJ)
bug #9329 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default token ID (bschussek)
bug #9328 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
bug #9327 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
bug #9316 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed invalid condition in form panel (bschussek)
bug #9308 [DoctrineBridge] Loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept arrays (bschussek)
bug #9297 [Form] Add missing use in form renderer (egeloen)
bug #9309 [Routing] Fixed unresolved class (francoispluchino)
bug #9274 [Yaml] Fixed the escaping of strings starting with a dash when dumping (stof)
bug #9270 [Templating] Fix in ChainLoader.php (janschoenherr)
bug #9246 [Session] fixed wrong started state (tecbot)
bug #9234 [Debug] Fixed
(tPl0ch) -
bug #9259 [Process] Fix latest merge from 2.2 in 2.3 (romainneutron)
bug #9237 [FrameworkBundle] assets:install command should mirror .dotfiles (.htaccess) (FineWolf)
bug #9223 [Translator] PoFileDumper - PO headers (Padam87)
bug #9257 [Process] Fix 9182 : random failure on pipes tests (romainneutron)
bug #9236 [Form] fix missing use statement for exception UnexpectedTypeException (jaugustin)
bug #9222 [Bridge] [Propel1] Fixed guessed relations (ClementGautier)
bug #9214 [FramworkBundle] Check event listener services are not abstract (lyrixx)
bug #9207 [HttpKernel] Check for lock existence before unlinking (ollietb)
bug #9184 Fixed cache warmup of paths which contain back-slashes (fabpot)
bug #9192 [Form] remove MinCount and MaxCount constraints in ValidatorTypeGuesser (franek)
2.4.0-BETA1 (2013-10-07)
first beta release