Releases: bcgov/esm-server
Release 1.3.8:
- EM-115 - Document Manager - Context Menu Improvements
- EM-351 - Implement branching strategy for another EAO project (EPIC or EAO Public)
- EM-690 - Make all unit test pass
- EM-333 - Project Landing Page - Show List of Activities & Updates
- EM-321 - Allow sysadmin to upload larger then 10mb filesize
- EM-311 - Remove EAO/CEAA Public Comment Period functionality
- EM-676 - Replicate the Functional Test fixtures/automated execution in esm-server
Sprint 32 Release - Build #266
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
February 20th, 2018 push to test (in order of linear build)
1) #338 #344 EM-199: Setup SonarQube to analyze our codelines.
2) #339 EM-243: Fix date picker in MEM test - it doesn't launch
3) #340 EM-288: Document manager naming does not account for case sensitivity
4) #341 EM-231: Update code linting for EPIC and MEM
5) #343 EM-144: Edit Project - Provide Details on Last User to Modify a Project - Backend only
6) #342 EM-177: Clicking right arrow on bottom of valued component and public comment period pages redirects to wrong page
Sprint 30 Release - Build #258
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
January 23rd, 2018 push to test (in order of linear build)
1) FIX EM-98 EPIC PCP temporary redirects no longer work
2) FIX EM-1 BUG - File Name when a "." exists not connected with a file extension
3) FIX EM-41 Multi-delete folders leaves UI out of sync
4) FIX EM-23 Folder renaming operation allows for duplicate names
5) FIX EM-146 The number of comments icon on a public comment period is misleading to internal users
6) EM-208 Creating or Renaming Folder Names that are Duplicates Use Wrong Validation Pattern
7) EM-210 Collections headers not sorting
Sprint 28 Release - Build #247
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
December 22nd push to test (in order of linear build)
1) #328 MEM-598 Ensure text searches are on entire phrase, and handle result.
2) #328 MEM-574 Find Documents does not Limit to a Specific Project
December 20th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1. #301 MEM-594 Relate MEM mines to EPIC projects
2. #303 Shareable linkto folder should be copied to the clipboard
3. #305 EPIC-1292 builds failing on openshift (not testable)
4. #306 EPIC-1286 EAO Public - project list page takes too long to load
5. #313 EPIC-1293 Slow rollout of package.json updates (not testable)
6. #319 EPIC-1302 Migrating to yarn (not testable)
7. #321 EPIC-1303 Public are able to upload any type of document into the comment section
8. #322 EPIC-1280 Update contact name displayed when submitting a public comment
9. #324 EPIC-1305 Public Comment Period default to comments tab
Sprint 25 Release - Build #210
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
November 10th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1) #299 MEM-577 FIX: MMTI Search show x out of y results, no count bug (not testable in EPIC)
2) #300 EPIC-1199 FIX: Unable to create multiple VC's with the same name
November 23th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1) #301 MEM-594 Relate MEM mines to EPIC projects: /api/projects/picklist/text (Not testable, will be testable in MMTI)
2) #302 EPIC1285 Latest node modules and corresponding changes (not testable)
3) #303 EPIC-1287 Shareable link to folder should be copied to the clipboard (not testable)
4) #304 FIX: fixing nodemailer and csv-parse versions to be compatible with node 4.x (Not Testable)
Sprint 25 Release - Build #208
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
November 3rd Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1) #292 EPIC-1276 Change 'uploaded date to document date'
2) #293 NO TICKET: Store scheduled jobs template for backups (not testable)
3) #294 & #295 EPIC-1271 Stylesheet modularization and clean up (not testable)
4) #296 EPIC-1259 Deleting a document does not update its associated collections
5) #298 NO TICKET: Tweaks to scheduled job parameter (not testable)
6) #297 MEM-577 Showing x out of y results in MMTI Search (not testable in EPIC)
Sprint 24 Push to Test - Build #201
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
October 23rd Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1) #284 EPIC-1261 Block a user from deleting published content (fix one use case)
2) #285 MEM-564 Search tweaks to MMTI (not testable)
3) #287 EPIC-1247 Document Names overlap ellipsis menu in smaller devices
4) #288 NO TICKET: Adding text index on project model
5) #289 EPIC-1258 Modify "Update Collections" modal to be consistent with the better "edit permissions" modal
October 26th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
6) #290 MEM-578 Fix date range (MMTI Search) (not testable)
7) #291 EPIC-1270 Fix: Intro modal bug
Sprint 23 Push to Test - Build #194
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
October 6th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1) #272 EPIC-1201 Clean up warnings for deleting files and folders
2) #273 & #275 EPIC 1226 & EPIC 1227: Remove Home and make the navigation header the same in EAO Public and EPIC admin (TO BE REVERTED)
3) #274 EPIC-1245 Activities and Updates: Added blank, 4 priorities
4) #276 EPIC-1215 Collections (info panel): do not get updated when removed from the document
5) #278 EPIC-1188 Ensure modals will not close by ESC or click on backdrop
6) #279 EPIC-1185 Collections show uploaded doc date field in Link Docs
October 13th Push to Test (in order of linear build)