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Regression and Other Stories: Elections Economy

Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill, Aki Vehtari 2021-04-20

Tidyverse version by Bill Behrman.

Present uncertainty in parameter estimates. See Chapter 8 in Regression and Other Stories.

# Packages

# Parameters
  # U.S. Presidential election results and GDP growth
file_hibbs <- here::here("ElectionsEconomy/data/hibbs.dat")
  # Common code
file_common <- here::here("_common.R")

# Run common code

8 Fitting regression models

8.1 Least squares, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference

Where do the standard errors come from? Using the likelihood surface to assess uncertainty in the parameter estimates


hibbs <- 
  file_hibbs %>% 
  read.table(header = TRUE) %>% 

#> # A tibble: 16 x 5
#>     year growth  vote inc_party_candidate other_candidate
#>    <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>               <chr>          
#>  1  1952   2.4   44.6 Stevenson           Eisenhower     
#>  2  1956   2.89  57.8 Eisenhower          Stevenson      
#>  3  1960   0.85  49.9 Nixon               Kennedy        
#>  4  1964   4.21  61.3 Johnson             Goldwater      
#>  5  1968   3.02  49.6 Humphrey            Nixon          
#>  6  1972   3.62  61.8 Nixon               McGovern       
#>  7  1976   1.08  49.0 Ford                Carter         
#>  8  1980  -0.39  44.7 Carter              Reagan         
#>  9  1984   3.86  59.2 Reagan              Mondale        
#> 10  1988   2.27  53.9 Bush, Sr.           Dukakis        
#> # … with 6 more rows

Classical least squares linear regression.

fit_1 <- lm(vote ~ growth, data = hibbs)

#> lm(formula = vote ~ growth, data = hibbs)
#>             coef.est
#> (Intercept) 46.25     1.62  
#> growth       3.06     0.70  
#> ---
#> n = 16, k = 2
#> residual sd = 3.76, R-Squared = 0.58

The linear regression coefficients returned by lm() are at the maximum of a multivariate normal likelihood function.

Coefficients and coefficient likelihood.

coef_1 <- coef(fit_1)
a_1 <- coef_1[["(Intercept)"]]
b_1 <- coef_1[["growth"]]
vcov_1 <- vcov(fit_1)
a_1_se <- sqrt(diag(vcov_1))[["(Intercept)"]]
b_1_se <- sqrt(diag(vcov_1))[["growth"]]
n_points <- 201

v <- 
    a = seq(a_1 - 4 * a_1_se, a_1 + 4 * a_1_se, length.out = n_points),
    b = seq(b_1 - 4 * b_1_se, b_1 + 4 * b_1_se, length.out = n_points)
  ) %>% 
    prob = mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = as.matrix(.), mean = coef_1, sigma = vcov_1)

v %>% 
  ggplot(aes(a, b)) +
  geom_contour(aes(z = prob)) +
  geom_point(data = tibble(a = a_1, b = b_1), color = "red") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::breaks_width(1)) +
  labs(title = "Coefficients and coefficient likelihood")

This plot displays the likelihood for a simple example as a function of the coefficients a and b. Strictly speaking, this model has three parameters – a, b, and σ – but for simplicity we display the likelihood of a and b conditional on the estimated σ̂.

Coefficients with ±1 standard error and coefficient likelihood.

v %>% 
  ggplot(aes(a, b)) +
  geom_contour(aes(z = prob)) +
    x    = c(a_1 - a_1_se, a_1),
    xend = c(a_1 + a_1_se, a_1),
    y    = c(b_1, b_1 - b_1_se),
    yend = c(b_1, b_1 + b_1_se)
  ) +
  geom_point(data = tibble(a = a_1, b = b_1), color = "red") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::breaks_width(1)) +
    title = "Coefficients with ±1 standard error and coefficient likelihood"

This plot shows the maximum likelihood estimate in red and also includes the uncertainty bars showing ±1 standard error for each parameter.

8.4 Comparing two fitting function: lm() and stan_glm()

Reproducing maximum likelihood using stan_glm() with flat priors and optimization

A Bayesian model using flat priors will result in a posterior distribution that is the same as the likelihood function for classical least squares regression. If we direct the algorithm to perform optimization instead of sampling, it will seek the same maximum likelihood estimate that is returned by classical least squares regression.


fit_2 <- 
    vote ~ growth,
    data = hibbs,
    refresh = 0,
    prior = NULL,
    prior_intercept = NULL,
    prior_aux = NULL,
    algorithm = "optimizing"
coef_2 <- coef(fit_2)

coef_2 - coef_1
#> (Intercept)      growth 
#>    -0.00298     0.02453

The coefficients obtained through optimizing are close to the least square coefficients.

We’ll now direct the algorithm to to fit the sample model with sampling (MCMC) instead of optimization.


fit_3 <- 
    vote ~ growth,
    data = hibbs,
    refresh = 0,
    prior = NULL,
    prior_intercept = NULL,
    prior_aux = NULL,
    algorithm = "sampling"
coef_3 <- coef(fit_3)

coef_3 - coef_1
#> (Intercept)      growth 
#>    -0.00542    -0.00782

The coefficients obtained through sampling are also close to the least square coefficients.