This is a C# lib that allows you to post your bots server count to all of the Discord bot lists.
If you have any issues/suggestions post an issue here, join my Discord or contact me BuilderB#0001
- Diffrent logtypes (none, error only, info, debug)
- 17 Bot lists supported
- Supports normal and sharded bots
- Supports .NET Framework and .NET Core
- Manually trigger posting
- Automatically post server count every 10 minutes
Install the NuGet package here
Create a new instance of BotListAPI.ListClient
It is encouraged to not put tokens in this and instead load a file with the tokens incase you leak all your tokens
ListClient = new ListClient(_Client, new ListConfig
ArcaneBotList = "",
BotListSpace = "",
BotsOnDiscord = "",
BotsForDiscord = "",
CloudBotList = "",
DiscordBoats = "",
DiscordBots = "",
DiscordApps = "",
DiscordBotWorld = "",
DiscordBotListv2 = "",
DiscordExtremeList = "",
DivineBotList = "",
LBots = "",
MythicalBots = "",
TopGG = "",
YetAnotherBotList = "",
WonderBotList = ""
You can manually trigger posting using ListClient.ListType.DiscordBots.Post();
Or you can automatically post it using the a background task (every 10 minutes)
This stops the background task