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Bud Cheat Sheet

General Bloom Syntax Rules

Bloom programs are unordered sets of statements.
Statements are delimited by semicolons (;) or newlines.
As in Ruby, backslash is used to escape a newline.

Simple embedding of Bud in a Ruby Class

require 'bud'

class Foo
  include Bud
  state do
  bloom do

State Declarations

A state block contains definitions of two kinds of program state: collections and lattices. A Bud collection is a set of facts; each fact is an array of Ruby values. Note that collections do not contain duplicates (inserting a duplicate fact into a collection is ignored).

Like a table in a relational database, a subset of the columns in a collection makeup the collection's key. Attempting to insert two facts into a collection that agree on the key columns (but are not duplicates) results in a runtime exception.

A lattice represents a value that grows over time, where the definition of "growth" depends on the kind of lattice in question. For example, an lset lattice contains a set of facts that grows over time (similar to a traditional Bud collection), whereas an lmax lattice holds an increasing integer value. For more information on lattices, see the section below.

Default Declaration Syntax

BudCollection :name, [keys] => [values]


Contents persist in memory until explicitly deleted.
Default attributes: [:key] => [:val]

table :keyvalue
table :composite, [:keyfield1, :keyfield2] => [:values]
table :noDups, [:field1, field2]


Contents emptied at start of each timestep.
Default attributes: [:key] => [:val]

scratch :stats


Scratch collections, used as connection points between modules.
Default attributes: [:key] => [:val]

interface input, :request
interface output, :response


Network channel manifested as a scratch collection.
Facts that are inserted into a channel are sent to a remote host; the address of the remote host is specified in an attribute of the channel that is denoted with @.
Default attributes: [:@address, :val] => []

(Bloom statements with channel on lhs must use async merge (<~).)

channel :msgs
channel :req_chan, [:cartnum, :storenum, :@server] => [:command, :params]


A network channel that delivers tuples back to the current Bud instance.
Default attributes: [:key] => [:val]

(Bloom statements with loopback on lhs must use async merge (<~).)

loopback :talk_to_self


System timer manifested as a scratch collection.
System-provided attributes: [:key] => [:val]
     (key is a unique ID, val is a Ruby Time object.)
State declaration includes interval (in seconds).

(periodic can only be used on rhs of a Bloom statement.)

periodic :timer, 0.1

Note that because periodics are just a simple wrapper over the system clock, Bud provides few semantic guarantees about the behavior of periodics. In particular, periodics execute in a best-effort manner (there is no guarantee of timely delivery of a periodic tuple), and the system clock value stored in the val field may not be monotonically increasing (e.g., if the system clock is changed in the midst of Bud execution).


Built-in scratch collection for performing terminal I/O.
System-provided attributes: [:line] => []

Statements with stdio on lhs must use async merge (<~).
Using stdio on the lhs of an async merge results in writing to the IO object specified by the :stdout Bud option ($stdout by default).
To use stdio on rhs, instantiate Bud with :stdin option set to an IO object (e.g., $stdin).

Statements with stdio on lhs must use async merge (<~).
Using stdio on the lhs of an async merge results in writing to the IO object specified by the :stdout Bud option ($stdout by default).
To use stdio on rhs, instantiate Bud with :stdin option set to an IO object (e.g., $stdin).


Built-in scratch collection to be used on the lhs of a rule; permanently halts the Bud instance upon first insertion.

If the item [:kill] is inserted, the Bud OS process (including all Bud instances) is also halted.


Persistent collection mapped to an external storage engine, with synchronous write-flushing each timestep.
Default attributes: [:key] => [:val].

sync :s1, :dbm

Currently only dbm is supported. Support for tokyo cabinet present in an earlier release has been removed.


Persistent collection mapped to an external storage engine, with asynchronous write-flushing. Supported storage engines: :zookeeper.
Default attributes: [:key] => [:val].

Statements with a store on lhs must use async merge (<~).

Zookeeper is a special case: it does not take attributes as it trailing arguments. Instead it requires a :path and can optionally take an :addr specification (default: addr => 'localhost:2181').

store :s3, :zookeeper, :path=>"/foo/bar", :addr => 'localhost:2181'

Further info: Apache Zookeeper.

Bloom Statements

Statement Syntax

lhs bloom_op rhs

Left-hand-side (lhs) is a named BudCollection object.
Right-hand-side (rhs) is a Ruby expression producing a BudCollection or Array of Arrays.
The operator (bloom_op) is one of the 5 operators listed below.

