my random word generator rant thing posted to the Conlangs Discord Network's #tools-and-documentation
(with some minimal formatting edits)
man i have like 4 different random word generators bookmarked and all of them have features missing for my "idea" random word generator
- ???
my problems
- phonemes need to be 1 char each, di-/tri-graphs need to be done with rewrite rules
- ordering of phonemes matters (with dropoff != "equiprobable")
- need to list ALL variants of syllables
- can't set to no monosyllables
- arbitrary length phonemes
- optional and "pick one" for syllable patterns
- can set probabilities
my problems
- max of 26 categories
- can't set syllable structure and generate words of
syllables, have to manually copy-paste syllable structure multiple times
- arbitrary length phonemes
- optional and "pick one" for syllable patterns
- can set probabilities
- rewrites
- specify syllable structure and generate words of
-syllable words
my problems
- incomplete, according to docs (and the github commit history)
- weird comment syntax
- arbitrary length phonemes
- rejecting, fitering
- syllable macros
- optional syllable components
- cluster fields
my problems
- no "pick one" for words
- works on word structure rather than syllable structure
- need to list many combos of syllables
- macros are only 1 character long
- no classes in classes
- order of phonemes matters
- arbitrary length phonemes (awk, gengo, lex)
- rejecting, filtering, rewrites (gen, awk, gengo, lex)
- optional, "pick one", repeated syllable components (awk, gengo, ½lex)
- specify syllable, generate
-syllable words (gengo) - pure random (½gen, awk, gengo), or based on worldwide phoneme frequency (none of these, yet)