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Semantic Alignment Equivalence Checker

This is an implementation of the equivalence checker presented in "Semantic Program Alignment for Equivlance Checking" by Berkeley Churchill, Oded Padon, Rahul Sharma and Alex Aiken, presented at PLDI 2019. Preprint PDF. This software is based on STOKE.

Limitations. This artifact can be used to reproduce many of the results of the paper, but not all of them. In particular, the paper describes a system to discharge proof obligations concurrently using a large number of systems in the cloud. This artifact only supports discharging proof obligations on one core, and so it is much more limitted. The artifact can be reliably use to check:

  • the strlen benchmark (section 5.3)
  • benchmark from [7] described in Section 5.4.
  • the running example (section 2)
  • some of the TSVC benchmarks

There are a few reasons why the system described in the paper that uses cloud instances can verify more of the TSVC benchmarks than the artifact here:

  • The cloud system supports discharging proof obligations with multiple SMT solvers, e.g., both Z3 and CVC4, and choosing the fastest one. The same goes for the choice of memory model. Often a particular benchmark will have several difficult proof obligations, and different solvers are needed for each one.
  • This artifact does not implement a timeout for SMT solvers, so if a solver gets stuck, the whole problem gets stuck.
  • When multiple solvers and a timeout is available, a few of the benchmarks need a large amount of compute time -- e.g. 1000 CPU-hours. The artifact runs each benchmark in a process that only utilizes 1 CPU core.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Using Docker
    3. Manual Setup
    4. Running the Example
  2. Step-by-Step Instructions
    1. Running Example
    2. Strlen Benchmark
    3. TSVC Benchmarks
    4. APLAS17 Example
  3. Running Your Own Benchmarks
    1. Troubleshooting
  4. Understanding and Extending the Code
    1. Extending the Space of Invariants
    2. Supporting more x86-64 Instructions
    3. Extending the Space of Alignment Predicates
  5. Archived Execution Traces
  6. Post Publication Erata and Acknowledgements

Getting Started


You will need root access to a machine (physical or virtual) with a Sandy Bridge processor or later. This is true of most computers with Intel chips released 2012 or later. On linux, you can check this by running cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx. If there are results, then your machine is suitable. We require this because the Sandy Bridge architecture adds the "Advanced Vector Extensions" (AVX) instructions to x86-64, and our verification benchmarks may use these instructions.

You will need 20GB of disk space and at least 12GB of RAM (more is better). Having extra cores and memory allows you to run multiple benchmarks in parallel, but is not necessary.

Using Docker

We have tested these instructions on linux with docker version 18.06.1-ce, but any operating system with a recent docker install should be suitable.

  1. Install Docker CE. Follow the instructions for your platform:
  1. Test the docker install. Note that you may need to use sudo for all docker commands:
$ sudo docker run hello-world

(should print a message containing "Hello from Docker!")

  1. Pull the image from DockerHub
$ sudo docker pull bchurchill/pldi19
  1. Run the image
$ sudo docker run -d -P --name eqchecker bchurchill/pldi19
  1. Now you can SSH locally
$ sudo docker port eqchecker 22

$ ssh -pXXXXX equivalence@
(password is 'checker')
  1. Build the code by running,
$ cd equivalence-checker
$ ./
$ make
  1. You may optionally run unit tests:
$ make test
  1. Further a test script is available that ensures that our example benchmark works:
cd pldi19
  1. When you're done with the artifact, you can cleanup by running
$ sudo docker stop eqchecker
$ sudo docker container rm eqchecker
$ sudo docker image rm bchurchill/pldi19

Building Docker Images

You can also build your own docker images. You will need to start by building the "base" image by running sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.base ., tag it, and then build the real image with sudo docker build ..

Manual Setup

We highly recommend using Docker because it ensures that all the right libraries and packages are installed. A particular difficulty is getting the right version of gcc and related system libraries. You should be able to get the software to run on newer distros, but the main trouble will be getting the compiler to work; gcc-5 introduces some breaking changes. Right now this tool works with gcc-4.9.

If you don't want to use Docker at all, there are instructions on building an environment suitable for compiling the code in In addition to those steps you will need to install SageMath. You can also take a look at Dockerfile and Dockerfile.base to see how we build the environment.

Running the Example

  1. Be sure that you've compiled the code as described in the setup instructions; run the tests for added assurances.

  2. In ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19 you will find all the benchmarks from the paper. For getting started, we will demonstrate running our tool on the example from section 2 of the paper. Navigate to ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19/paper_example.

