A Java library for the Beam cryptocurrency Wallet API.
- mvn clean install
- Note: For the tests to pass, you must be running an instance of Beam's wallet-api on localhost, port 10001. To skip tests. Add -DskipTests to the command line.
Include Maven dependency (update version as necessary):
- Cancel transactions stuck In Progress
// Setup beam client
BeamClient beamClient = new BeamClient("localhost", 10001);
// Get list of transactions in progress
List<TransactionStatus> transactions = beamClient.getTransactions(TransactionStatusType.IN_PROGRESS);
// Cancel each transaction
transactions.forEach(transaction -> beamClient.cancelTransaction(transaction.getTxId()));
- create_address
- validate_address
- tx_send
- tx_status
- tx_split
- wallet_status
- get_utxo
- tx_list
- tx_cancel
- Gson
- OkHttp
- JUnit (for testing)