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asn1 module documentation.

About asn1 module

asn1 is a pure V module for handling Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [X.680] objects encoded in Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) [X.690] encoding scheme.

Table of Contents

What is ASN.1

From Wikipedia says, Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is a standard interface description language for defining data structures that can be serialized and deserialized in a cross-platform way. It is broadly used in telecommunications and computer networking, and especially in cryptography.

Encoding of ASN.1

Encoding of ASN.1 is a set of encoding rules that specify how to represent a data structure as a series of bytes. There are multiple rules available that describes way of serializing ASN.1 object. The standard ASN.1 encoding rules include:

  • Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
  • Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
  • Canonical Encoding Rules (CER)
  • Basic XML Encoding Rules (XER)
  • many other encoding rules availables.

See [X.690] for more information about ASN.1 encoding.


This module only support the DER encoding

Basic of ASN.1 Type System

Fundamentally, DER encoding of ASN.1 is serialization of a Tag, Length and Value (TLV) triplets. Every ASN.1 object has a tag that represents what is type of the object. The Tag part specifies the type of the data structure being sent, the Length part specifies the number of bytes of content being transferred, and the Value part contains the content. Note that the Value part can be a triplet if it contains a constructed data type.

ASN.1 Tag

ASN.1 type has a tag which is byte or series of bytes that describing class of the ASN.1 object, constructed (contains other object) or primitive and a non negative tag number. In this v asn1 module, its support short form tag for tag number below 31 and long form tag (multi byte tag) for representing tag number bigger than 31. To represent tag, in this asn1 module was using this structure:

struct Tag {
	class       Class
	constructed bool
	number      int

Where Class represent class of ASN.1 type. There are four class of ASN.1 type represented in:

enum Class {
	universal = 0x00
	application = 0x01
	context = 0x02
	private = 0x03

Create new tag

Most of the time, you don't need create tag structure manually, all basic universal type constructor set it for you internally, but for convenience, you can create a new tag, with the following constructor:

fn new_tag(c Class, constructed bool, number int) Tag

where c is the ASN.1 class this object belong to, constructed boolean flag tells if this object constructed or primitive, and provided tag number.

Length handling

ASN.1 length indicates how many bytes you should read to get values or contents part. It always represents the total number of bytes in the object including all sub-objects but does not include the lengths of the identifier or of the length field itself.

ASN.1 length comes in two form: short and long form, short form fits in single byte for length between 0 and 127, and the others is long form in multi byte form. This module support both of them, but, its only limited to DER encoding of length, ie, use definite length encoding and use the smallest possible length representation.

Supported Basic ASN.1 Type

Basic ASN.1 type was a ASN.1 object which has universal class. It's currently supports following basic ASN1 type:

  • Boolean
  • BitString
  • Integer (through i32, i64, and big.Integer)
  • ObjectIdentifier
  • NumericString
  • Null
  • Enumerated
  • IA5String (ascii string)
  • OctetString
  • PrintableString
  • UTF8String
  • UTCTime
  • GeneralizedTime
  • VisibleString
  • Sequence,
  • SequenceOf
  • Set
  • SetOf

Generic ASN.1 Object

For the purposes of handling ASN.1 object in general way, we use ASN1Object that defined as:

struct ASN1Object {
	tag    Tag 
	values []u8


  • tag is the tag of object, and
  • values is the raw bytes array (contents) of the object without tag and length part.

You can create ASN1Object object with the constructor, provided with parameters :

  • Class this object belong to,
  • constructed boolean flag that tell this object constructed or primitive,
  • tagnum is the tag number, and,
  • values is bytes array of contents.
fn new_asn_object(c Class, constructed bool, tagnum int, values []u8) ASN1Object

This object implements Encoder interface, so you can treat it like other ASN.1 object and serialize it to bytes.


Most of the time, you don't need to use ASN1Object directly, but, the recommended way to create ASN.1 object was using most basic type constructor described in [Creating Basic ASN.1 Type] below.

Create Basic ASN.1 Type

You can use following function to create basic UNIVERSAL ASN.1 type. Most of the constructor return Encoder interfaces.


