Contributions in the form of feedback and issue is very much welcome. Might it be a suggestion, a bug report or maybe some questions that you have. It helps improving Kupo in the long run and these are probably the best kind of contributions to start with.
Do not hesitate to add thumbs up 👍 to open issues to show your interest.
Feel like tossing some coins for the project? Become a sponsor !
Make sure to first read the user-manual 🕮 if you're willing to hack a bit on Kupo.
For development, stack or cabal should work out-of-the-boxTM provided that you have the right system dependencies. That is, you'd need the following:
libsodium-dev 1.0.*
libgmp-dev 6.1.*
libssl-dev 1.1.*
libpcre3-dev 2.8.*
zlib1g-dev 1.2.*
- bitcoin-core/secp256k1@ac83be33
You can run tests using
$ stack test kupo
# or similarly
$ cabal test all
Some tests are end-to-end and require to have a running (and roughly synchronized) cardano-node and/or ogmios against the testnet. These tests are automatically skipped, unless you set the following environment variables (using direnv
for that is pretty convenient):
# For cardano-node
export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET=/path/to/testnet/cardano-node/node.socket
export CARDANO_NODE_CONFIG=/path/to/testnet/cardano-node/config.json
# For Ogmios
export OGMIOS_PORT=1337
Coding standards are enforced using tools and configuration defined in the repository. Make sure to configure your editor to pick them up.
Pull requests are welcome, but we do recommend to open an issue to bring any idea to discussion first!
Open a Bug Ticket.
If you've already got a clear idea, open a Proposal ticket. Otherwise, feel free to bring it as a discussion [category: idea] first.
Create a Q&A Discussion
Make sure to mark your question as Answered once resolved!