A simple development web server for phaser.js in Python/Flask.
Developed on OSX. Works on Linux. Never tested on Windows.
Python 2.7 Flask - http://flask.pocoo.org/
####Version of Phaser included:
This includes version 2.4.2 in minified form. Version released on 29th July 2015.
With a terminal window:
- Go to your working directory.
- Type: pip install -r requirements.txt This will install all dependecies for you.
- Type python main.py to start the server.
- Open a browser window and navigate to
- If you need to change the PORT:
- Open the file called development_settings.cfg.
- Add a new variable called "PORT" followed by the port number you wish to use now. Example: PORT=8080
- To quite the server process hit ctrl-c.
This uses a templating system called Jinja2. http://jinja.pocoo.org/
A game.js file is included in the
directory for convenience. It is referenced in the layout template. A div with an id of game is included in the file index.html. All you need to do is add your code to the game.js file.