All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
NOTE: the project follows Semantic Versioning.
- Allow project .vimrc and exclude yardoc folders from ctrlp
Lot of cleanup and new or updated plugins, PLEASE READ BEFORE INSTALLING!
- Add .editorconfig support
- No more backup or swap files
- Remove Tabularize shortcuts
- Improve opening large files
- Yank Without Jank:
- Remove Plugin: vim-airline
- Remove Plugin: vim-extradite
- Remove some file formatting plugins made redundant by sheerun/vim-polyglot
- New plugin: Rainbow Parentheses
- New plugin: vim-endwise
- New plugin: itchyny/lightline.vim,
- Fix Issue #6 - multiple-cursors vs neocomplete
- Add Extradite plugin and map it to
- Fix Issue with ruby autocomplete performance when working in gems
- Fix F12 -> F2
- A bit overkill, to change line numbering on insert
- Fixes Issue #3: remap the JSON validation command to a shortcut
REQUIRES vim with lua support:
- Replaces Neocomplcache by neocomplete
- Includes puppet plugin
- Includes roy/ctrlp-funky plugin
- Includes tpope/vim-vinegar plugin
- Removes redundant or unused plugins
- Updates the README
Not really the initial release, because the project has been released and used since September 2012, but the beginning of a changelog to help track future changes as suggested by @chilipote.