Create an HTML file test.html: ```
IPFS URI image:
IPFS iFrame:
IPFS JS fetch:
``` When started from a web server, it should not load the content: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 Load it via http://localhost:8080/test.html Nothing should load when it’s hosted from http Create a folder test and put the file test.html in it. > cd "/Users/bbondy/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/nljcddpbnaianmglkpkneakjaapinabi/1.0.2" Run: > ./go-ipfs_v0.6.0_darwin-amd64 --api=/ip4/ add -r ./test It will tell you the CID: `QmXdLCCLVXX67AzJEyQz5LwhDnrpAZbrMKzv9zHptpeb67` Load `ipfs://QmXdLCCLVXX67AzJEyQz5LwhDnrpAZbrMKzv9zHptpeb67` Click on test.html It should succeed for the image, the iframe, and the fetch. This should work both for Gateway and Local node settings.