1.3.1 (2024-07-24)
- link typo in readme (e422476)
- remove legacy getBrowserWallet info; update packages; update typedoc (7f0618d)
1.3.0 (2024-07-01)
- added docs structure; WIP: modules docs (03bc330)
- initial docs finished (343b918)
- initial docs WIP (bcb81f0)
- docs (a524aad)
- eslint (627bff7)
- readme (be9e3e6)
- readme (0d3893d)
- readme (022d31e)
- typo (9fba570)
- update packages and migrate to eslint latest (e886a16)
- wagmi zustand sync (e4618ef)
- wagmi zustand sync (e1b0d37)
1.2.1 (2024-04-22)
1.2.0 (2024-04-05)
- added auto connect flag (4d9d089)
- transactions selectors (c149fe6)
- typing (cb087b6)
- update readme (2af93b7)
- wagmi zustand sync (3465797)
1.1.2 (2024-03-27)
1.1.1 (2024-02-06)
- package build (f125c8f)
- package build (8613e27)
- safe tx tracking when tx nonce === 0 (58694fb)
- update packages (eb06ea1)
1.1.0 (2024-01-16)
- active wallet chain (9fce527)
- added console logs (8001408)
- added fallback config (d59d4bf)
- chains (cac73ea)
- clients (88d6d87)
- connectors (e5c4f43)
- connectors type (5def7e5)
- disconnect account (501209c)
- gelato tx status and tx error message (ed054de)
- impersonated (d02e711)
- impersonated (fd8b414)
- impersonated connector (b1c71a4)
- impersonated connector (de6c943)
- impersonated connector and wagmi config chains (036b7f0)
- not supported chain (de5f52f)
- readme (572f26c)
- readme and code styles (20ecc6e)
- removed console logs and commented code (e254f61)
- tx execute type (2459454)
- update packages (6ed8c2a)
- wagmi config (9eced72)
- wagmi config (c995d1f)
- wagmi config (e4977ce)
- wagmi config to store init (c991b8d)
- wagmi provider (e129d97)
- wallet clients (81809e2)
- wallet connect (e9b0a9b)
- wallet connect (39ac46b)
- wallet connect (e1833aa)
- wallet slice (9233aee)
- wallet slice logic (01a3205)
1.0.4 (2024-01-07)
- chain switching (f28b69f)
1.0.3 (2023-12-14)
- update packages (a86ebd4)
1.0.2 (2023-12-11)
- impersonated auto connect (bc4dc72)
- impersonated connector (47ed4a6)
- package version (93e4408)
- update packages (952de76)
- version (177b5bf)
1.0.1 (2023-12-04)
- added generate explorer link (3b21f6e)
- added github workflows (8843db3)
- added impersonated connector (cda69f3)
- added isContractAddress to wallet object (5f30cab)
- added static json rpc batch provider (b5f2558)
- added transactions helpers (ced353e)
- gelato first integration compiled (a225787)
- gelato integration added (94a6515)
- migrated from tsdx to tsup building lib (fdadd22)
- adapters (2c39ceb)
- adapters (1a727b4)
- adapters fix (4b46a51)
- add console log (d0ddce0)
- added babelrc (82f7aff)
- added check if gelato available (a0c3ca2)
- added console log (f3bcea9)
- added console logs (628e1c0)
- added console logs (84826fe)
- added console logs (d3fafa0)
- added dist folder to repo (e28e3d9)
- added more console logs (327284c)
- added more console logs (8762837)
- added new console logs (e7dc0c7)
- added replaced logic for gnosis safe adapter (15aacc4)
- added reset wallet connection error (2e7be08)
- added safe tx hash to execute tx func (06dd7dd)
- added set transactions client to activate wallet (e537dff)
- added testnet chains to chain helper (40ca391)
- added to tx pool (0121fd5)
- added tx error message to use last tx local status hook (224f25f)
- browser wallets details (49d02b7)
- browser wallets icons (d4117e0)
- browser wallets info (0b67f15)
- browser wallets info (dff7f6e)
- browser wallets svg code (7c41e93)
- build (e634f81)
- chain id for impersonated connector (a9cb0f4)
- chain info helper (f347fe7)
- chain info helper (0b5bd02)
- chains logic (dfb3226)
- change json rpc provider -> batch (fb43fc9)
- code style (323f603)
- coinbase local storage remove (171669e)
- connect wallet chain (856d6f3)
- connect wallet chain id (f342d61)
- connect wallet chain id (da706b5)
- connectors for next js 13 (3042ed7)
- default export (66df781)
- default wallet icon (8725e83)
- desiredChainID in walletSlice (35a6c62)
- eslint (2fd00e6)
- eslint and tx hook (2a3eeb4)
- eslintrc (8bfea9a)
- eth tx tracking (7a15634)
- filterout gnosis safe txs and rewrite tx wait (b8148c5)
- func name (590c7e7)
- gelato api endpoint (fdd2bc6)
