require 'rake' require 'pp' ################################################################################################ # constants ROOT_DIR = File.expand_path('.') FINDER_DIR = '/System/Library/CoreServices/' FINDER_RESOURCES_DIR = File.join(FINDER_DIR, 'Contents/Resources') PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR = File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'plugin') INSTALLER_RESOURCES_DIR = File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'installer') ENGLISH_LPROJ = File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, 'en.lproj') SHELL_SOURCES = [File.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'shell'), File.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'frameworks')] TOTALFINDER_PLUGINS_SOURCES = File.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'plugins') ################################################################################################ # dependencies begin require 'colored' rescue LoadError raise 'You must "gem install colored" to use terminal colors' end ################################################################################################ # helpers def die(msg, status=1) puts "Error[#{status||$?}]: #{msg}".red exit status||$? end def sys(cmd) puts "> #{cmd}".yellow system(cmd) end ################################################################################################ # routines def write_file(filename, content) if ENV["dry"] then puts "in dry mode: would rewrite #{} with content of size #{content.size}" return end, "w") do |f| f.write content end end def append_file(filename, content) if ENV["dry"] then puts "in dry mode: would append to #{} content of size #{content.size}" return end, "a") do |f| f.write content end end def get_list_of_plugins(filter=nil) filter = "*" unless filter plugins = [] Dir.glob(File.join(TOTALFINDER_PLUGINS_SOURCES, filter)) do |file| if and File.exists? File.join(file, File.basename(file)+".xcodeproj") then plugins << File.basename(file) end end plugins.uniq end def ack(dir, glob, regexps) glob = File.join(dir, "**{,/*/**}", glob) # follow symlinks ( set = [] Dir.glob(glob) do |file| puts file if ENV["verbose"] content = regexps.each do |r| match = content.scan(r) set.concat match.flatten end end set.sort.uniq end def stitch_broken_strings(strings) # example of broken string # "This option will effectively disable the tabs module in TotalFinder. In effect the dual mode and visor functionality will be " # "disabled as well. This may be desired under Mavericks - use native Finder tabs " # "exclusively while keeping benefits of other TotalFinder features.\n\nFor this operation Finder has to be restarted!\nNote: " # "Prior restarting please finish all Finder tasks in progress (like copying or " # "moving files)." do |s| r = /([^\\])(".*?")/m s.gsub(r) do |x| $1 end end end def extract_menuitems_strings(folder) dirs = Array(folder) # flexibility to pass multiple directories result = [] dirs.each do |dir| result.concat ack(dir, "*.{cpp,mm,h}", [ /\$M\s*\(\s*@\s*"(.*?)"\s*\)/m, ]) end stitch_broken_strings(result.sort.uniq) end def extract_code_strings(folder) dirs = Array(folder) # flexibility to pass multiple directories result = [] dirs.each do |dir| result.concat ack(dir, "*.{cpp,mm,m,h}", [ /\$+\s*\(\s*@\s*"(.*?)"\s*\)/m, /\$NSLocalizedString\s*\(\s*@\s*"(.*?)"\s*[,\)]/m ]) end stitch_broken_strings(result.sort.uniq) end def extract_ui_strings(folder, xibs) dirs = Array(folder) # flexibility to pass multiple directories result = [] dirs.each do |dir| xibs.each do |xib| result.concat ack(dir, "#{xib}.xib", [ /"\^(.*?[^\\])"/m ]) end end result.sort.uniq end def parse_strings_file(filename) return [] unless File.exists? filename end def update_strings(old_strings, new_keys, target) removed_count = 0 count = 0 # comment out existing strings as REMOVED or DUPLICIT if they are not present in new_strings known_keys = [] strings = do |line| match = line =~ /^"(.*?)"