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469 lines (268 loc) · 26.5 KB

File metadata and controls

469 lines (268 loc) · 26.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

5.8.0 (2024-07-22)

New Features and Enhancements:

Bug Fixes:

  • Bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency version to v6.35.0 (#962) (6e47237), closes #960 #961
  • remove Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles and System.Web dependencies (#964) (2c8eedc)

5.7.1 (2024-06-28)

Bug Fixes:

5.7.0 (2024-02-27)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • add marker-based pagination version of GetFolderItems (#936) (f877a8f)
  • Support sign request signer group ID (#938) (096a098)

Bug Fixes:

5.6.1 (2023-11-29)

Bug Fixes:

  • support object value in BoxConflictErrorContextInfo (#930) (496f758)

5.6.0 (2023-09-25)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Support iframeable_embed_url for sign request (#925) (e9de994)

5.5.0 (2023-09-20)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Add shared link header support in file and folder managers (#923) (ffbfc72)

5.4.0 (2023-09-07)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Support Sign Templates and new Sign Request statuses (#920) (78580fb)

5.3.0 (2023-09-04)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • add attachment content type to SignRequestSigner (#913) (ad612ff)

Bug Fixes:

  • replace deprecated BouncyCastle library (#909) (f00f2af)

5.2.2 (2023-05-23)

Bug Fixes:

  • catch exception when .net core version cannot be determined (#906) (e3be209)

5.2.1 (2023-04-18)

Bug Fixes:

  • Catch all exceptions when getting User Agent header (#901) (75d8874)

5.2.0 (2023-03-14)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • add Id to MetadataTemplateField (#890) (b7fe214)
  • add start_date_field and description to retention policies (#888) (100b722)
  • add configurable JWTAudience claim (#897) (50219fd)
  • add shared link support to GetFolderItemsAsync (#892) (0eba85c)

Bug Fixes:

  • Use fixed value of aud field in JWT claim (#896) (8c9982d)

5.1.0 (2023-01-17)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • BoxCCGAuth add User and Admin clients factory methods without initial token (#883) (c1337fc)

5.0.0 (2023-01-12)


  • upgrade .net framework to 4.6.2 (#881)
  • remove deprecated methods (#881)
  • remove use_index references (#881)
  • return proper object from GetFileVersionsUnderRetentionForAssignmentAsync(#881)

New Features and Enhancements:

Bug Fixes:

  • Added pagination option to IBoxFilesManager#ViewVersionsAsync (#869) (2324495), closes #866
  • return proper object from GetFileVersionsUnderRetentionForAssignmentAsync (#881) (f1989aa), closes #875

4.6.0 (2022-10-18)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Add redirect_url and declined_redirect_url to Sign Request (#853) (5ef2f18)
  • Add support for modifiable retention policies & enable deleting retention policy assignment (#856) (564904f)

4.5.0 (2022-08-24)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Add content-type field to sign request (#850) (054d3e1)
  • expose effective_access in BoxSharedLink #843 (d84ddd4)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix null reference exception when it's not possible to get runtime version from the assembly (#851) (77046fb)
  • replace infinite retries with exponential backoff strategy in file representations (#835) (f2a5713)

4.4.0 (2022-06-14)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • add can_edit field to SharedLink (#831) (e0d4197)
  • add version_number to BoxFileVersion (#820) (f174358)
  • add upload and delete support for Avatar API (#829) (4dcb84a)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix initialization of BoxAPIException object (#828) (a298f01)
  • properly dispose response on exception (#819) (8415bd3)

4.3.1 (2022-04-19)

Bug Fixes:

4.3.0 (2022-04-01)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • add SourceLink support for Core project (#795) (a9cbede)

Bug Fixes:

  • add missing enum to string parsing in several places (#813) (e370282)
  • properly cast response when uploading a new file version using session (#810) (73d877f)

4.2.0 (2022-02-10)

Bug Fixes:

  • correctly pass null when rolling out user from the enterprise (#792) (c85c573)
  • Creating BoxAuthenticationFailedException no longer throws an exception (#790) (55a706e)
  • Null Argument Exception in AutoPaginate (#666) (c61f08c)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • add admin_logs_streaming support (#797) (a775e1e)
  • add Client Credentials Grant auth support (#799) (b8a64ca)
  • add disposition_at field to the File object (#793) (2766a91)
  • add possibility to set auth token uri in BoxConfig (#794) (ae8cd8b)
  • deprecate index_name in ExecuteMetadataQuery (#800) (6a6a0e4)

