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An Introduction to twNlme package

The twNlme is an extension of the nlme package that

  • unifies the usage of gnls and nlme
  • helps with calculating prediction uncertainty including that of fixed and random effects

Tree biomass example

The Data and the allometric model

Diameter dbh (cm) and stem biomass (kg) of trees of in the dataset Wutzler08BeechStem have been reported by different authors.

We have to deal with heteroscedastic errors. The variance increases with diameter and stem biomass.

Furthermore, trees have been measured at different locations and with slightly different methods. Hence, there are groupings in the data, and the records of one study are not independent of each other.

require(twNlme, quietly = TRUE)


##      author stand alt si age  stockden  dbh height  stem
## 1 Bartelink    28  23 36  20 1.4140742  8.4   9.80 16.50
## 2 Bartelink    28  23 36  20 1.8189853  9.9  11.25 22.80
## 3 Bartelink    28  23 36  20 2.4107784 10.7   9.70 24.70
## 4 Bartelink    29  23 36  21 1.6676217 10.6   9.75 22.40
## 5 Bartelink    29  23 36  21 1.7049168 10.7   9.30 21.30
## 6 Bartelink    29  23 36  21 0.6020487  7.0   8.40  9.41

ds <- Wutzler08BeechStem[order(Wutzler08BeechStem$dbh),]
plot( stem~dbh, col = author, data = ds, xlab = "dbh [cm]", ylab = "")
mtext( "stem biomass [kg]", 2, 2.8, las = 0)
legend( "topleft", inset = c(0.01,0.01), levels(ds$author), col = 1:13, pch = 1 )

The objective is to estimate stem biomass based on measured tree diameters.

The functional relationship can be described by an allometric equation: y = β0dβ1. Where y is the stem biomass, d is the diameter, and βi are estimated model coefficients.

A log-transformation yields a linear form. And the plot reveals a similar slope between authors but differences in the intercept: log(y)=log(β0)+β1log(d).

plot( log(stem)~log(dbh), col = author, data = subset(ds, dbh >= 7) )

Ignore the grouping structure

First, the data is fitted with ignoring the grouping stucture, which leads to a severe underestimation of uncertainty of aggregated stem biomass predictions.

lm1 <- lm( log(stem)~log(dbh), data = ds )
.start <- structure( c( exp(coef(lm1)[1]), coef(lm1)[2] ), names = c("b0","b1")) 

gm1 <- gnls( stem ~ b0 * dbh^b1 
    , data = ds 
    , params = c(b0+b1~1)
    , start = .start   
    , weights = varPower(form = ~fitted(.))

## Generalized nonlinear least squares fit
##   Model: stem ~ b0 * dbh^b1 
##   Data: ds 
##   Log-likelihood: -886.4868
## Coefficients:
##       b0       b1 
## 0.103384 2.458062 
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Power of variance covariate
##  Formula: ~fitted(.) 
##  Parameter estimates:
##    power 
## 1.031154 
## Degrees of freedom: 187 total; 185 residual
## Residual standard error: 0.2757708

plot( stem~dbh, data = ds, xlab = "dbh [cm]", ylab = "")
mtext( "stem biomass [kg]", 2, 2.5, las = 0)
lines( fitted(gm1) ~ dbh, data = ds, col = "black", lwd = 2 )

sdEps <- sqrt( varResidPower(gm1, pred = fitted(gm1)) )
gm1a <- attachVarPrep(gm1, fVarResidual = varResidPower)
sd <- varPredictNlmeGnls(gm1a, newdata = ds)[,"sdInd"] 
lines( fitted(gm1)+sd ~ dbh, data = ds, col = "grey" )
lines( fitted(gm1)-sd ~ dbh, data = ds, col = "grey" )

Note, the usage of function varResidPower to calculate uncertainty of the residuals that depends on the fitted values.

