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Utility function for writing cleaner runtime.exs configs by avoiding branching by config_env().

Hex Tests


When developing an application in the :dev environment, testing it in :test and shipping it in :prod, various bits of configuration may need to be loaded from environment. In some environments, certain variables might be optional and have defaults that work in most situations, but should still be configurable. In production however, a default such as DB_HOST=localhost might be dangerous, so the application should enforce that a value is specified.

While runtime.exs allows choosing between System.get_env("KEY", "default") and System.fetch_env!("KEY") depending on config_env(), this quickly becomes repetitive.


This package solves the problem by providing a get_env function to be used in runtime.exs which requires an environment variable to be set only if no default is provided for the current env.


This example shows how default values can be specified:

import Config
import ConfigHelpers

config :my_app, MQTT,
  # A default exists for all environments.
  port: get_env("MQTT_PORT", default: "1883"),
  # Same behavior as above, providing a single value instead of a list is equal to `default: <value>`.
  client_prefix: get_env("MQTT_PREFIX", "my_app_"),
  # Defaults can be set for some environments only, requiring it in others.
  host: get_env("MQTT_HOST", dev: "localhost", test: "localhost"),
  # Same as above, since `non_prod` is an alias for `dev` and `test`.
  auth: get_env("MQTT_AUTH", non_prod: "dummy"),

Empty Variables

For System.get_env/2, empty environment variables (returned as empty strings) count as being set. This can be intentional, but it can also happen by accident at shell level when exporting undefined variables.

To avoid mistakes, we've chosen to require explicit opt in to allow empty variables using the allow_empty: true option. By default, empty environment variables count as nonexistent.


Sometimes, modules need their configuration as integer or boolean values, requiring the developer to explicitly cast them. Thus, get_env has built-in support for casting values:

import Config
import ConfigHelpers

config :my_app, MQTT,
  # `as:` can be used to cast values (both from environment and defaults) to `:integer` or `:boolean`.
  port: get_env("MQTT_PORT", "1883", as: :integer),
  # If the first given default value is an integer or a boolean, values will automatically be cast to that type.
  timeout: get_env("MQTT_TIMEOUT", 30),
  # Accepts values such as "true", "TRUE", "1"
  auto_reconnect: get_env("MQTT_RECONNECT", false)


The package can be installed by adding config_helpers to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:config_helpers, "~> 0.1.0"}

This package follows semantic versioning.