- gelato error message (aaaaf49)
- gelato error status number (353a407)
- gelato tx status added (4829a52)
- generate functions (c0ff7af)
- generateExplorerLink (e1f4ee9)
- generateExplorerLink (f3b8c32)
- get last tx (e3b3a3e)
- get last tx (8c019c9)
- gnosis and gelato retry count (e4242d5)
- gnosis safe adapter (7a6e70b)
- gnosis safe adapter added trusted parameter (c610996)
- gnosis safe for sepolia (096b731)
- gnosis safe tx (915ceac)
- gnosis safe tx status (188a628)
- gnosis tx status (e503220)
- impersonated (13e8a96)
- impersonated connect (a753f75)
- impersonated connector (462b8c1)
- impersonated connector (d732295)
- impersonated connector (6a83658)
- impersonated connector (7e5f43e)
- impersonated connector account (a611d29)
- impersonated connector address (c267c1c)
- impersonated connector for multiple networks (6e5b4a5)
- import (6d44349)
- imports (baf01ec)
- initial chains (692ffd1)
- initTxPoll called multiple times (0f181a8)
- isContractWallet map added (d9a8df2)
- isError condition (bae13e0)
- isError condition (179e60b)
- isError condition (27a833d)
- isGelato available (62cdf50)
- isReplaced (6ab9e40)
- linter (4625ae8)
- local statuses (64b6f39)
- lodash import (07ef87e)
- mainnet rpc url (b771bc2)
- migrate to yarn & update packages & remove legacy tests (a2c6d57)
- module type (610be28)
- optimize code (1bd7a34)
- package json (6fc4c14)
- package json (5242c19)
- package name in github workflow (bec3aa8)
- package version (a5fb84a)
- package version (3dec8e3)
- packages (ea483d7)
- packages (bbd4601)
- packages version (edd6335)
- packages versions (616fa00)
- peer dependencies (4f618f9)
- peerDependencies (ee245cb)
- peerDeps (bcec892)
- pending tx (a432a75)
- provider for next js 13 (7b31123)
- push fix for next js 13 (bc03004)
- readme (d42cf6a)
- remove console logs (c0a23e9)
- remove console.log (78b5876)
- remove dist dir (9720ac0)
- remove dist folder (070a9cb)
- remove dist folder (3b53169)
- remove dist folder from repo (0696764)
- remove dist folder from repo (bb7893d)
- remove last connected chain id (90e24f7)
- remove use client (df7c877)
- reverted status for eth tx (6c19992)
- safe (50e2eab)
- safe adapter and types (a6f582b)
- safe and gelato adapters (e0c6cd8)
- safe tx (1581d6c)
- selectTxByHash added to transactionsSelectors (4b57181)
- selectTxExplorerLink (599e4ec)
- selectTxExplorerLink (7b7441e)
- Sepolia nativeCurrency (8ba444e)
- setClient (139a633)
- small code style fix (7182993)
- small fix browser wallet logic (88cb87a)
- test eth adapter (31fc3bb)
- test gnosis provider passing (209be4c)
- tracking transactions code structure (4c21d9c)
- transaction slice for testnets (a3abcdf)
- transaction tracking code styles (e2a18e8)
- transactions adapters (d6c2749)
- transactions slice wait transaction (0264b8f)
- transactions typing (880c52e)
- transactionsSlice providers type (881f4cd)
- tsup config (38b8099)
- turn off isContractAddress (a0a95d8)
- tx adapter for contract wallet (a0a0563)
- tx local status errors (b8fdd2a)
- tx providers (d7105e8)
- tx selector (3132e77)
- tx wait (ff1b131)
- tx.timestamp (a53dfef)
- types (df2a47e)
- types (2e10ee1)
- types (7687290)
- types and constants (8b69b2f)
- typing (67a4264)
- typo (d2ca23d)
- update package (06cf97f)
- update package json (a0decc8)
- update package version (28e49b5)
- update packages (a2ddf57)
- update packages (cebc2e0)
- update packages (9f83184)
- update packages (bd6aba6)
- update packages (cd9a69e)
- update readme (ef79959)
- update readme & prepared package json to release package (5c14bf2)
- update Web3Provider to store reference to conenctors (7cfda8c)
- useTxStatuses (be67b3b)
- version (32a8152)
- version (60abafa)
- wait for tx (653156b)
- wait tx (fca8956)
- wallet connect clear local storage (a36bb1e)
- wallet connect connection chain id (eb596a6)
- wallet connect error type & added: eslint & prettier (9f1b54b)
- wallet connect local storage clean (19a950b)
- wallet provider (4f29a7e)
- wallet slice logic (55c9b60)
- walletConnectionError error (4aa58c1)
- wallets info structure (5489e4f)
- window.ethereum (ab059fe)
- zero private key (c7b02d3)