- Colourscheme - generated by pywal
- Font - cozette
- Window manager & bar - dwm
- Terminal - kitty
- Editor - neovim
- Fetch - hyfetch
- File manager - ranger
Important: I have not yet tested this install process, but I am planning on doing it soon. If anything doesn't work, let me know!
Most dependencies can be installed easily using a package manager. It is assumed you are using an Arch based distro. If not, package names may differ and you may need to find other ways to install dependencies that would be installed using an AUR helper.
# pacman -S git fish kitty neovim ranger dmenu qutebrowser scrot redshift libnotify picom feh zathura xorg-setxkbmap geoclue2 exa imagemagick xcolor neofetch discord steam
$ yay -S cozette-ttf pywal-discord farge tty-clock catclock
$ pip install pywal wal-steam adblock dbus-next hyfetch
The following dependencies instead need installing manually. Their respective websites are linked below.
These dependencies are not necessary, but I would want them if I were to be setting up a new machine. Because of this, this section is mostly intended for my own use.
# pacman -S gimp pcmanfm zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-cb lxappearance gimp lutris galculator htop wine mono blueberry
$ yay -S spotify oomox oneko
Set up fish shell
1.1. Set fish as your default shell:
# chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
1.2. Install fisher
1.3. Install z
Installing dotfiles
2.1. Clone this repository into your home directory:
$ git clone https://github.com/bean499/dotfiles .
2.2. Update the submodules:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Installing dwm
3.1. Change directory into the dwm folder:
$ cd dwm
3.2. Install dwm using the install script:
$ ./install.sh
- Programs are set to use the monospace font, so change the font in
to what you desire - Colours are generated by pywal
- Setting the wallpaper using the alias
will run various programs to make sure several programs are using the new theme - You will need to recompile dwm for the colour changes to show
- To get a GTK theme of the current pywal colours, use
(listed as an optional dependency)
- Setting the wallpaper using the alias