  3. To see the source code for the programs we are comparing, run cat source.c. We will prove that bitflip() performs the same computation as bitflip_vec().

  4. Run make to compile the functions with gcc -O1 and disassemble them. The assembly code is written into the folder opt1.

  5. Our tool needs test cases to find an alignment between the two programs. For this example, we use a symbolic execution tool to generate test cases for execution paths up to a bound. Run make tcgen. This should finish within 10 seconds. The generated testcases can be found in the testcases file; each testcase includes a value for each machine register and values for a subset of memory locations.

  6. Run ./ | tee trace to perform verification and save the output to the file called trace. If verification succeeds, you will see the message Equivalent: yes at the end of the output. This should finish in under 30 seconds; it may appear to hang briefly while some matrix computations are performed.

  7. Review the trace file. It contains:

  • The assembly of the two programs being compared.
  • The alignment predicates guessed, in order. e.g. "Trying alignment predicate..."
  • For some alignment predicates, the PAA that was initially constructed before simplification.
  • The PAA after simplication.
  • If the PAA accepts all test cases, there will be output from learning the invariants. You should see matrices here.
  • After invariant learning, you will see the discharge of a series of proof obligations.
  • For our examples, once proof obligations start being checked the proof usually succeeds (but this isn't guaranteed -- another alignment predicate may be tried if they fail).
  • At the end of the trace, the final PAA along with all the invariants are printed.

Note that the trace file may contain some ANSI-escape codes like <E2><89><A4>. These can be used to render colors in the output for debugging counterexamples from the SMT solver. If you're not trying to debug, these can be ignored.

To gain a deeper understanding of the PAA, one needs to see how the basic blocks of the two programs are numbered.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Running example (Section 2)

(see also Getting Started)

  1. Navigate to ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19/paper_example
  2. Run make
  3. Run make tcgen
  4. Run ./

Strlen Benchmark

  1. Navigate to ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19/strlen.

  2. Run make

  3. Run ./ Depending on your machine, it should finish within 10 minutes and end with "Equivalent: yes".

Getting the right test cases for strlen is tricky; in the image we have included a set that will certainly work. We've also provided a script to generate them, but sometimes these test cases don't provide sufficient code coverage. You can try regenerating the test cases using make tcgen and updating to point to the testcases file rather than testcases.good. It may take a few tries.

TSVC benchmarks (Sections 5.1, 5.2)

  1. Navigate to ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19/TSVC
  2. Run make. This will build the benchmarks in clean.c with each of gcc -O1 ("baseline"), gcc -O3 ("gcc") and clang -O3 ("llvm").
  3. Run make tcgen. This randomly generates a new set of test cases for the TSVC benchmarks using a utility we have specifically constructed for this purpose. All benchmarks use the same set of test cases, except s176 uses fewer.
  4. Run cat benchmarks to see the list of available benchmarks.
  5. To run a benchmark, use
$ ./demo.rb verify <compiler1> <compiler2> <benchmark-name>

for example:

$ ./demo.rb verify baseline gcc s000

The output will be written to a file in the traces folder, any errors to a file in the misc folder, and a report of the time into the times folder. The exact filenames can be seen in the output of the demo.rb script.

In the paper, we have performed the baseline-gcc comparison and the baseline-llvm comparison for each benchmark.

The benchmarks below should be able to run reliably without the cloud infrastructure. Others may work too, depending on your hardware (and patience!). By default these run using Z3 and the flat memory model. One can also try CVC4 by editing demo.rb

  • s000-gcc
  • s000-llvm
  • s1112-gcc
  • s121-gcc
  • s121-llvm
  • s1221-gcc
  • s1221-llvm
  • s1251-gcc
  • s1351-gcc
  • s1351-llvm
  • s173-gcc
  • s2244-gcc
  • vpv-gcc
  • vpvpv-gcc
  • vpvtv-gcc
  • vtv-gcc
  • vtvtv-gcc
  1. If you have several cores and extra memory available, you can use the following commands to run multiple benchmarks in parallel:
./demo.rb verify-all <filename>
./demo.rb verify-gcc <filename>
./demo.rb verify-llvm <filename>

In each case, filename contains a newline-delimited list of benchmarks (e.g. like the 'benchmarks' file). In general it's best to have one core per benchmark running concurrently. verify-all invokes the validator twice for each benchmark, once for gcc and once for llvm, while verify-gcc and verify-llvm just compare the selected compiler with the baseline.

The files benchmarks.1 and benchmarks.2 each list half of the benchmarks functions (14 each). So, if you have 14+ cores and a lot of RAM (e.g. 256GB), you can try running './demo.rb verify-gcc benchmarks.1' to run 14 of the benchmarks in parallel. However, we haven't tested all of the benchmarks in single-threaded execution, and some could take a very long time to finish.

