All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v2.3.0 - 2021-09-13
- ci: Enable auto merge on dependabot
- ci: Cleanup Service Integration Tests (#57)
- docs: Update README (#59)
- ci: Upgrade Xuanwo/fetch-metadata
- build(deps): bump to 0.7.31 (#58)
v2.2.0 - 2021-07-17
- ci: Add gofmt action (#37)
- ci: Add dependabot auto build support (#40)
- ci: Add diff check action (#41)
- storage: Update types in service.toml to golang types (#46)
- storage: Implement GSP-654 Unify List Behavior (#46)
- ci: Fix auto-build not work correctly
v2.1.0 - 2021-06-29
- *: Implement GSP-87 Feature Gates (#27)
- storage: Add CreateDir (#28)
- storage: Implement GSP-97 Add Restrictions in Storage Metadata (#32)
- *: Implement GSP-109 Redesign Features (#32)
- *: Implement GSP-117 Rename Service to System as the Opposite to Global (#32)
- build(deps): bump to 0.7.27 (#34)
v2.0.0 - 2021-05-24
- storage: Implement SSE support (#17)
- services: implement GSP-47 & GSP-51 (#21)
- storage: Implement multipart support (#23)
- storage: Idempotent storager delete operation (#20)
- *: Implement GSP-73 Organization rename (#24)
v1.1.0 - 2021-04-24
- pair: Implement default pair support for service (#4)
- storage: Implement Create API (#13)
- *: Add UnimplementedStub (#15)
- tests: Introduce STORAGE_COS_INTEGRATION_TEST (#16)
- tests: Add docs for how to run tests
- storage: Implement GSP-40 (#18)
- docs: Migrate zulip to matrix
- build: Fix build scripts
- ci: Only run Integration Test while push to master
- build(deps): bump from 0.7.19 to 0.7.24
- Implement cos services.