Bloom Operators


  • left <= right      (instantaneous)
  • left <+ right      (deferred)
  • left <~ right      (asynchronous)


  • left <- right      (deferred)


  • left <+- right     (deferred)
    deferred insert of items on rhs and deferred deletion of items with matching keys on lhs. That is, for each fact produced by the rhs, the upsert operator removes any existing tuples that match on the lhs collection's key columns before inserting the corresponding rhs fact. Note that both the removal and insertion operations happen atomically in the next timestep.

Collection Methods

Standard Ruby methods used on a BudCollection bc:

implicit map:

t1 <= bc {|t| [t.col1 + 4, t.col2.chomp]} # formatting/projection
t2 <= bc {|t| t if t.col == 5}            # selection


t3 <= bc.flat_map do |t| # unnest a collection-valued attribute { |sub| [t.col1, t.col2, t.col3, sub] }

bc.reduce, bc.inject:

t4 <= bc.reduce({}) do |memo, t|  # example: groupby col1 and count
  memo[t.col1] ||= 0
  memo[t.col1] += 1


# This is similar to SQL's NOT IN; note that Bud provides a "notin"
# collection method that should probably be preferred to this approach.
t5 <= bc do |t|
    t unless t2.include?([t.col1, t.col2])

BudCollection-Specific Methods

bc.schema: returns the schema of bc (Hash of key column names => non-key column names; if no non-key columns, just an Array of key column names). Note that for channels, this omits the location specifier (@).

bc.cols: returns the column names in bc as an Array

bc.key_cols: returns the key column names in bc as an Array

bc.val_cols: returns the non-key column names in bc as an Array

bc.keys: projects bc to key columns

bc.values: projects bc to non-key columns

chan.payloads: projects chan to non-address columns. Only defined for channels.

# at sender
msgs <~ requests {|r| ["", r]}
# at receiver
requests <= msgs.payloads

bc.inspected: returns a human-readable version of the contents of bc

stdio <~ bc.inspected

bc.exists?: test for non-empty collection. Can optionally pass in a block.

stdio <~ [["Wake Up!"] if timer.exists?]
stdio <~ requests do |r|
  [r.inspect] if msgs.exists?{|m| r.ident == m.ident}

bc.notin(bc2, optional hash pairs, optional ruby block):
Output the facts in bc that do not appear in bc2, as follows. First, we form a temporary collection t as follows:

  1. Join bc and bc2 according to the specified hash pairs. Hash pairs can be fully qualified (bc.attr1 => bc2.attr2) or shorthand (:attr1 => :attr2).

  2. If a code block is specified, invoke the block on every pair of matching tuples in the join result. Any matches for which the block returns false are removed from t.

Finally, we output every tuple of bc that does not appear in t.

# output items from foo if (a) there is no matching key in bar, or
# (b) all matching keys in bar have a smaller value
stdio <~ foo.notin(bar, :key=>:key) {|f, b| f.val <= b.val}

SQL-style grouping/aggregation (and then some)

  •[:col1, :col2], min(:col3)). akin to min(col3) GROUP BY col1,col2
    • exemplary aggs: min, max, bool_and, bool_or, choose
    • summary aggs: sum, avg, count
    • structural aggs: accum, accum_pair accumulates inputs into a Set; accum_pair takes two inputs and accumulates a Set of pairs (two element arrays)
  • bc.argmax([:attr1], :attr2)      returns the bc items per attr1 that have highest attr2
  • bc.argmin([:attr1], :attr2)
  • bc.argagg(:exemplary_agg_name, [:attr1], :attr2)). generalizes argmin/max: returns the bc items per attr1 that are chosen by the exemplary aggregate named

Note that custom aggregation can be written using reduce.

Collection Combination (Join)

To match items across two (or more) collections, use the * operator, followed by methods to filter/format the result (pairs, matches, combos, lefts, rights).

Methods on Combinations (Joins)

pairs(hash pairs):
Given a * expression, form all pairs of items with value matches in the hash-pairs attributes. Hash pairs can be fully qualified (coll1.attr1 => coll2.attr2) or shorthand (:attr1 => :attr2).

# for each inbound msg, find match in a persistent buffer
result <= (msg * buffer).pairs(:val => :key) {|m, b| [m.address, m.val, b.val] }

combos(hash pairs):
Alias for pairs, more readable for multi-collection * expressions. Must use fully-qualified hash pairs.