/ # it is a valid key-definition line? next line unless match count += 1 unless new_keys.include? $1 then line = "/* REMOVED #{line.strip} */\n" # *** removed_count += 1 else if known_keys.include? $1 then line = "/* DUPLICIT #{line.strip} */\n" # *** removed_count += 1 else known_keys << $1 end end line end to_be_added = new_keys - known_keys write_file(target, strings.join("")) { "removed_count" => removed_count, "count" => count, "new_strings" => new_keys, "old_strings" => old_strings, "output" => strings, "to_be_added" => to_be_added.sort.uniq } end def update_english_strings(project, src_folder, xibs, additional_strings=[]) target = File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "#{project}.strings") code_strings = extract_code_strings(src_folder) ui_strings = extract_ui_strings(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, xibs) new_strings = code_strings.concat(ui_strings).concat(additional_strings) new_strings.sort.uniq! old_strings = parse_strings_file(target) res = update_strings(old_strings, new_strings, target) removed_count = res["removed_count"] strings = res["output"] count = res["count"] puts " #{"-#{removed_count}".red}/#{"#{count}".blue} in #{target}" res end def update_english_menuitems_strings(src_folder) target = File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "MenuItems.strings") new_strings = extract_menuitems_strings(src_folder).map {|s| "MenuItem:#{s}"} old_strings = parse_strings_file(target) res = update_strings(old_strings, new_strings, target) removed_count = res["removed_count"] strings = res["output"] count = res["count"] puts " #{"-#{removed_count}".red}/#{"#{count}".blue} in #{target}" res end def categorize_xibs(plugins, dir=PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR) xibs = # xib naming exceptions that don't follow conventions unconventional = { "SomeXibName" => "SomePluginName" } Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "*.xib")) do |file| name = File.basename(file, ".xib") # does the name begin with some plugin name? plugin = plugins.find { |plugin| plugin==name or name.index(plugin) == 0 } if plugin.nil? and unconventional["name"] then plugin = unconventional["name"] end unless plugin.nil? then xibs[plugin] ||= [] xibs[plugin] << name next end xibs["SHELL"] ||= [] xibs["SHELL"] << name end xibs end def process_english_strings_in_plugins(plugins, xibs, dir=TOTALFINDER_PLUGINS_SOURCES) additions = plugins.each do |plugin| plugin_dir = File.join(dir, plugin) next unless File.exists? plugin_dir next if xibs[plugin].nil? or xibs[plugin].size == 0 # an edge case for empty array additions[plugin] = update_english_strings(plugin, plugin_dir, xibs[plugin])["to_be_added"] # process just plugin xibs end additions end def process_english_strings_in_shell(xibs, duplicates, shell_dir=SHELL_SOURCES) update_english_strings("TotalFinder", shell_dir, xibs, duplicates) # process just shell xibs end def process_english_menuitems() update_english_menuitems_strings([TOTALFINDER_PLUGINS_SOURCES, SHELL_SOURCES].flatten)["to_be_added"] end def get_additions_duplicates(additions) all = [] additions.each do |k, v| all.concat v end # count occurences and return only duplicities all.inject( {|h,v| h[v] += 1; h}.reject{|k,v| v==1}.keys.sort.uniq end def insert_additions(list, target) return unless list.size>0 strings = [] strings << "\n" strings << "/* NEW STRINGS - TODO: SORT THEM IN OR CREATE A NEW SECTION */\n" list.each do |key| value = key.gsub("MenuItem:", "") # MenuItems special case strings << "\"#{key}\" = \"#{value}\";" end append_file(target, strings.join("\n")) puts " #{"+#{list.size}".yellow} in #{target}" end def inprint_strings(source, dest, shared_originals=[]) strings = parse_strings_file(source) originals = [] originals.concat shared_originals originals.concat parse_strings_file(dest) # transform lang back to english index = 0! do |line| index+=1 next line unless (line.strip[0...1]=='"') line =~ /^\s*?(".*")\s*?=\s*?(".*")\s*?;\s*?/ die "syntax error in #{}:#{index.to_s} [#{line}]" unless $1 line = $1 + " = " + $1 + ";\n"; line end # replace translations we already know from previsous version index = 0 originals.each do |original| index+=1 next unless (original.strip[0...1]=='"') original =~ /^\s*?(".*")\s*?=\s*?(".*")\s*?;(.*)$/ needle = $1 haystack = $2 rest = $3 die "syntax error in #{}:#{index.to_s} [#{original}]" unless $1 and $2 found = false! do |line| if (line.index needle) == 0 then line = needle + " = " + haystack + ";" + rest + "\n"; found = true end line end end write_file(dest, strings.join("")) strings end def find_key(key, lines) lines.each do |line| next unless (line.strip[0...1]=='"') line =~ /^\s*?(".*")\s*?=\s*?(".*")\s*?;(.*)$/ needle = $1 haystack = $2 die "syntax error in #{}:#{index.to_s} [#{line}]" unless $1 and $2 return haystack if needle==key end nil end def post_process_menuitems(dest, shared_originals=[]) strings = parse_strings_file(dest)! do |line| next line unless (line.strip[0...1]=='"') line =~ /^\s*?