In addition to residual variance varResid, there is prediction uncertainty due to uncertainty in model coefficients: varFix. This component is, however, 3 orders of magnitudes smaller. Hence, the prediction uncertainty of the population sdPop is much smaller than the prediction uncertainty of an individual sdInd.

apply( varPredictNlmeGnls(gm1a, newdata = ds), 2, median )

##         fit      varFix      varRan    varResid       sdPop       sdInd 
##  125.890054    9.202466    0.000000 1629.016028    3.033557   40.474912

Note, the usage of function varPredictNlmeGnls to calculate variance due to uncertainty in model coefficients. It makes use of a Taylor approximation and needs to evaluate the derivatives of the statistical model at the predictor values. These derivative functions are symbolically derived before by calling function attachVarPrep.

Now, we use the model to calculate stem biomass and its uncertainty for n=1000 trees with a diameter of about 30cm.

n <- 1000      # sum over n trees
dsNew <- data.frame(dbh = rnorm(n, mean = 30, sd = 2), author = ds$author[1])
yNew <- predict(gm1a, newdata = dsNew )
varNew <- varPredictNlmeGnls(gm1a, newdata = dsNew)
# on average each tree biomass with 33% uncertainty
median( varNew[,"sdInd"]/yNew ) 

## [1] 0.3349375

yAgg <- sum(yNew)
# completly independent:
cvYAggRes <- sqrt( sum(varNew[,"varResid"]) ) / yAgg    # only 1% uncertainty ?
# indpendent but account for uncertainty in model coefficients
varSumComp <- varSumPredictNlmeGnls(gm1a, newdata = dsNew, retComponents = TRUE)
cvYAggInd <- varSumComp["sdPred"]/yAgg       # 3.1%
# dependent errors: add standard deviation
# 33%: no decrease with increasing n
cvYAggDep <- sum( sqrt(varNew[,"varResid"]) ) / yAgg   
structure( c( cvYAggRes, cvYAggInd, cvYAggDep )*100
           , names = c("Residuals","Independent","Correlated"))

##   Residuals Independent  Correlated 
##    1.069402    3.302089   33.368678


##         pred       sdPred       varFix       varRan     varResid 
##    44.849294     1.480964 19632.189800     0.000000  2300.348169

With aggregating over n=1000 trees, the residual uncertainty varResid declines and the uncertainty of model coefficients varFix becomes more important. Accounting for model coefficients raises the coefficient of variation from 1% to 3%.

However, we cannot treat the predictions as independent of each other. To be conservative we assumme that errors add up and report a cv of 33%.

Note, how the aggregated uncertainty of model coefficients has been calculated by function varSumPredictNlmeGnls. The calculation involves the evaluation of the derivative functions for each compination of predictors. Hence, it scales with O(n2) and takes some time for large n.

Accounting for the grouping with mixed models

Now we refit the model using random effects in coefficient β0. I.e. we assume that it can vary between authors around a common central value. Additionally, we assume that increase in residual variance with stem biomass can differ between authors.

y = (β0 + b0, k)dβ1 + ϵ

b0, k ∼  𝒩(0,  σk2)

mm1 <- nlme( stem ~ b0 * dbh^b1 
        , data = ds 
        , fixed = c(b0+b1~1)
        , random = list(author = c(b0 ~1))
        #, random = list(author = c(b1 ~1))
        #, random = list(author = c(b0+b1 ~1))
        , start = .start   
        , weights = varPower(form = ~fitted(.)|author)

## Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##   Model: stem ~ b0 * dbh^b1 
##   Data: ds 
##   Log-likelihood: -828.8601
##   Fixed: c(b0 + b1 ~ 1) 
##         b0         b1 
## 0.09491307 2.47957395 
## Random effects:
##  Formula: b0 ~ 1 | author
##                 b0  Residual
## StdDev: 0.02341744 0.1942184
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Power of variance covariate, different strata
##  Formula: ~fitted(.) | author 
##  Parameter estimates:
##   Bartelink   Cienciala Duvigneaud1 Duvigneaud2   Heinsdorf     Le Goff 
##   1.0442361   1.0204557   1.0669883   1.1414447   1.0112554   0.8948631 
##       Masci    Matteuci      Vyskot 
##   0.9773092   1.0839169   1.0421887 
## Number of Observations: 187
## Number of Groups: 9

plot( stem~dbh, col = author, data = ds, xlab = "dbh [cm]", ylab = "")
mtext( "stem biomass [kg]", 2, 2.5, las = 0)
yds <- predict(mm1, level = 0) 
lines( yds ~ dbh, data = ds, col = "black", lwd = 2)

