- NanmiCoder / MediaCrawler:小红书笔记 | 评论爬虫、抖音视频 | 评论爬虫、快手视频 | 评论爬虫、B 站视频 | 评论爬虫、微博帖子 | 评论爬虫
- amazon-science / chronos-forecasting:Chronos: Pretrained (Language) Models for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting
- Skyvern-AI / skyvern:Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
- facefusion / facefusion:Next generation face swapper and enhancer
- Pythagora-io / gpt-pilot:The first real AI developer
- geekan / MetaGPT:🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo
- BerriAI / litellm:Call all LLM APIs using the OpenAI format. Use Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Ollama, Sagemaker, HuggingFace, Replicate (100+ LLMs)
- cbh123 / narrator:David Attenborough narrates your life
- imartinez / privateGPT:Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- donnemartin / system-design-primer:Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- lavague-ai / LaVague:Automate automation with Large Action Model framework
- Kanaries / pygwalker:PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
- Hillobar / Rope:GUI-focused roop
- TransformerOptimus / SuperAGI:<⚡️> SuperAGI - A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.
- RVC-Project / Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI:Voice data <= 10 mins can also be used to train a good VC model!
- yt-dlp / yt-dlp:A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
- ZiqiaoPeng / SyncTalk:[CVPR 2024] This is the official source for our paper "SyncTalk: The Devil is in the Synchronization for Talking Head Synthesis"
- vinta / awesome-python:An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- bmaltais / kohya_ss:
- gpt-engineer-org / gpt-engineer:Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.
- AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui:Stable Diffusion web UI
- philz1337x / clarity-upscaler:
- roboflow / supervision:We write your reusable computer vision tools. 💜
- huggingface / safetensors:Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
- fofr / cog-face-to-many:Turn any face into a video game character, pixel art, claymation, 3D or toy
- buresdv / Cork:A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI
- MonitorControl / MonitorControl:🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
- pointfreeco / swift-composable-architecture:A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
- hummingbird-project / hummingbird:Lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework written in Swift
- exelban / stats:macOS system monitor in your menu bar
- PlayCover / PlayCover:Community fork of PlayCover
- Whisky-App / Whisky:A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI
- rxhanson / Rectangle:Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
- iina / iina:The modern video player for macOS.
- EhPanda-Team / EhPanda:An unofficial E-Hentai App for iOS built with SwiftUI & TCA.
- stephencelis / SQLite.swift:A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
- ianyh / Amethyst:Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
- OpenEmu / OpenEmu:🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
- Paisseon / SatellaJailed:Jailed in-app purchase cracker (iOS 12-16)
- markiv / SwiftUI-Shimmer:Shimmer is a super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View, for example, to show that an operation is in progress. It works well on light and dark modes, and across iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS.
- AppHouseKitchen / AlDente-Charge-Limiter:macOS menubar tool to set Charge Limits and prolong battery lifespan
- kodecocodes / swift-algorithm-club:Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- altstoreio / AltStore:AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
- shadowsocks / ShadowsocksX-NG:Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- apple / swift-openapi-generator:Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document.
- seemoo-lab / openhaystack:Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
- apple / swift-syntax:A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
- intitni / CopilotForXcode:The missing GitHub Copilot, Codeium and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension
- aws / amazon-chime-sdk-ios:An iOS client library for integrating multi-party communications powered by the Amazon Chime service.
- milanvarady / Applite:User-friendly GUI macOS application for Homebrew Casks
- said7388 / developer-portfolio:Software Developer Portfolio Website built with next.js and tailwind CSS that helps you showcase your work and skills as a software developer.
- wasmerio / winterjs:Winter is coming... ❄️
- adrianhajdin / iphone:Recreate the Apple iPhone 15 Pro website, combining GSAP animations and Three.js 3D effects. From custom animations to animated 3D models, this tutorial covers it all.
- cmliu / WorkerVless2sub:这个是一个将 Cloudflare Workers - VLESS 搭配 自建优选域名 的 订阅生成器
- huanghanzhilian / c-shopping:A beautiful shopping platform developed with Next.js, tailored for various devices including Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. 基于Nextjs开发同时适配Desktop、Tablet、Phone多种设备的精美购物平台
- anuraghazra / github-readme-stats:⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- max32002 / tixcraft_bot:Max搶票機器人(maxbot) help you quickly buy your tickets
- catvod / CatVodOpen:Open version of catvod.
- hiteshchoudhary / apihub:Your own API Hub to learn and master API interaction. Ideal for frontend, mobile dev and backend developers.
- prabathLK / PRABATH-MD:🇱🇰 Multi-device whatsapp bot 🎉
- solotop999 / auto_trade_backpack_exchange:auto_trade on Backpack exchange typescript
- Lunakepio / Mario-Kart-3.js:
- be5invis / Iosevka:Versatile typeface for code, from code.
- Mintplex-Labs / anything-llm:A multi-user ChatGPT for any LLMs and vector database. Unlimited documents, messages, and storage in one privacy-focused app. Now available as a desktop application!
- brave / brave-browser:Next generation Brave browser for Android, Linux, macOS, Windows.
- ltdrdata / ComfyUI-Manager:
- prettier / prettier:Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- hiteshchoudhary / js-hindi-youtube:A code repo for javascript series at Chai aur code youtube channel
- gildas-lormeau / SingleFile:Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- nz-m / SocialEcho:Social networking platform with automated content moderation and context-based authentication system
- zizifn / edgetunnel:Running V2ray inside edge/serverless runtime
- lyfe00011 / whatsapp-bot-md:A whatsapp Multi Device bot based on baileys
- twbs / bootstrap:The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- salmanytofficial / XLICON-V3-MD:XLICON-V3 is a Cool Multi-Device WhatsApp bot developed by Salman Ahamed. It offers a wide range of extraordinary features, making it an advanced and user-friendly bot for various purposes.
- academicpages / academicpages.github.io:Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
- AdguardTeam / AdGuardHome:Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
- gptscript-ai / gptscript:Natural Language Programming
- Jguer / yay:Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
- v2fly / domain-list-community:Community managed domain list. Generate geosite.dat for V2Ray.
- cockroachdb / cockroach:CockroachDB - the open source, cloud-native distributed SQL database.
- alist-org / alist:🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
- SagerNet / sing-box:The universal proxy platform
- missingstudio / gateway:🌈 A Reliable AI Gateway - Core infrastructure stack for building your AI workforce
- JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh:The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
- scratchdata / scratchdata:Scratch is an open-source alternative to BigQuery, Redshift, and Snowflake. Runs on Clickhouse.
- v2fly / v2ray-core:A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
- pingcap / tidb:TiDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time analytics. Try AI-powered Chat2Query free at : https://tidbcloud.com/free-trial
- SleepingBag945 / dddd:一款高可拓展的指纹识别、供应链漏洞探测工具。支持从Hunter、Fofa批量拉取目标。
- XTLS / Xray-core:Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
- ThePrimeagen / fem-htmx-proj:
- a-h / templ:A language for writing HTML user interfaces in Go.
- hashicorp / packer:Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
- hybridgroup / mechanoid:Mechanoid is a framework for WebAssembly applications on embedded systems.
- ko-build / ko:Build and deploy Go applications
- authelia / authelia:The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- pulumi / pulumi:Pulumi - Infrastructure as Code in any programming language. Build infrastructure intuitively on any cloud using familiar languages 🚀
- XIU2 / CloudflareSpeedTest:🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~
- iawia002 / lux:👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
- jetpack-io / devbox:Instant, easy, and predictable development environments
- cosmtrek / air:☁️ Live reload for Go apps