- Fixed (improved) client and contact view pages (@hiqsol, @SilverFire, @tafid)
- Added filter saving (@SilverFire)
- Fixed minor issues and translation (@SilverFire, @hiqsol, @BladeRoot, @tafid)
- Added ClientTicketSettings, PincodeSettings (@SilverFire, @tafid)
- Fixed validations (@SilverFire, @tafid)
- Added monthly invoices displaying and managing (@hiqsol, @SilverFire)
- Added client settings modal forms (@hiqsol, @tafid, @BladeRoot, @SilverFire)
- Fixed SidebarMenu (@hiqsol)
- Added client blocking (@hiqsol)
- Fixed client grid: improved look (@hiqsol, @BladeRoot)
- Added client create functionality (@tafid)
- Fixed client/seller sorting with sortAttribute (@hiqsol)
- Fixed PHP warnings (@hiqsol)
- Fixed name filtering at clients (@tafid, @hiqsol)
- Added confirming fields to contact model (@hiqsol)
- Fixed access control, hidden unallowed actions (@hiqsol, @tafid)
- Fixed ClientColumn default value, filtering and visibility (@hiqsol, @tafid, [silverfire@advancedhosters.com])
- Fixed article index page (@tafid)
- Fixed: hidden client menu from users (@hiqsol)
- Fixed filters, sorter and pager (@tafid, @hiqsol)
- Changed advanced search and action box (@hiqsol, @tafid)
- Changed actions to SmartActions (@hiqsol, @SilverFire, @tafid)
- Changed details pages for clients and contacts (@hiqsol, @tafid)
- moved to src and php-cs-fixed (@hiqsol)
- hideved (@hiqsol, @SilverFire, @BladeRoot, @tafid)
- inited (@hiqsol)