Generate an image of the mandelbrot set
Compile with the usual go build
$ ./mandelbrot-set -h
Usage of ./mandelbrot-set:
-color int
Color mode (use --help to see the available modes) (default 1)
-height uint
Image height (default 1080)
Print a help message and exit
-maxIterations uint
Maximum iteration count (default 100)
-out string
The output image, maut be a png file (default "output.png")
-width uint
Image width (default 1920)
-xMaz float
Maximum value of X painted on the image (default 1)
-xMin float
Minimum value of X painted on the image (default -2.5)
-yMax float
Maximum value of X painted on the image (default 1)
-yMin float
Minimum value of X painted on the image (default -1)
$ ./mandelbrot-set -help
This program generate an image of the mandelbrot set with the specified params (use -h to show them)
Available colors are "Gray Scale" (0) and "HUE" (1)