4.1.0 (2021-12-14)

Bug Fixes:

  • add missing configureAwait(false) when awaiting to prevent deadlocks (#775) (b16267e)

New Features and Enhancements:

4.0.0 (2021-11-02)

Breaking changes:

  • Extract interfaces for BoxClient and Managers to improve testability (#603)
  • Add BoxConfigBuilder and make BoxConfig immutable (#737)
  • Expose tasks from async methods (#742)
  • Use DateTimeOffset instead of DateTime (#749)
  • Rework returned exceptions (#753)
  • Upgrade .NET Standard to 2.0 (#755)

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Add ability to get files under retention for assignment and file versions under retention for assignment (#734)
  • Add is_collaboration_restricted_to_enterprise flag support for Folder update (#732)
  • Replace insensitive language (#738)
  • Add new, easier to use method for create terms of service user status (#740)
  • Allow sort and direction parameter to be passed in when getting trashed items (#754)
  • Add support for Task completion_rule field (#758)
  • Add BoxSign API support (#765)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix Cannot access a closed Stream.Request exception during upload (#739) (#757)

3.26.0 [2021-04-01]

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Add filter fields to get file version retentions (#717)
  • Add support for search param to get shared link items (#721)
  • Add folder lock functionality (#725)

3.25.0 [2020-10-19]

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Add support for filtering when getting Groups (#703)
  • Add zip functionality (#700)
  • Deprecate one of the overloaded ExecuteMetadataQueryAsync() methods (#699)
  • Add support for copyInstanceOnItemCopy field for metadata templates (#698)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix bug with JWT Authentication automatic retry (#697)

3.24.0 [2020-07-21]

  • Add path parameter sanitization
  • Add support for the classification field for Files and Folders
  • Fix bug with notification email field deserializing for BoxUser
  • Add fields parameter for metadata query
  • Add ability to set a request timeout for FoldersManager.UpdateInformationAsync() and UsersManager.MoverUserFolderAsync()

3.23.0 [2020-05-12]

  • Add ability to get and set a notification email address for a user
  • Fix deadlock issue for JWT authentication in UI elements
  • Add support for the uploader display name field for Files and File Versions

3.22.0 [2020-02-25]

  • Fixed Authentication Request Retries
  • Added the ability to query Box items based on their metadata. The method to do so is MetadataManager.ExecuteMetadataQueryAsync().
  • Added TrashedAt field to BoxItem objects (file, folder, weblink).
  • Added marker based pagination for get users methods
  • Updated retry logic to retry on 503 status codes returned by the API
  • Provide better details for debugging, if the HttpClient used to make API requests times out

3.21.0 [2019-12-05]

  • Added fields parameter to UsersManager.GetUserInformationAsync()
  • Added ExternalAppUserId property to BoxUser model
  • Added the ability to set the TrackingCodes property when updating or creating a user (thanks @Cpcrook!)

3.20.0 [2019-09-19]

  • Added missing fields for File Version object.

3.19.0 [2019-08-29]

  • Added FILE_VERSION_RESTORE constant to Admin Event.
  • Added action_by field to Enterprise Event.
  • Audited missing fields on BoxFile and BoxFolder objects.
  • Better error handling and messaging for errors pertaining to OAuth2 error responses.

3.18.0 [2019-06-20]

  • Added sort and direction parameters to FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync() to enable sorting the folder items returned
  • Added a new SearchManager.QueryAsync() method with correct types for file size filter parameters
  • Deprecated the SearchManager.SearchAsync() method, which is superseded by SearchManager.QueryAsync()
  • Added support for setting the IsExternalCollabRestricted parameter when creating and updating Users
  • Added a WebProxy property to BoxConfig instances, which can be used to manually set the network proxy used by the SDK

3.17.0 [2019-05-09]

  • Fixed the encoding of dates in the query parameters for Events and Search endpoints
  • Deprecated FilesManager.DownloadStreamAsync() and introduced a replacement method with correct parameter types for byte offsets: FilesManager.DownloadAsync()

3.16.0 [2019-04-29]

  • Added sort and direction parameters to client.SearchManager.SearchAsync() to control sort order
  • Added extension parameter to client.FilesManager.GetThumbnailAsync() to control which thumbnail format is returned (thanks @guilmori!)
  • Fixed a bug where query string parameters were not correctly encoded
  • Added SetFileMetadataAsync() and SetFolderMetadataAsync() methods to client.MetadataManager to set metadata keys and values, overwriting existing values for the provided keys.
  • Automatically retry most API calls when the API responds with a transient error status code

3.15.0 [2019-03-28]

  • Added support for passing custom IBoxService to BoxJWTAuth constructor.