By default, all basic constructor has ASN.1 UNIVERSAL class tag, and the tag number is universal tag number defined in TagType enum, where constructed flag set to true value by default on SEQUENCE (SEQUENCE OF) and SET (SET OF) type. Some of the tag number was not supported in this module.

No Function ASN.1 Object Description
1 new_boolean BOOLEAN
2 new_integer INTEGER
3 new_bitstring BITSTRING its accepts arbitrary v string, not a bit string
4 new_octetstring OCTET STRING
5 new_null NULL
6 new_oid_from_string OBJECT IDENTIFIER
7 new_enumerated ENUMERATED
8 new_utf8string UTF8STRING
9 new_sequence SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF for sequence of, you should ensure you add the same object to sequence elements.
10 new_set SET, SET OF likes a sequence of, ensure add the same object to set elements
11 new_numeric_string NUMERIC STRING
12 new_printable_string PRINTABLE STRING
13 new_ia5string IA5STRING
14 new_utctime UTCTIME
15 new_generalizedtime GENERALIZED TIME
16 new_visiblestring VISIBLESTRING

and for handling EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT tagged object, there are two availables constructor:

Encoding ASN.1 Object

This section describes a way to do serializing ASN.1 to bytes array, included serialized tag and length. The most important to facilitate encoding functionality of the ASN.1 object we use Encoder interface.

Encoder Interface

Encoder is a main interrface that wraps ASN.1 encoding functionality.
Mostly all of basic types in this module implements this interface.
Encoder interface defined as;

interface Encoder {
	// tag of the underlying ASN.1 object
	tag() Tag
	// length of ASN.1 object (without tag and length part)
	length() int
	// length of encoded bytes of the object (included tag and length part)
	size() int
	// Serializes object to bytes array with DER encoding
	encode() ![]u8

Serializing ASN.1 Object to Bytes

For serializing ASN.1 object to bytes array, do following step to get bytes:

  • create desired ASN.1 object by calling desired constructor.
  • call encode()! method of the created object in previous step.
  • get the bytes array ready to transfer.

Example #1

In the first example, we would create simple object identifier object from string and serializing it to bytes array. For other object, see Basic ASN.1 Constructor.

input := '1.2.840.113549'

src := new_oid_from_string(input)!

out := src.encode()!
exp := [u8(0x06), 0x06, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d]
assert out == exp

Example #2

In the second example, we would create more complex type, sequence contains other object.

// create universal type sequence
mut seq := new_sequence()

// add three object to the sequence elements.
seq.add(new_explicit_context(new_oid_from_string('')!, 1))

// lets serialize it to bytes
out := seq.encode()!
assert out == [u8(0x30), 18, u8(12), 5, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, u8(2), 1, 42, u8(0xA1), 6, 6, 4, 43, 6, 1, 3]

Example #3

In the third example, lets create more complex type where sequence contains another sequence.

// lets create first sequence
mut seq1 := new_sequence()
// add two primitive elements to the sequence

// lets create another sequences, where it contains primitive element and first sequence created above.
mut seq2 := new_sequence()

// lets serialize it to bytes
out := seq2.encode()!
expected := [u8(0x30), 14, u8(0x01), 0x01, 0x00, u8(0x30), 6, 0x01, 0x01, 0xff, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00,
		u8(0x01), 0x01, 0xff]
// assert for right value
assert seq2.length() == 14
assert seq2.size() == 16
assert out == expected

Decoding ASN.1 Bytes

This section describes how to parse (decode) bytes of data encoded in ASN.1 DER encoding. This module export der_decode defined below as main routine to do parsing of DER encoded data. Its accepts bytes arrays encoded in DER in src params and returns Encoder interfaces object, so, you should cast it to get underlying type. By default, in context specific class, its try to read as tagged object, whether its explicit or implicit.

der_decode function

der_decode function signature as below:

fn der_decode(src []u8) !Encoder


We're going to use above data in Example #3 as an example for der_decode functionality.

