gcp-runbatch is a tool for running a docker container in a transient GCE VM instance. The instance will be deleted once the container exits. It can be invoked as a command line tool, or as a GCP Cloud Function.
brew tap bitcomplete/tap
brew update
brew install gcp-runbatch
Download the appropriate Linux archive from the latest release and copy the binary to your PATH.
To execute a Docker image in a dedicated VM, run the gcp-runbatch command as follows:
gcp-runbatch \
--project-id=PROJECT_ID \
--zone=ZONE \
--service-account=SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
Once the image process exits, the VM will be deleted. IMAGE
should be a
reference to a Docker image recognized by docker run
, e.g. an image name on
hub.docker.com, or a full Artifact Registry image URL.
Here's an example invocation:
$ gcp-runbatch \
--project-id=long-octane-350517 \
--zone=us-central1-a \
--service-account=1234567890-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com \
Successfully started instance runbatch-38408320. To tail batch logs run:
CLOUDSDK_PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES=1 gcloud beta --project=long-octane-350517
logging tail 'logName="projects/long-octane-350517/logs/runbatch" AND
resource.labels.instance_id="runbatch-38408320"' --format='get(text_payload)'
Running the gcloud beta logging
command that gets printed will allow you to
tail the command logs.
It's straightforward to deploy runbatch as a Cloud Function. Clone the repo and
then deploy using gcloud functions deploy
go mod vendor
gcloud functions deploy runbatch-start \
--trigger-http \
--no-allow-unauthenticated \
--runtime=go116 \