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105 lines (76 loc) · 4.85 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (76 loc) · 4.85 KB

Contributing to ember-paper

Coordination, communication and community

Many ember-paper contributors hang out on the e-paper channel on slack. Not a slack user? Get your invitation.

Coding style

  • Suave. ember-paper uses the ember-suave coding style.

  • jscs. Before submitting a pull request, check for coding style issues with jscs -c .jscsrc app addon.

  • Comments. Include block-style (/**) comments before functions with a non-trivial or non-obvious purpose. Include line-style (//) comments wherever code might not be obvious to a future contributor, years later, without your knowledge of the functioning of the code. If an intermediate-level Ember developer will wonder why something works, explain it.

  • Actions. Accept action closures rather than strings representing action names. {{some-component someAction=(action "myAction")}}, not {{some-component someAction="myAction" param="the stuff" target=someTarget}}. Invoke the action with this.sendAction('onWhatever');. There is no need to test for the presence of onWhatever as sendAction handles that situation.

  • Encapsulation. When communicating with a private ember-paper component, bind as many properties as are needed. When communicating between two public ember components, use nearestOfType in a computed property to find the outer component (for pre 2.3 compatibility), and override it when yielding a contextual component. For example, ember-paper-inner is a private component:

{{paper-dialog-inner fullscreen=fullscreen onOutsideClick=onOutsideClick}}
  • Capitalization and naming

  • Use camelCase for variable names, formal arguments, parameters, and all other uses, except as below.

  • This includes action names, even those that correspond to JavaScript native events, such as {{some-component onClick=(action "someAction")}}, not {{some-component onclick=(action "someAction")}}.

  • Use SHOUTING_SNAKE_CASE for constants. const NUMBER_OF_THINGIES = 10;.

  • As required by Ember, component names, module names, and file names should continue to be kebab-cased, such as {{paper-input}} and the filepath ember-paper/addon/components/paper-input.js.

  • Optional template attributes

    • When attributes may be included in a template invocation to control optional behavior, define reasonable defaults in the invoked component's .js file. For example:
someOption: false,
classNameBindings: ["someOption:md-some-option"],

This makes the usage clear to both future maintainers and developer-users who may read the code.

  • Importing

  • Import the module, then use const object destructing to extract the desired methods. For example,

import Ember from 'ember';
const { computed } = Ember;
  • When the destructured object assignment statement exceeds 80 columns, put each variable it its own line:
const {
  String: { htmlSafe },
  RSVP: { Promise },
  inject: { service },
  run: { scheduleOnce }
} = Ember;
  • Order the imported variables in order of appearance, or other logical order.

Converting components from Angular Material

  • Stylesheets. Use the Angular Material stylesheets as-is. Replicate Angular markup in ember-paper.

  • Naming. Use an ember-paper name for components in the form {{paper-*}}.

  • Attributes. Convert angular element attributes (if they apply to your implementation) by removing the md-* suffix and camelCasing it like every other property:

<md-tabs md-dynamic-height md-border-bottom md-some-property="20">


{{paper-tabs dynamicHeight=true borderBottom=true someProperty="20"}}
  • Angle bracket elements. Any user markup that would require the use of an angle bracket component, such as <md-some-element> should be implemented as an ember component, such as {{paper-some-element}}.

  • Features. Seek to provide feature parity using Angular Material styles, but implemented in an Ember-centric way.

Building and deploying the dummy app to github

If needed, run npm install to update ember-cli-github-pages to version 0.1.0 or later to obtain destination option support.

  1. In the master branch, ensure that the version number in package.json reflects the current changes and If needed, bump the version number, commit, and make a git tag for the release.

  2. Build the master branch:

checkout master
mkdir release-1 # if the directory does not already exist
ember github-pages:commit --message "Publish gh-pages for v1.0.0-alpha.0" --destination "release-1"
  1. If the 0.2 branch needs building, repeat step 2 for release-0-2.

  2. Checkout branch gh-pages and confirm that you are satisfied.

  3. Push gh-pages to github.