// the data we're going to decode, serialized in DER encoding.
data := [u8(0x30), 14, u8(0x01), 0x01, 0x00, u8(0x30), 6, 0x01, 0x01, 0xff, 0x01, 0x01,
		0x00, u8(0x01), 0x01, 0xff]

// lets call `der_decode` routine
out := der_decode(data)!
// lets cast it to sequence
seq := out.as_sequence()!

el0 := seq.elements[0].as_boolean()!
assert el0.value == false 

el1 := seq.elements[1].as_sequence()!
el2 := seq.elements[2].as_boolean()!
assert el2.value == true 

If we dump el1 element, we exactly got the structure of sequence, with elements contains two bolean values, like we constructed in Example #3 above. Similar like this output:

el1: asn1.Sequence{
    tag: asn1.Tag{
        class: universal
        constructed: true
        number: 16
    elements: [asn1.Encoder(asn1.Boolean{
        value: true
    }), asn1.Encoder(asn1.Boolean{
        value: false

Module Index

This section describes available functions, methods, or others structure to build and mixup functionality in this module.


Class is ASN.1 tag class. Its represents scope of the type. ASN.1 specs says there are four ASN.1 class, ie, UNIVERSAL, APPLICATION, CONTEXT SPECIFIC, and PRIVATE class. Currently most of universal class type supported in this module, with limited support for other class.

enum Class {
	universal = 0x00
	application = 0x01
	context = 0x02
	private = 0x03

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TagType enum represent ASN.1 UNIVERSAL tag number. Some of them was deprecated, so its not going to be supported in this module.

enum TagType {
	reserved = 0 //	reserved for BER
	boolean = 1 // BOOLEAN
	integer = 2 // INTEGER
	bitstring = 3 // BIT STRING
	octetstring = 4 // OCTET STRING
	null = 5 // NULL
	objdesc = 7 // ObjectDescriptor
	external = 8 //	INSTANCE OF, EXTERNAL
	real = 9 // REAL
	enumerated = 10 // ENUMERATED
	embedded = 11 // EMBEDDED PDV
	utf8string = 12 // UTF8String
	relativeoid = 13 // RELATIVE-OID
	sequence = 16 // SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF, Constructed
	set = 17 ///SET, SET OF, Constructed
	numericstring = 18 // NumericString
	printablestring = 19 // PrintableString
	t61string = 20 // eletexString, T61String
	videotexstring = 21 // VideotexString
	ia5string = 22 // IA5String
	utctime = 23 // UTCTime
	generalizedtime = 24 // GeneralizedTime
	graphicstring = 25 // GraphicString
	visiblestring = 26 // VisibleString, ISO646String
	generalstring = 27 // GeneralString
	universalstring = 28 // UniversalString
	characterstring = 29 // CHARACTER STRING
	bmpstring = 30 // BMPString

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fn new_oid_from_string(s string) !Encoder

new_oid_from_string creates Oid serializer from string

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fn new_visiblestring(s string) !Encoder

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fn new_utf8string(s string) !Encoder

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fn new_utctime(s string) !Encoder

new_utctime creates new UtcTime from string s.

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fn new_tag(c Class, constructed bool, number int) Tag

new_tag creates new tag with class c, with constructed or primitive form through constructed boolean flag, and tag number.

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fn new_set_with_class(c Class) Set

new_set_with_class creates new set with specific ASN.1 class.

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fn new_set() Set

new_set creates universal set.

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fn new_sequence_with_class(c Class) Sequence

new_sequence_with_class creates new empty sequence with specific ASN.1 class.

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fn new_sequence() Sequence

new_sequence creates empty universal class of sequence type.
for other ASN.1 class, see new_sequence_with_class

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fn new_asn_object(cls Class, constructed bool, tagnum int, values []u8) ASN1Object

new_asn_object creates new ASN.1 Object

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fn new_bitstring(s string) !Encoder

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fn new_boolean(value bool) Encoder

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fn new_enumerated(val int) Encoder

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fn new_explicit_context(asn Encoder, tagnum int) Tagged

new_explicit_context creates new explicit mode of context specific class of tagged object from original ASN.1 object with tag number sets to tagnum.

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fn new_generalizedtime(s string) !Encoder

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fn new_ia5string(s string) !Encoder

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fn new_implicit_context(asn Encoder, tagnum int) Tagged

new_implicit_context creates new implicit mode of context specific class of tagged object from original ASN.1 object with new tag number sets to tagnum.

