This component provides functions for controlling the velocity of an animation known as it's "easing". An easing is a function which takes a delta value between 0 and 1 and returns a value between 0 and 1 (typically). You can use easing functions for smooth transitions from one state to another, versus an often harsh linear interpolation.
- None
- None
- Easing: Single argument function which takes a delta (x) and returns a new delta (y).
- Easing Type: Single argument factory which takes an easing function and generates a new easing function.
- Easing Scale: Double argument factory which takes a scalar value and easing function and generates a new easing function
( x: number ): number
( easing: Easing ): Easing
defaultEasing: Easing
defaultEasingType: EasingType
parse( easing: string ): Easing
- Accepts the following formats:
- easing
- easingType
- easing-easingType
- easing*scale
- easingType*scale
- easing-easingType*scale
- Accepts the following formats:
scale( scale: number, easing: Easing ): Easing
return ((easing( x ) - x) * scale) + x
linear: Easing
return x
quad: Easing
return x * x
ease: Easing
i = (1.0 - x)
i2 = i * i
x2 = x * x
eq1 = (0.3 * i2 * x) + (3.0 * i * x2) + (x2 * x)
eq2 = 1.0 - i2 * i2
return eq1 * i + eq2 * x;
cubic: Easing
return x * x * x
quartic: Easing
x2 = x * x
return x2 * x2
quintic: Easing
x2 = x * x
return x2 * x2 * x
back: Easing
x2 = x * x
x3 = x2 * x
return x3 + x2 - x
sine: Easing
return sin(x * 1.57079632679)
overshot: Easing
return (1.0 - x * (7.0 / 10)) * x * (10.0 / 3.0)
elastic: Easing
x2 = x * x
x3 = x2 * x
scale = x2 * ((2.0 * x3) + x2 - (4.0 * x) + 2.0)
wave = -sin(x * 10.9955742876)
return scale * wave
revisit: Easing
return abs(x - sin(x * 3.14159265359))
lasso: Easing
return (1.0 - cos(x * x * x * 36.0) * (1.0 - x))
slowbounce: Easing
x2 = x * x
return (1.0 - abs((1.0 - x2) * cos(x2 * x * 14.8044066016)))
bounce: Easing
return (1.0 - abs((1.0 - x) * cos(x * x * 14.8044066016)))
smallbounce: Easing
inv = 1.0 - x
return (1.0 - abs(inv * inv * cos(x * x * 14.8044066016)))
tinybounce: Easing
inv = 1.0 - x
return (1.0 - abs(inv * inv * cos(x * x * 7.0)))
hesitant: Easing
return (cos(x * x * 12.0) * x * (1.0 - x) + x)
sqrt: Easing
return sqrt(x);
sqrtf: Easing
i = (1.0 - x)
i2 = i * i
return ((1.0 - i2 * i2) + x) * 0.5
log10: Easing
return (log10(x + 0.01) + 2.0) * 0.5 / 1.0021606868913213
slingshot: Easing
if (x < 0.7) {
return (x * -0.357)
} else {
d = x - 0.7
return ((d * d * 27.5 - 0.5) * 0.5)
circular: Easing
return 1.0 - sqrt( 1 - x * x )
gentle: Easing
return (3.0 * (1.0 - x) * x * x) + (x * x * x)
bezier( mX1: number, mY1: number, mX2: number, mY2: number ): Easing
in: EasingType
return easing( x )
out: EasingType
return 1.0 - easing( 1.0 - x )
inout: EasingType
return (x < 0.5) ? (easing( 2.0 * x ) * 0.5) : (1.0 - (easing( 2.0 - 2.0 * x ) * 0.5))
yoyo: EasingType
return (x < 0.5) ? (easing( 2.0 * x )) : (easing( 2.0 - 2.0 * x ))
mirror: EasingType
return (x < 0.5) ? (easing( 2.0 * x )) : (1.0 - easing( 2.0 - 2.0 * x ))
reverse: EasingType
return easing( 1.0 - x )
flip: EasingType
return 1.0 - easing( x )