- __TEXT.__text: 0x35c790
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x3110
- __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x27c7c
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x35db20
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x3140
+ __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x27cd4
__TEXT.__const: 0x2ac8
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x33206
- __TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x1c50
- __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x794
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x332bd
+ __TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x1c36
+ __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x7a4
__TEXT.__swift5_assocty: 0x288
- __TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x1414
+ __TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x140c
__TEXT.__swift5_builtin: 0xc8
__TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x88c
__TEXT.__swift5_proto: 0x184
__TEXT.__swift5_types: 0xcc
__TEXT.__swift5_capture: 0x7e4
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x1abe0
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x1ac12
__TEXT.__swift5_protos: 0x34
__TEXT.__swift5_mpenum: 0x8
__TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x57ac
__TEXT.__ustring: 0x88
__TEXT.__dlopen_cstrs: 0x4b
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xd570
- __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x5560
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xd5c0
+ __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x55c0
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x69b0
- __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x5767b
+ __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x5773e
__TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x742b
- __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x38f80
- __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x2d48
- __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x10c30
- __DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x1778
+ __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x39000
+ __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x2d58
+ __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x10c68
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x1780
__DATA_CONST.__objc_catlist: 0x400
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x818
__DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
- __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x11c98
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x11cc8
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x318
__DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0x1308
__DATA_CONST.__objc_arraydata: 0x380
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1898
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x18b0
__AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x710
- __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0xd460
- __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x25c60
- __AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0x4f310
+ __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0xd4e0
+ __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x25ce0
+ __AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0x4f370
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x2160
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_doubleobj: 0x190
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_arrayobj: 0x258
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_floatobj: 0x50
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_dictobj: 0x28
- __AUTH.__objc_data: 0x9b58
- __AUTH.__data: 0xb48
+ __AUTH.__objc_data: 0x9bc0
+ __AUTH.__data: 0xb68
__DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x14fc
- __DATA.__data: 0x6fb8
+ __DATA.__data: 0x6fe8
__DATA.__objc_stublist: 0x10
__DATA.__bss: 0x26e8
__DATA.__common: 0x120
__DATA_DIRTY.__objc_ivar: 0xc90
__DATA_DIRTY.__objc_data: 0x5ef0
__DATA_DIRTY.__data: 0x388
- __DATA_DIRTY.__bss: 0x18a8
+ __DATA_DIRTY.__bss: 0x18d8
__DATA_DIRTY.__common: 0x18
- /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFAudio.framework/AVFAudio
- /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsimd.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsys_time.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftunistd.dylib
- Functions: 19374
- Symbols: 20494
- CStrings: 22962
+ Functions: 19392
+ Symbols: 20510
+ CStrings: 22971
+ _HFPreferencesAlwaysShowIdentifyKey
+ _HFPreferencesShowAllServiceAreasKey
+ _HFSymbolIconIdentifierVacuum
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_HFMatterColors
+ _OBJC_METACLASS_$_HFMatterColors
+ _swift_dynamicCastClassUnconditional