(".*")\s*?=\s*?(".*")\s*?;(.*)$/ die "syntax error in #{}:#{index.to_s} [#{line}]" unless $1 key = $1 val = $2 rest = $3 if (key==val) then # try to lookup exitsting val translated_val = find_key(key.gsub("MenuItem:", ""), shared_originals) unless translated_val.nil? then line = key + " = " + translated_val + ";" + rest + "\n"; end end line end, "w") do |f| f << strings.join end strings end def propagate_english_to_cwd total = 0 # TotalFinder.strings are master files, some strings may move between files all = parse_strings_file File.join(Dir.pwd, "TotalFinder.strings") Dir.glob(File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "*.strings")) do |file| next if File.basename(file)=="TotalFinder.strings" all.concat parse_strings_file(File.join(Dir.pwd, File.basename(file))) end Dir.glob(File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "*.strings")) do |file| puts " #{File.basename(file)}".yellow total += inprint_strings(file, File.join(Dir.pwd, File.basename(file)), all).size end # post-process MenuItems.strings file = "MenuItems.strings" puts " post processing #{file.yellow}" total += post_process_menuitems(File.join(Dir.pwd, file), all).size puts " -> "" strings processed" end def remove_missing_files_in_cwd files1 = Dir.glob(File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "*")).map {|f| File.basename f } files2 = Dir.glob(File.join(Dir.pwd, "*")).map {|f| File.basename f } to_be_deleted = files2 - files1 to_be_deleted.each do |file| puts "deleting '#{file}'".red FileUtils.rm(file) end end def propagate_from_english_to_other_lprojs glob = ENV["to"] || "*.lproj" Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, glob)) do |dir| Dir.chdir dir do puts propagate_english_to_cwd remove_missing_files_in_cwd end end end def create_localizations_for_project glob = ENV["to"] || "*.lproj" project = ENV["project"] || die("Project name not defined") Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, glob)) do |dir| Dir.chdir dir do write_file(File.join(dir, project + ".strings"), "/* no strings */") end end end def exec_cmd_in_lprojs(cmd) glob = ENV["to"] || "*.lproj" Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, glob)) do |dir| puts Dir.chdir dir do sys(cmd) end end end def validate_strings_file path lines = parse_strings_file(path) in_multi_line_comment = false counter = 0 count = lines.size lines.each do |line| counter += 1 if in_multi_line_comment and line =~ /.*\*\/\w*$/ in_multi_line_comment = false next end next if in_multi_line_comment line = line.gsub(/\r\n?/, "") + "\n" next if line =~ /^".*?"\s*=\s*".*?";\s*$/ next if line =~ /^".*?"\s*=\s*".*?";\s*\/\*.*?\*\/$/ next if line =~ /^".*?"\s*=\s*".*?";\s*\/\/.*?$/ next if line =~ /^\/\*.*?\*\/$/ next if line =~ /^\s*$/ if line =~ /^\/\*[^\*]*/ then in_multi_line_comment = true next end puts "line ##{counter}: unrecognized pattern".red+" (fix rakefile if this is a valid pattern)" puts line puts "mate -l #{counter} \"#{path}\"".yellow return false end true end def validate_strings_files begin require 'cmess/guess_encoding' rescue LoadError die 'You must "gem install cmess" to use character encoding detection' end glob = ENV["to"] || "*.lproj" counter = 0 failed = 0 warnings = 0 known_files = [] Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, "en.lproj", "*")) do |path| known_files << File.basename(path) end Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, "*.lproj")) do |dir| unrecognized_files = [] missing_files = known_files.dup Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "*")) do |path| file = File.basename(path) if missing_files.include?(file) then missing_files.delete(file) else unrecognized_files << file end end if (!missing_files.empty? or !unrecognized_files.empty?) then warnings += 1 puts "in " + + ":" if (!missing_files.empty?) then puts " missing files: " + missing_files.join(", ") end if (!unrecognized_files.empty?) then puts " unrecognized files: " + unrecognized_files.join(", ") end end end Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, glob, "*.strings")) do |path| counter += 1 ok = 1 input = path charset = "ASCII" if input.strip.size>0 then charset = CMess::GuessEncoding::Automatic.guess(input) ok = ((validate_strings_file path) and (charset=="ASCII" or charset=="UTF-8")) end puts charset.magenta+" "" "+"ok".yellow if ok puts charset.magenta+" "" "+"failed".red unless ok failed +=1 unless ok end all = [] Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, "en.lproj", "*.strings")) do |file| all.concat parse_strings_file(file) end list = [] all.each do |original| next unless (original.strip[0...1]=='"') original =~ /^\s*?"