# the following 2 Bloom statements are equivalent to this SQL
# SELECT r.a, s_tab.b, t.c
#   FROM r, s_tab, t
#  WHERE r.x = s_tab.x
#    AND s_tab.x = t.x;

# multiple column matches
out <= (r * s_tab * t).combos(r.x => s_tab.x, s_tab.x => t.x) do |t1, t2, t3|
         [t1.a, t2.b, t3.c]

# column matching done per pair: this will be very slow
out <= (r * s_tab * t).combos do |t1, t2, t3|
         [t1.a, t2.b, t3.c] if r.x == s_tab.x and s_tab.x == t.x

Shorthand for combos with hash pairs for all attributes with matching names; this is called the "natural join" in SQL.

# Equivalent to the above statements if x is the only attribute name in common:
out <= (r * s_tab * t).matches {|t1, t2, t3| [t1.a, t2.b, t3.c]}

lefts(hash pairs):
Like pairs, but implicitly includes a block that projects down to the left item in each pair.

rights(hash pairs): Like pairs, but implicitly includes a block that projects down to the right item in each pair.

outer(hash pairs):
Left Outer Join. Like pairs, but items in the first collection will be produced nil-padded if they have no match in the second collection.

flatten is a bit like SQL's SELECT *: it produces a collection of concatenated objects, with a schema that is the concatenation of the schemas in tablelist (with duplicate names disambiguated). Useful for chaining to operators that expect input collections with schemas, e.g., group:

out <= (r * s)[:a], max(:b))

Temp Collections

Temp collections are scratches defined within a bloom block:

temp :my_scratch1 <= foo

The schema of a temp collection in inherited from the rhs; if the rhs has no schema, a simple one is manufactured to suit the data found in the rhs at runtime: [c0, c1, ...].


In addition to traditional Bud collections and relational-style statements that operate over collections, Bud also supports lattices and rules that operate over lattices. Lattices provide a way to represent values that grow over time, where the definition of "growth" depends on the kind of lattice. The following built-in lattice types are currently supported:

Name Description Initial Value Monotone Functions
lbool Threshold test (false => true conditional) false when_true
lmax Increasing numeric value -∞ gt(n), gt_eq(n), +(n), -(n)
lmin Decreasing numeric value +∞ lt(n), lt_eq(n), +(n), -(n)
lset Growing set of values empty set contains?, eqjoin, filter, intersect, product, project, size
lpset Growing set of non-negative numeric values empty set contains?, eqjoin, filter, intersect, product, project, size, sum
lbag Growing multiset of values empty multiset contains?, multiplicity, intersect, product, project, size
lmap Map from keys to lattice values empty map at, intersect, key?, key_set, project, size

Lattices can be declared in state blocks in a similar manner to traditional Bud collections. Similarly, Bloom rules can invoke functions on lattice values. A simple Bloom program that uses lattices to compute a quorum vote is as follows:


class QuorumVote
  include Bud

  state do
    channel :vote_chn, [:@addr, :voter_id]
    channel :result_chn, [:@addr]
    lset    :votes
    lmax    :vote_cnt
    lbool   :vote_done

  bloom do
    votes      <= vote_chn {|v| v.voter_id}
    vote_cnt   <= votes.size
    got_quorum <= vote_cnt.gt_eq(QUORUM_SIZE)
    result_chn <~ got_quorum.when_true { [RESULT_ADDR] }

For more information on lattice support in Bloom, see this recent paper.

Bud Modules

A Bud module combines state (collections) and logic (Bloom rules). Using modules allows your program to be decomposed into a collection of smaller units.

Defining a Bud module is identical to defining a Ruby module, except that the module can use the bloom, bootstrap, and state blocks described above.

There are two ways to use a module B in another Bloom module A:

  1. include B: This "inlines" the definitions (state and logic) from B into A. Hence, collections defined in B can be accessed from A (via the same syntax as A's own collections). In fact, since Ruby is dynamically-typed, Bloom statements in B can access collections in A!

  2. import B => :b: The import statement provides a more structured way to access another module. Module A can now access state defined in B by using the qualifier b. A can also import two different copies of B, and give them local names b1 and b2; these copies will be independent (facts inserted into a collection defined in b1 won't also be inserted into b2's copy of the collection).

In practice, a Bloom program is often composed of a collection of modules (which may themselves include or import sub-modules) and one "top-level class" that includes/imports those modules as well as the Bud module. An instance of this top-level class represents an instance of the Bud interpreter; it is on this top-level class that the run_fg method should be invoked, for example.

Note that to enable the Bloom DSL for a collection of Ruby code, it is sufficient to include the Bud module once in the top-level class. That is, you should not include Bud in every Bloom module that you write.

Skeleton of a Bud Module

require 'rubygems'
require 'bud'

module YourModule
  import SubModule => :sub_m

  state do

  bootstrap do

  bloom :some_stmts do

  bloom :more_stmts do

class TopLevelClass
  include Bud
  include YourModule