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fn new_integer(val AsnInteger) Encoder

new_integer creates asn.1 serializable integer object. Its supports arbitrary integer value, with support from math.big module for integer bigger than 64 bit number.

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fn new_null() Encoder

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fn new_numeric_string(s string) !Encoder

new_numeric_string creates new numeric string

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fn new_octetstring(s string) Encoder

new_octetstring creates new octet string

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fn new_printable_string(s string) !Encoder

new_printable_string creates PrintableString from the string s

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fn read_explicit_context(tag Tag, contents []u8) !Tagged

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fn (enc Encoder) contents() ![]u8

contents gets the contents (values) part of ASN.1 object, that is, bytes values of the object without tag and length parts.

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fn (e Encoder) as_sequence() !Sequence

as_sequence cast encoder to sequence

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fn (e Encoder) as_set() !Set

as_set cast encoder to set

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fn (e Encoder) as_boolean() !Boolean

as_boolean cast encoder to ASN.1 boolean

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fn (e Encoder) as_integer() !AsnInteger

as_integer cast encoder to ASN.1 integer

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fn (e Encoder) as_bitstring() !BitString

as_bitstring cast encoder to ASN.1 bitstring

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fn (e Encoder) as_octetstring() !OctetString

as_octetstring cast encoder to ASN.1 OctetString

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fn (e Encoder) as_null() !Null

as_null cast encoder to ASN.1 null type

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fn (e Encoder) as_oid() !Oid

as_oid cast encoder to ASN.1 object identifier type.

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fn (e Encoder) as_utf8string() !UTF8String

as_utf8string cast encoder to ASN.1 UTF8String.

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fn (e Encoder) as_numericstring() !NumericString

as_numericstring cast encoder to ASN.1 NumericString.

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fn (e Encoder) as_printablestring() !PrintableString

as_printablestring cast encoder to ASN.1 PrintableString.

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fn (e Encoder) as_ia5string() !IA5String

as_ia5string cast encoder to ASN.1 IA5String.

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fn (e Encoder) as_visiblestring() !VisibleString

as_visiblestring cast encoder to ASN.1 VisibleString.

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fn (e Encoder) as_utctime() !UtcTime

as_utctime cast encoder to ASN.1 UtcTime.

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fn (e Encoder) as_generalizedtime() !GeneralizedTime

as_generalizedtime cast encoder to ASN.1 GeneralizedTime.

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type Enumerated = int

Enumerated type treated as ordinary integer, only differs on tag value.
The encoding of an enumerated value shall be that of the integer value with which it is associated.
NOTE: It is primitive.

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fn (en Enumerated) tag() Tag

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fn (en Enumerated) length() int

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fn (en Enumerated) size() int

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fn (en Enumerated) encode() ![]u8

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type GeneralizedTime = string


In DER Encoding scheme, GeneralizedTime should :

  • The encoding shall terminate with a "Z"
  • The seconds element shall always be present
  • The fractional-seconds elements, if present, shall omit all trailing zeros;
  • if the elements correspond to 0, they shall be wholly omitted, and the decimal point element also shall be omitted

GeneralizedTime values MUST be:

  • expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu) and MUST include seconds (i.e., times are YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ), even where the number of seconds is zero.
  • GeneralizedTime values MUST NOT include fractional seconds.

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fn (gt GeneralizedTime) tag() Tag

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fn (gt GeneralizedTime) length() int

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fn (gt GeneralizedTime) size() int

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fn (gt GeneralizedTime) encode() ![]u8

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fn (a5 IA5String) tag() Tag

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fn (a5 IA5String) length() int

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fn (a5 IA5String) size() int

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fn (a5 IA5String) encode() ![]u8

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type UtcTime = string


For this time, UTCTime represented by simple string with format "YYMMDDhhmmssZ"

  • the six digits YYMMDD where YY is the two low-order digits of the Christian year, (RFC 5280 defines it as a range from 1950 to 2049 for X.509), MM is the month (counting January as 01), and DD is the day of the month (01 to 31).
  • the four digits hhmm where hh is hour (00 to 23) and mm is minutes (00 to 59); (SEE NOTE BELOW)
  • the six digits hhmmss where hh and mm are as in above, and ss is seconds (00 to 59);
  • the character Z;
  • one of the characters + or -, followed by hhmm, where hh is hour and mm is minutes (NOT SUPPORTED)


  • Restrictions employed by DER, the encoding shall terminate with "Z".
  • The seconds element shall always be present, and DER (along with RFC 5280) specify that seconds must be present,
  • Fractional seconds must not be present.