(.*)"\s*?=/ list << $1 end dups = list.inject( {|h,v| h[v] += 1; h}.reject{|k,v| v==1}.keys if dups.size>0 then puts puts "found duplicate keys:".red dups.each { |x| puts " #{x}" } puts puts "solution:".yellow + " shared keys should be placed in TotalFinder.strings".blue puts end puts "-----------------------------------" puts "checked "+"#{counter} files".magenta+" and "+(failed>0 ? ("#{failed} failed".red) : ("all is ok".yellow)) + (warnings>0?(" [#{warnings} warnings]".green):("")) end def stub_installer_lprojs glob = "*.lproj" english_source = File.join(INSTALLER_RESOURCES_DIR, "en.lproj") die("need #{english_source}!") unless File.exists?(english_source) Dir.glob(File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, glob)) do |dir| name = File.basename(dir) next if name == "en.lproj" full_path = File.join(INSTALLER_RESOURCES_DIR, name) next if File.exists?(full_path) # already have it puts "Creating stub " + sys("cp -r \"#{english_source}\" \"#{full_path}\"") end end ################################################################################################ # tasks desc "switch /Applications/ into dev mode" task :dev do sys("./bin/") end desc "switch /Applications/ into non-dev mode" task :undev do sys("./bin/") end desc "restart" task :restart do sys("./bin/") end desc "normalize so it contains all our language folders (run with sudo)" task :normalize do lprojs = File.join(PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR, '*.lproj') Dir.glob(lprojs) do |folder| dir = File.join(FINDER_RESOURCES_DIR, File.basename(folder)) if File.exists? dir then puts + " exists".yellow else if !sys("mkdir -p \"#{dir}\"") then die("Unable to create a folder. Hint: you should run this as sudo rake normalize") end puts + " created".green end end end desc "cherrypicks strings from sources and applies missing strings to en.lproj" task :cherrypick do die "install ack 2.0+ | for example via homebrew:> brew install ack" if `which ack`=="" die "upgrade your ack to 2.0+ | for example via homebrew:> brew install ack" unless `ack --version`=~/ack 2/ plugins = get_list_of_plugins() xibs = categorize_xibs(plugins) puts "XIBs:".blue pp xibs puts puts "Processing string files:".yellow # additons is a hash containing an array of added translation keys for each plugin additions = process_english_strings_in_plugins(plugins, xibs) duplicates = get_additions_duplicates(additions) res = process_english_strings_in_shell(xibs["SHELL"], duplicates) # duplicates will be moved into shell shell_additions = res["to_be_added"] shell_new_strings = res["new_strings"] menuitems_additions = process_english_menuitems() # insert additions to plugins plugins.each do |plugin| next unless additions[plugin] target = File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "#{plugin}.strings") list = additions[plugin] - duplicates - shell_new_strings insert_additions(list, target) end # insert additions to shell target = File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "TotalFinder.strings") insert_additions(shell_additions, target) # insert additions to menu items target = File.join(ENGLISH_LPROJ, "MenuItems.strings") insert_additions(menuitems_additions, target) unhandled_duplicates = duplicates - shell_new_strings if unhandled_duplicates.size>0 then puts puts "Found these shared keys in plugins and shell, we moved them to TotalFinder.strings:".yellow puts unhandled_duplicates.join(", ").magenta end end desc "propagates structure of en.lproj to all other language folders while keeping already translated strings" task :propagate do propagate_from_english_to_other_lprojs end desc "make stub lproj folders for installer, creates all which exist in plugin" task :stub do stub_installer_lprojs end desc "exec command in all lproj folders" task :exec do exec_cmd_in_lprojs(ENV["cmd"] || "ls") end desc "validates all strings files and checks them for syntax errors" task :validate do validate_strings_files end desc "validates all strings files and checks them for syntax errors" task :create_localization do create_localizations_for_project end task :default => :restart