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188 lines (167 loc) · 6.13 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (167 loc) · 6.13 KB

How to use Vim

Editing commands

Text object Change Delete Copy
One word cw dw yw
Given number of words, without punctuation 2cW 2dW 2yW
Given number of words back 3cb 3db 3yb
One line cc dd yy, Y
To end of line c$, C d$, D y$
To beginning of line c0 d0 y0
Single character r x, X yl, yh
Given number of characters 5s 5x 5yl

Editing commands

Editing action Command
Swap two characters xp
Change whole word under cursor ciw
Change text inside brackets ci(, ci[


Movement Command
To first line gg
To last line G
To given line number 13G, 24gg, :56
To first character of next line +
To first character of previous line -
To end of word e, 2e
Forward by word w, 3w
Backward by word b, 4b
To end of line $
To beginning of line ^, 0
Next line j, 5j
Previous line k, 6k
Forward by character l, 4l
Backward by character h, 3h
Next paragraphs }, 2}
Previous paragraph {, 3{
Next function ]]
Previous function [[
To first given character in line fx, f)

Text creation and manipulation commands

Editing action Command
Insert text at current position i
Insert text at beginning of line I
Append text at current position a
Append text at end of line A
Open new line below cursor for new text o
Open new line above cursor for new text O
Delete line and substitute text S
Over strike existing characters with new text R
Toggle case ~
Repeat last action .
Undo last change u
Restore line to original state U
Indent whole file gg=G
Add indention level in Insert Mode ^T
Remove indention leve in Insert Mode ^D
Add indention level in Normal/Visual Mode >>
Remove indention leve in Normal/Visual Mode <<

Changing case commands

Change case action Command
Current character ~
Current line from upper to lower guu
Current line from lower to upper gUU
To end of current word from upper to lower guw
To end of current word from lower to upper gUw
All of current word to lower guaw
All of current word to upper gUaw
Invert case to entire line g~~

Text spelling

Spelling action Command
Enable spell check for current file :setlocal spell spelllang=en,ru
Disable spell check for current file :setlocal nospell
Go to next misspelled word ]s
Go to previous misspelled word [s
Show suggestions for word under cursor z=

Moving over file

Move action Command
Back one full screen <C-b>
Forward one full screen <C-f>
Down 1/2 screen <C-d>
Up 1/2 screen <C-u>

Positioning on screen

Position action Command
Current line to middle z.
Current line to top zt
Current lint to bottom zb

Visual mode

Visual selection actions Command
Select word iw, iW
Select paragraph ip, ap
Select block between pair symbols i{, i(, i<
Enter column insert mode Shift+i
Filter selected text !sort will sort and replace selected text


Search actions Command
Go to next word under cursor *
Go to previous word under cursor #
Go to next subword under cursor g*
Go to previous subword under cursor g#
Go to local declaration gd
Go to global declaration gD
Show all lines with word under cursor [I, ]I
To search for pattern /pattern
Go to next search results n
Go to previous search results N
To list lines with results last pattern :g//
List lines with search results for pattern :g/pattern/
Search in all Markdown files in current directory :vimgrep /pattern/ *.md
Count number of matches in file :%s/patter//gn


Replace actions Command
Replace aaa to bbb in whole file :%s/aaa/bbb/g
Replace only in lines that contains string :g/string/s/aaa/bbb/g
Convert tabs to expandtab settings :%retab
Delete lines that contains pattern :g/pattern/d
Delete blank lines :g/^$/d

Moving over windows

Move actions Command
:new horizontal split (editing a new empty buffer) <C-w>n
:split window horizontally (editing current buffer) <C-w>s
:vsplit window vertically (editing current buffer) <C-w>v
:close window <C-w>c
close all windows, leaving :only the current window open <C-w>o
go to next window <C-w>w
go to previous window <C-w>p
go to window above <C-w><Up>
go to window below <C-w><Down>
go to window on left <C-w><Left>
go to window on right <C-w><Right>

Filtering text

Filter action Command
Sort lines from 12 to 42 and replace those lines 12,42!sort


Editing file with (m)vim

  • vim -p file1 file2 open in tabs
  • mvim --remote-tab file3 open file in existing editor as tab

Find text in files and display in QuickFix

  • :vimgrep /pattern/ *.ext


  • :vimgrep /pattern/ **/*.ext

Add new file type detection

$ mkdir ~/.vim/ftdetect
$ echo "au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ex,*.exs set filetype=elixir" > ~/.vim/ftdetect/elixir.vim

Reload ~/.vimrc file without restarting vim

:so ~/.vimrc

Install new color theme

$ mkdir ~/.vim/colors/
$ mv mustang.vim ~/.vim/colors/

Show recently used files

  • :oldfiles or :browse oldfiles