3.14.1 [2019-03-07]

  • Removed unnecessary package.config from sample files.

3.14.0 [2019-02-28]

  • Added trace ID to API response exception message.
  • Fix deserialization of translated task assignment status.

3.13.1 [2019-02-21]

  • Fixed an issue where some objects related to Events did not have their .Id property correctly deserialized from JSON

3.13.0 [2019-02-14]

  • Added the .InviteEmail property to BoxCollaboration objects, which displays the email address for the invited user in a pending collaboration
  • Added .Timezone, .IsExternalCollabRestricted, .Tags, and .Hostname properties to BoxUser objects

3.12.0 [2019-02-07]

  • Added client.FilesManager.GetCollaborationsCollectionAsync() and deprecated client.FilesManager.GetCollaborationsAsync() to enable paging through the entire collection of collaborations on a file
  • Added client.WebLinksManager.CopyAsync(), client.WebLinksManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync(), and client.WebLinksManager.DeleteSharedLinkAsync()
  • Added client.UsersManager.GetUserAvatarAsync() for retrieving a user's avatar image

3.11.0 [2019-01-17]

  • Added support for reading and writing more Group fields
  • Fixed an issue where the UnsharedAt field of a shared link could not be set to null
  • Fixed renaming a file on new version upload
  • Added the ability to set the content modification timestamp on file version upload
  • Fixed issues around reading the source of an event when the source item is a web link

3.10.0 [2018-12-14]

  • Added support for Metadata Cascade Policies

3.9.3 [2018-09-04]

  • Strong named the assembly.

3.9.2 [2018-06-14]

  • Added support for setting flag allowing non owners of a folder to invite collaborators.

3.9.1 [2018-06-07]

  • Fixed bug where Xamarin applications would run out of connections

3.9.0 [2018-05-10]

  • Added support for Storage Policies

3.8.0 [2018-04-30]

  • Fixed an issue where users could not create BoxClient on Xamarin
  • Added File property to BoxLock objects in events
  • Added MetadataManager.DeleteMetadataTemplate(string scope, string template) for deleting a Metadata template
  • Made API URLs modifiable in BoxConfig
  • Improved API response error objects/messages

3.7.0 [2018-04-10]

  • Added support for assigning a Retention Policy to a metadata template
  • Added CONTENT_ACCESS event type to enum

3.6.0 [2018-03-27]

  • Fixed an issue where a "Security protocol not supported" exception could be thrown on MacOS
  • Added client.FilesManager.GetRepresentationContentAsync() for fetching a stream over representation contents
  • Fixed parsing of some Source objects on BoxEvent objects

3.5.2 [2018-03-21]

  • Switched to exponential backoff when the SDK receives a rate limit or server error response.
  • Force support for TLSv1.1 or higher when available to improve the security of connections to the Box API.
  • Perform modified retry on JWT auth for when the local clock and the Box Server clock are not aligned as well as if the JWT ID has already been consumed.
  • Made name parameter optional on RestoreTrashedAsync().

3.4.2 [2018-01-31]

  • Deprecated uploadFileVersionUsingSessionAsync()(which returned just a Box File Version) in favor of uploadNewVersionUsingSessionAsync()(which returns the entire Box File object containing the Box File Version).
  • Added support for OAuth2 access token creation type to the AdminEventTypesEnum
  • Added ExpiresAt param to BoxCollaborationRequest.

3.4.1 [2018-01-09]

3.3.0 [2017-11-22]

3.2.0 [2017-10-04]

3.1.0 [2017-08-18]

  • Added Unified Metadata Support (#379)

3.0.0 [2017-07-28]

  • Major version bump to 3, targeting net45
  • Upgrading the whole sln to vs2017
  • Added support for Recents endpoint
  • New operation on Metadata endpoint
  • Progress on Chunked Upload New File
  • Minor bug fixes