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first compile the miniscript to obtain bitcoin script, like the output you pasted -- this goes into the [redeem script]1 hash the redeem script create a P2SH output specifying that hash (3 address or long bc1 address)
if key_1 and key_2 are the same, miniscript will compile the same redeemscript
once you have a p2sh address, you just make a normal payment to it - some txn must include an output with the corresponding scriptPubKey
and once that's confirmed, there's money in the multisig which can be spent by providing a scriptSig that has the signatures as well as the redeemscript
usually a multisig output will look a bit different though, using OP_CHECKMULTISIG
then a list of m signatures and n keys are given, and 2 numeric parameters, m and n
https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/52272 "Where are P2SH full redeem scripts stored?" ↩