Example from Dahiya's 2017 APLAS paper.

  1. Navigate to ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19/aplas17

  2. Run make

  3. Run ./

For this benchmark, a working set of test cases is provided in the repository (and the Docker image). However, one can also copy a randomly generated testcase file from the TSVC benchmarks into this folder and use those instead.

Running Your Own Benchmarks

The easiest way to run your own benchmark is to copy the paper_example folder, run make clean, and then update the C code for your benchmark. There are a few other things that need to be updated as well:

  1. If you have re-named the functions, update the TARGET and REWRITE in the variables file with the paths to the generated assembly code.

  2. If you have changed the parameter types or the return types of the function, you will need to update the DEF_INS and LIVE_OUTS sets in the variables file. Each of these variables contains a set of x86-64 registers. The best way to find the correct setting is to lookup the x86-64 System V ABI's calling convention (which places integer/pointer parameters in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9, and integer/pointers return values into rax) or to read the assembly code.

  3. The biggest and most important thing to update are the test cases. The simplest thing to try is to just run make tcgen. This will try to use a symbolic executor to make test cases. However, there are two important caveats. First, the symbolic executor can't guarantee code coverage. If verification fails, you should try giving the system more test cases (although this slows it down). You can (a) increase the number of test cases used for training by supplying the --training_set_size parameter (defaults to 20); and/or (b) set a higher bound in the Makefile for the symbolic executor.

Second, if your binary contains read-only data (e.g. addressed via RIP-offset addressing) you need to do extra work. You need to manually create a file called rodata with a test case that contains all the read-only memory locations along with values. Then, ./demo.rb needs to be updated with a flag --rodata </path/to/rodata>. An example of this file can be found in the ~/equivalence-checker/pldi19/TSVC folder. We unfortunately don't have tools to automate this (yet), so it's easier to stick with functions that don't require read-only data.

It is important to double-check that your test cases actually work for both programs. Problems can come up, for example, when one program reads memory locations that the other program doesn't (as in the strlen benchmark, see section 5.3, esp. lines 1000-1009). The tool will give warnings that appear after "COLLECTING DATA..." if the test cases don't work right. The command stoke debug sandbox --target </path/to/assembly.s> --testcases </path/to/testcases> --index <N> --debug can be used to understand why a particular test case is failing.

For long running loops, you may need to provide the --max_jumps option to the verification tool, which is used to stop and abort any loops that seem to be executing forever when performing dynamic analysis (the default value is 1024 iterations). However, this is rarely the bottleneck for our benchmarks since the symbolic executor doesn't generate test cases that run for so many iterations.

  1. We have placed bounds on the values of rsi and rdi to avoid certain overflow conditions. If you need this for your benchmark, you can add them with the --assume option in The --assume option parses a limited set of expressions where the leaf nodes are of the form X_%reg, where X is either t or r (for target or rewrite) and %reg is an x86-64 register name. The parser and its grammar can be found in ~/equivalence-checker/src/expr/expr_parser.h

(v) It's unlikely you will need to change it, but you can try increasing TARGET_BOUND and REWRITE_BOUND to 30 in the variables file as a fail-safe option.


If a benchmark is failing (i.e. execution isn't ending or it returns "Equivalent: no") there are a few possible causes:

  1. The two programs might not be equivalent.
  2. The correct alignment predicate is not in the search space.
  3. A good alignment predicate is found, but the learned invariants aren't strong enough for a proof.
  4. There aren't enough test cases to create a correct PAA or learn correct invariants. That is, the test cases might not cover all program behaviors.
  5. The proof obligations are taking a long time -- so long that the search space isn't being explored quickly enough.
  6. There's a bug in the tool.

Some things to try:

  1. Use the bounded validator to see if actually the programs are not equivalent. The bounded validator is unsound, but for terminating programs it is complete with a sufficiently high bound. Many of the examples come with a ./ in their folder for this purpose. The stoke_debug_verify tool can be told to use the bounded validator by provided --strategy bounded, along with a --bound <N> parameter. Alternatively, you can test the code or check the correctness by hand.