  • check for invalid representation of date and hhmmss part.
  • represented UTCTime in time.Time

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fn (utc UtcTime) tag() Tag

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fn (utc UtcTime) length() int

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fn (utc UtcTime) size() int

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fn (utc UtcTime) encode() ![]u8

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fn (bs BitString) tag() Tag

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fn (bs BitString) length() int

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fn (bs BitString) size() int

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fn (bs BitString) encode() ![]u8

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fn (ut UTF8String) tag() Tag

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fn (ut UTF8String) length() int

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fn (ut UTF8String) size() int

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fn (ut UTF8String) encode() ![]u8

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type AsnInteger = big.Integer | i64 | int


ASN.1 Integer represented by AsnInteger sum type of int, i64 and big.Integer.
Its handles number arbitrary length of number with support of math.big module.
The encoding of an integer value shall be primitive.

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fn (n AsnInteger) tag() Tag

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fn (n AsnInteger) length() int

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fn (n AsnInteger) size() int

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fn (n AsnInteger) encode() ![]u8

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fn (n Null) tag() Tag

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fn (n Null) length() int

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fn (n Null) size() int

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fn (n Null) encode() ![]u8

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fn (ns NumericString) tag() Tag

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fn (ns NumericString) length() int

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fn (ns NumericString) size() int

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fn (ns NumericString) encode() ![]u8

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fn (os OctetString) tag() Tag

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fn (os OctetString) length() int

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fn (os OctetString) size() int

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fn (os OctetString) encode() ![]u8

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type Oid = []int


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fn (oid Oid) tag() Tag

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fn (oid Oid) length() int

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fn (oid Oid) size() int

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fn (oid Oid) encode() ![]u8

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fn (ps PrintableString) tag() Tag

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fn (ps PrintableString) length() int

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fn (ps PrintableString) size() int

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fn (ps PrintableString) encode() ![]u8

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fn (b Boolean) tag() Tag

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fn (b Boolean) length() int

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fn (b Boolean) size() int

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fn (b Boolean) encode() ![]u8

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fn (seq Sequence) length() int

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fn (seq Sequence) size() int

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fn (seq Sequence) encode() ![]u8

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fn (mut set Set) add(obj Encoder) Set

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fn (mut set Set) add_multi(objs []Encoder) Set

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fn (ctx Tagged) tag() Tag

tag returns outer tag

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fn (ctx Tagged) inner_tag() Tag

inner_tag return inner tag of the inner object being wrapped

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fn (ctx Tagged) as_inner() Encoder

as_inner returns inner object being wrapped

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fn (ctx Tagged) length() int

length returns the length of the context tagged object

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fn (ctx Tagged) size() int

size returns sizes of context specific tagged object.
When in explicit mode, the size of object was sum of length of the outer tag, length of the length part and inner size.
and in implicit mode, the size was total (sum) of size of inner object, and length of outer tag.

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fn (ctx Tagged) encode() ![]u8

encode serializes context tagged object to array of bytes.
Its different between tagged mode explicit and implicit.

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fn (vs VisibleString) tag() Tag

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fn (vs VisibleString) length() int

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fn (vs VisibleString) size() int

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fn (vs VisibleString) encode() ![]u8

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struct ASN1Object {
	tag    Tag  // tag of the ASN.1 object
	values []u8 // unencoded values of the object.

ASN1Object is generic ASN.1 Object representation.
Its implements Encoder, so it can be used to support other class of der encoded ASN.1 object other than universal class supported in this module.

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fn (obj ASN1Object) tag() Tag

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fn (obj ASN1Object) length() int

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fn (obj ASN1Object) size() int

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fn (obj ASN1Object) encode() ![]u8

encode serialize ASN.1 object to bytes array. its return error on fail.

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  1. ASN.1
  2. A Warm Welcome to ASN.1 and DER
  3. A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER
  4. X.690 PDF
  5. X.680 PDF