+ "%s Failed to get static accessory for tilePath %{public}s"
+ "%s Failed to get static endpoint for endpoint %hu in device with id %{public}llu"
+ "%s: Attempted to compare unsupported type: (%s) values: (%{public}s) (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Command has no expectedValues! %{public}@"
+ "%s: Comparing Array type, but couldn't cast all values: (%{public}s) (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Comparing Bool type, but couldn't cast all values: (%{public}s (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Comparing Double type, but couldn't cast all values: (%{public}s) (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Comparing Float type, but couldn't cast all values: (%{public}s) (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Comparing Int type, but couldn't cast all values: (%{public}s) (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Comparing UInt type, but couldn't cast all values: (%{public}s) (%{public}s)"
+ "%s: Failed to get attribute path for %s from command %{public}@"
+ "%s: Failed to get cluster kind for %@ from command %{public}@"
+ "%s: Failed to get current value for (%{public}s:%{public}u)"
+ "%s: Failed to get data for %{public}s from command %@"
+ "%s: Failed to get data for %{public}s from command %{public}@"
+ "%s: Failed to get matter device on accessory %@ from command %{public}@"
+ "%s: WARNING: Cluster ID in expectedValues (%@) doesn't match HMMatterCommand (%@). %{public}@"
+ "%s: WARNING: EndpointID in expectedValues (%@) doesn't match HMMatterCommand (%@). %{public}@"
+ "%s:%{public}@ deviceTypes is empty"
+ "%{public}@: Failed to get matter device on accessory %@"
+ "@16@?0@\"HFCameraClipPlayerItem\"8"
+ "Added missing clip to playbackPosition: %@"
+ "Attempted to create MatterAccessoryLikeItem with an object that is not a MatterAccessoryRepresentable! %{public}s"
+ "Failed to describe actions for %{public}s"
+ "Finished rebuilding player queue; status: %lu; lastPlayerItem: (clip: %@, isUsingCachedVideoOnDisk: %{BOOL}d); items: %@"
+ "HFMatterColors"
+ "Player updating playback position from: (%@, %f) to (%@, %f); scrubbing: %{BOOL}d"
+ "Rebuilding player queue for clip: %@; offset: %f"
+ "RobotVacuum"
+ "T@\"HMAccessory\",N,R"
+ "Tried describing unexpected command: %{public}@"
+ "_primaryDeviceType"
+ "alwaysShowIdentify"
+ "clip: %@; isUsingCachedVideoOnDisk: %{BOOL}d"
+ "hf_getUserFriendlyMatterDescriptionKey:"
+ "hf_visibleTriggerValueClosestToValue:"
+ "iconDescriptorFor:"
+ "iconDescriptorForAccessoryCategoryOrServiceType:matterDeviceType:"
+ "matterDeviceTypeID"
+ "newPosition does not contain an event: %@"
+ "rvcTintColor"
+ "showAllServiceAreas"
- "%@: Failed to get matter device on accessory %@"
- "%s Failed to get static accessory for tilePath %s"
- "%s Failed to get static endpoint for endpoint %hu in device with id %llu"
- "%s: Attempted to compare unsupported type: (%s) values: (%s) (%s)"
- "%s: Command has no expectedValues! %@"
- "%s: Comparing Array type, but couldn't cast all values: (%s) (%s)"
- "%s: Comparing Bool type, but couldn't cast all values: (%s (%s)"
- "%s: Comparing Double type, but couldn't cast all values: (%s) (%s)"
- "%s: Comparing Float type, but couldn't cast all values: (%s) (%s)"
- "%s: Comparing Int type, but couldn't cast all values: (%s) (%s)"
- "%s: Comparing UInt type, but couldn't cast all values: (%s) (%s)"
- "%s: Failed to get attribute path for %s from command %@"
- "%s: Failed to get cluster kind for %@ from command %@"
- "%s: Failed to get current value for (%s:%u)"
- "%s: Failed to get data for %s from command %@"
- "%s: Failed to get matter device on accessory %@ from command %@"
- "%s: WARNING: Cluster ID in expectedValues (%@) doesn't match HMMatterCommand (%@). %@"
- "%s: WARNING: EndpointID in expectedValues (%@) doesn't match HMMatterCommand (%@). %@"
- "%s: newPosition does not contain an event: %@"
- "%s:%@ deviceTypes is empty"
- "-[HFCameraClipPlayer setCurrentPosition:]"
- "Added missing clip to playbackPosition:%@"
- "Attempted to create MatterAccessoryLikeItem with an object that is not a MatterAccessoryRepresentable! %s"
- "Failed to describe actions for %s"
- "Finished rebuilding player queue for status:%lu for item:%@ for items = %@"
- "PlaybackPosition included clip. Updating to clipPosition:%@"
- "Player updating playback position \nFROM:%@ \nTO:%@\nScrubbing:%{BOOL}d"
- "REQUEST: Fulfil all generation requesst for high quality clip %@"
- "REQUEST: Fulfill generation request for high quality clip %@ for offset %f"
- "Rebuilding player queue for position:%@."
- "Tried describing unexpected command: %@"
- "Updating clip player to clipPosition:%@"
- "[isReadyToInstallSoftwareUpdate] state: %ld for accessory: %@"
- "_deviceTypes"