The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Quasar signs config using XPASETO tokens (additional security layer to HTTPS)
Network certificate fingerprints are shown in Hubble frontend
Node public key fingerprints are shown in Hubble frontend
JWT Middleware has been added to require username+password auth to manage networks.
Added ability to modify firewall rules through Quasar
Added firewall update forms to Hubble
Time is saved when a node fetches the latest config
Latest config fetch time is shown in Hubble
Quasar config endpoint fully working
Neutron get config and write to yaml file working
Added cipher type to network information in db and API responses.
Completed update network API endpoint.
Added node info endpoints.
Added groups array to networks in db and made them updatable.
Started working on Hubble frontend using Svelte compiler
Created frontend app structure and integrated with quasar
Modified how CORS requests work with quasar to work with client
Node Endpoints for Quasar
Finished key network endpoints for Quasar
Added some neutron endpoints
Project Structure
directory for neutron and quasar main outputs -
for example config -
as library for neutron and quasar to share code -
general repo files e.g. README, LICENSE, CHANGELOG
Started work on
Added functionality to add a new network
Added basic http server functionality
added ability to interact with boltdb as a database interface
Started work on
Added main function to parse user flags
Started on
which gets ca cert, generates keys and requests signing