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03 - Logic service


Logic service is do many base-service with complicated transaction script bean service.

You must first understand the following framework

  1. Spring
  2. Hibernate
  3. Dozer
  4. MyBatis
  5. Activiti BPMN


BaseLogicService is minimum unit Logic Service, it main support CORE-SYSTEM used.

Name Return description
getAccountId() String get user account id
defaultString(String source) String null will return blank
isBlank(String source) boolean null/blank true, found value false
isNoSelectId(String value) boolean value not a select option item or Please select return true
setStringValueMaxLength(T obj, String fieldName, int maxLength) <T> BaseValue set value object variable field max string size, main used of description field
replaceSplit2Blank(T obj, String fieldName, String split) <T> BaseValue set value object variable, replace split value to blank

reference example:


CoreBaseLogicService is extends BaseLogicService, it main support GSBSC-SYSTEM, QCHARTS-SYSTEM.

Name Return description
findAccountData() AccountVO get current user account object
findAccountData(String accountId) AccountVO get user account object by account-Id
findUserRoles() List<TbUserRole> get current user Role data
findUserRoles(String accountId) List<TbUserRole> get user Role data by account-Id
findUploadData(String oid) SysUploadVO find upload data log
findUploadDataForNoByteContent(String oid) SysUploadVO find upload data log, not blob content field value

reference example:


BscBaseLogicService is extends CoreBaseLogicService, it main support GSBSC-SYSTEM.

Name Return description
findOrganizationData(String oid) OrganizationVO find organization data by OID
findEmployeeData(String oid) EmployeeVO find employee data by OID
findOrganizationDataByUK(String orgId) OrganizationVO find organization data by organization-ID
findEmployeeDataByUK(String accountId, String empId) EmployeeVO find employee data by employee UK / unique key
findEmployeeDataByAccountId(String accountId) EmployeeVO find employee data by account-id
findEmployeeDataByEmpId(String empId) EmployeeVO find employee data by employee-id / employee-no

reference example:


BscBaseBusinessProcessManagementLogicService is extends CoreBaseLogicService and BusinessProcessManagementBaseLogicService.
BscBaseBusinessProcessManagementLogicService it main support GSBSC-SYSTEM with BPMN.

Name Return description
findOrganizationData(String oid) OrganizationVO find organization data by OID
findEmployeeData(String oid) EmployeeVO find employee data by OID
findOrganizationDataByUK(String orgId) OrganizationVO find organization data by organization-ID
findEmployeeDataByUK(String accountId, String empId) EmployeeVO find employee data by employee UK / unique key
findEmployeeDataByAccountId(String accountId) EmployeeVO find employee data by account-id
findEmployeeDataByEmpId(String empId) EmployeeVO find employee data by employee-id / employee-no
getBusinessProcessManagementResourceId() String get BO BPMN resource-Id
getBusinessProcessManagementResourceObject() SysBpmnResourceVO get CORE-SYSTEM BO BPMN resource object
startProcess(Map<String, Object> paramMap) String start process
completeTask(String taskId, Map<String, Object> paramMap) void complete process task
queryTask() List<Task> query process tasks
queryTaskPlus() List<BusinessProcessManagementTaskVO> query process tasks
queryTaskPlus(String variableKeyName, String variableKeyValue) List<BusinessProcessManagementTaskVO> query process tasks by args variable name and value found
queryTaskByVariable(String variableKeyName, String variableKeyValue) List<Task> query process tasks by args variable name and value found
isRoleAllowApproval(String taskName)

isRoleAllowApproval(String accountId, String taskName)
boolean check approval task permission, true has permission, false is no permission

reference example:
config file reference:

Logic service Authority annotation

Name description
@ServiceAuthority check=true this Logic service enable Authority check, check=false disable
@ServiceMethodAuthority method Authority type

@ServiceMethodAuthority type list

Name description
SELECT method select data mode
INSERT method insert data mode
UPDATE method update data mode
DELETE method delete data mode

Logic service AOP scan package config

package com.netsteadfast.greenstep.aspect;

public class AspectConstants {
	// for DAO config
	public static final String DATA_ACCESS_OBJECT_PACKAGE = " execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.dao..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.bsc.dao..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.qcharts.dao..*.*(..) ) ";
	// for Base Service config
	public static final String BASE_SERVICE_PACKAGE = " execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.service.*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.bsc.service.*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.qcharts.service.*.*(..) ) ";
	// for Logic Service config
	public static final String LOGIC_SERVICE_PACKAGE = " execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.service.logic..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.bsc.service.logic..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.qcharts.service.logic..*.*(..) ) ";

Add Logic service authority

Please use: Role's permitted settings -> 01 - Role function to add permitted value

Logice bean id is bsc.service.logic.KpiLogicService and method ServiceMethodAuthority type is INSERT
permitted string value is: bsc.service.logic.KpiLogicService#INSERT

role permitted table:
select * from tb_role_permission