  2. Try supplying your own alignment predicate. Doing so eliminates failure mode #2 above and also more clearly isolates the problem in all the other cases (it sometimes resolves failure modes #5 and #6). This can be done by supplying the --alignment_predicate argument along with an expression. It parses a limited set of expressions where the leaf nodes are of the form X_%reg, where X is either t or r (for 'target' or 'rewrite') and %reg is an x86-64 register name. The parser and its grammar can be found in ~/equivalence-checker/src/expr/expr_parser.h. For example, you can specify --alignment_predicate "t_%rax+1=%r_rdx" to align traces when the target program's value for %rax is one less than the rewrite's value for %rdx. You can also use --alignment_predicate_heap to force the traces to only align when heap states match.

  3. If you have supplied your own alignment predicate but there's still a failure, then there are two possibilities:

(A) The PAA is constructed successfully and it accepts all the test cases. The proof obligations start to discharge, but ultimately it fails. This suggests failure mode #3 or #4. One needs to inspect the failed proof obligation and SMT counterexample to determine if it's because the PAA is missing an edge (#4) or if the tool is failing to prove a necessary invariant (#3). The tool is generally quite verbose, and in addition to giving a counterexample for failed proof obligations it dynamically executes the counterexample as an error-detecting strategy (to defend against failure mode #6) and reports if the dynamic execution differs from an expected value.

(B) The PAA can't be built or it doesn't accept all the test cases. Here, the most likely causes are that the alignment predicate is still wrong (#2), you need more test cases (#4), or the programs aren't actually equivalent (#1).

Understanding and Extending the Code

This section is intended as a brief description of the code base for anyone who wants to extend the code. The ~/equivalence-checker/src and ~/equivalence-checker/tools folders contain all the source code for our tools. The tools folder has the command line tools which make use of the code in the src folder to do all the heavy lifting.

If ever you want to rebuild the code, running make in the top level directory should be sufficient. A make clean usually helps if there seems to be a problem.

The src folder has a number of subfolders:

validator - This is where the equivalence checker resides, along with semantics for all the x86-64 instructions, all the code for alignment, building the PAA, discharging proof obligations, etc.

symstate - Data structures for representing an x86-64 system symbolically, along with abstractions of symbolic bitvectors and arrays that serve as a frontend to the SMT solver.

solver - Interfaces with SMT solvers.

state - Data structure for representing the concrete state of an x86-64 system.

sandbox - Code to execute safely x86-64 code concretely against our internal state representation.

cfg, tunit - Data structures for representing assembly code as control flow graphs and static analysis.

expr - An expression parser

diassembler - The disassembler

ext - folder for external code. Most notably includes Z3, CVC4 and x64asm (the library used to JIT assembly code and run it for the sandbox).

serialize, stategen, kerberos, target, unionfind - Other utilities (not relevant)

cost, search, transform, verifier - Used by the superoptimizer (not relevant)

Within the validator folder: - This is where our algorithm is implemented. It all begins in the verify() function. (The name DDEC is in reference to "Data-Driven Equivalence Checking" by Sharma et al, which our work extends)

handlers - semantics for x86-64 instructions

invariants - data structures to represent different kinds of invariants - An abstraction to represent registers, memory locations, - The representation of the program alignment automata, and some of the important methods. learn_state_data is where the PAA checks that it accepts the test inputs and gathers states to learn invariants. - Code to learn invariants from concerete executions. - An abstraction on top of the sandbox to collect data from concrete execution traces - Code to check the proof obligations. - Uses sage to compute nullspaces over an integer ring. - Interface with SageMath

Since the tool is built upon STOKE, consulting the STOKE documentation may be helpful too. This can be found at

Example: Extend the space of invariants.

If you want to add an invariant to the system, there are two things you need to do:

  1. Add the invariant in the invariants folder. This means writing code to evaluate whether the invariant holds over a pair of symbolic states and over a pair of concrete states.

  2. Adjust to learn this invariant from a concrete execution.

Example: Add support for new x86-64 instructions.

The key step is to add a new "handler" in the "handlers" folder. This is discussed in more detail in a file which appears in the src/validator folder. (That documentation is a little dataed, but correct enough to make progress).

Example: Extend the space of alignment predicates.

Here, you will want to change the verify() function in to construct a different set of alignment predicates to pass to the test_alignment_predicate function.

Archived Execution Traces

Since some of the TSVC benchmarks take a long time to run, we have included in the artifact traces from these benchmarks from successful runs using the cloud instances. These can be found in the pldi19-traces.tar.xz file. These traces are from the tool around the time of submission -- the exact text in the traces differs from what the tool currently produces.

Post Publication Erata and Acknowledgements

Special thanks to the following who have helped find and fix bugs in our software:

  • Nikhil Durgam of IIT Bombay discovered a soundness bug when using the flat memory model. Our tool would generate incorrect constraints to check that the final memory states were equal. (Mar 31, 2020)