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Brecht edited this page May 13, 2016 · 1 revision

The two main agents (model entities) in cystiSim are pigs and humans. Each of these agents are characterized by a set of individual properties (state variables).


age Age of the pig in months
cysti Is the pig infected with mature cysts?
cysti_immature Is the pig infected with immature cysts?
time_since_infection Time in months since initial infection
intensity Level of infection intensity (high or low)
immunity Immunity 'counter'
time_since_vaccination Time since vaccination 'counter'
slaughtered Is the pig slaughtered?


age Age of the human in months
sex Sex of the human
taenia Is the human infected with mature Taenia?
taenia_immature Is the human infected with immature Taenia?
time_since_infection Time in months since initial infection
environment Is the human environment contaminated?
time_since_contamination Time in months since environmental contamination
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