Releases: boonex/
Releases · boonex/
- Make service menu to be configured via menu builder for EVO template (thanks to @toxalot)
- Login only popup (thanks to @toxalot)
- Close popup icon (thanks to @toxalot)
- Different behaviour for "View All" link in manage albums (thanks to @toxalot)
- Consistent page titles for better sorting in Page Builder (thanks to @toxalot)
- Adjust column numbers when column 1 does not exist (thanks to @toxalot)
- Settings reorganization media modules (thanks to @toxalot)
- Timeline: small enhancements
- Media modules: make reorder to work on touch devices
- Chat+: iframe integration, link to chat in mobile app
- Retina logo
- Centered logo in EVO template
- Votes engine refactoring
- Default privacy settings: make it to apply everywhere
- Make filter in Admin > Language Settings case insensitive (thanks to @toxalot)
- Change sorting and filtering of members blocks (thanks to @toxalot)
- Improve admin layout on smaller screens (thanks to @toxalot)
- New 'page_builder - page_add' alert (thanks to
- Profiles: permanent show mode for profiles (thanks to
- New 'system - clear_xss' alert
- Interface for inserting code before closing and tags (Admin Panel > Basic Settings > Injections)
- Email notifications when membership status changed
- Admin panel pages builder: full width column (thanks to @Prashank25)
- Sites: settings titles changes (thanks to @apachler)
- Keywords search: buttons instead of checkboxes (thanks to @apachler)
- Chat+ module and integration
- OAuth Server module
- Dolphin Connect (OAuth client) module
- Moxiemanager as separate module (for licensed sites only)
- Timeline: "Repost" feature
- Timeline: settings to disable/enable particular uploaders
- Timeline: notifications for "Like" and "Repost" timeline actions
- Timeline: "Like" and "Repost" actions in Outline
- Timeline: icons instead of text links for actions
- Timeline: display URL thumbnail for "share URL" Timeline action
- Timeline: display all possible uploaders for media modules
- Timeline: comments to the comment notification are linked to the commented object
- Blogs: display views counter
- Payment: reCaptcha for "payment before join"
- Payment: allow to join for free when "payment before join" option is activated
- Privacy: site wide default privacy settings
- Languages enhancements: LTR/RTL support and language_COUNTRY code for each language
- Admin panel pages builder: text block and optional PHP block
- Admin panel builders: alphabetical sorting in builders
- Admin panel navigation menu builder: don't allow to delete system menu items
- Matchmaking fields: better default settings
- HTMLEditor: "attach_editor" alert event
- HTML based "Prompt" popup
- Include "fb:app_id" meta for URLs shared on Facebook
- New background image in EVO and ALT templates (reduced CPU load for viewers)
- Confirmation for profile deletion
- Ability to change language in admin panel
- New look for mobile apps block
- Permanent redirect to the correct URL
- Ability to specify profile ban duration
- Responsive fixes (image gallery, blog snippets)
- getSiteInfo function can fetch meta info and url thumbnail now
- .bx-hide-when-logged-in css class
- open_basedir restriction was removed