#authors <- levels(ds$author)
authors <- c("Heinsdorf","Cienciala","Duvigneaud2")
for (authorI in authors) {
    dsNa <- ds; dsNa$author[] <- authorI
    try(lines( predict(
      mm1, level = 1, newdata = dsNa) ~ dbh, data = dsNa
      , col = which(authorI == levels(ds$author)) ))
  "topleft", inset = c(0.01,0.01), legend = c(sort(authors),"Population")
  , col = c(which(levels(ds$author) %in% authors),"black")
  , lty = 1, lwd = c(rep(1,length(authors)),2) )

#sd <- sqrt( varResidPower(gm1, pred = predict(mm1, level = 0)) )
# calculate symbolic derivatives used in variance prediction
mm1a <- attachVarPrep( mm1, fVarResidual = varResidPower)     
sd <- varPredictNlmeGnls(mm1a, newdata = ds)[,"sdInd"]# variance components
lines( yds+sd ~ dbh, data = ds, col = "grey" )
lines( yds-sd ~ dbh, data = ds, col = "grey" )

The uncertainty of a single prediction did not change. However, the variance across the populations by the authors varRan is now about as large as the residual variance varResid:

apply( varPredictNlmeGnls(mm1a, newdata = ds), 2, median )

##       fit    varFix    varRan  varResid     sdPop     sdInd 
## 122.98921 108.49314 920.79088 771.94335  32.08246  42.44087

This is significant, for the error propagation, because the uncertainty in model coefficients does not decrease with the number of measured trees.

yNew <- predict(mm1, newdata = dsNew, level = 0 )
yAgg <- sum(yNew)
(varSumCompM <- varSumPredictNlmeGnls(mm1a, newdata = dsNew, retComponents = TRUE))

##         pred       sdPred       varFix       varRan     varResid 
## 4.431073e+05 1.158402e+05 1.455665e+09 1.195212e+10 1.116884e+07

(cvAgg <- varSumCompM["sdPred"] / yAgg )     # 26% uncertainty

##    sdPred 
## 0.2614269

When accounting for the groups, the uncertainty for the prediction of 1000 trees of an unknown group of 26% is much higher than the uncertainty of 3.3% estimated by ignoring the groups.

Alternative: bootstrap aggregated uncertainty

An alternative way of calculating the uncertainty of the aggregated value, the sum of biomass of n trees, is to apply a bootstrap. For nBoot times random realizations are drawn for fixed effects and for the random effects.

For each sample, the tree biomass and its sum is calculated. At the end, we obtain a distribution of the aggregated value and can obtain an uncertainty estimate from it.

This way requires a bit more programming, specific to the used model, but is faster for large n. It confirmes our previous uncertainty estimate of 26%.

Note the usage of functions varFixef and varRanef, that extract the covariance matrix of fixed and random effects from the model object.

require(mnormt)     # multivariate normal
nBoot <- 400

# random realizations of fixed effects
beta <- rmnorm(nBoot, fixef(mm1), varFixef(mm1) )       
# random realizations of b0
b0 <- rnorm(nBoot, 0 , sqrt(varRanef(mm1)) )            
 # extract the coefficients of heteroscedastic variance model 
sigma0 <- mm1$sigma                                      
delta <- mean( coef(mm1$modelStruct$varStruct,uncons = FALSE, allCoef = TRUE)
               , nBoot, replace = TRUE)
 # do the bootstrap
res <- sapply( 1:nBoot, function(i) {
            yNewP <- (beta[i,"b0"] + b0[i]) * dsNew$dbh^(beta[i,"b1"])
            sigma <- sigma0 * yNewP^delta
            # random realizations of resiudal base
            eps <- rnorm( nrow(dsNew), 0, sigma)    
            yNewT <- yNewP + eps
            yAggi <- sum(yNewT)
sd(res)/yAgg        # confirms cv = 26%

## [1] 0.2592882