This plugin allows you to obfuscate entry javascript files using javascript-obfuscator.
To get started using your favourite package manager.
yarn add -D parcel-plugin-obfuscate
npm install -D parcel-plugin-obfuscate
yarn cross-env NODE_ENV=production parcel build ./index.js
npx cross-env NODE_ENV=production parcel build ./index.js
This runs cross-env which sets NODE_ENV to production
which enables this plugin in parcel and later obfuscates the compiled code.
touch obfuscator.config.js
add in file needed presets from
from this:
// original
class Something {
this.type = "js";
to this:
// obfuscated
var _0x53ed=['type'];(function(_0x5de549,_0xe388a2){var _0x3bfb0e=function(_0x284f19){while(--_0x284f19){_0x5de549['push'](_0x5de549['shift']());}};_0x3bfb0e(++_0xe388a2);}(_0x53ed,0x13f));var _0x168c=function(_0x3efb93,_0x362405){_0x3efb93=_0x3efb93-0x0;var _0x4682eb=_0x53ed[_0x3efb93];return _0x4682eb;};class Something{constructor(){this[_0x168c('0x0')]='js';}}
This plugin has basic test to ensure that everything works as expected. You can find these tests under test
or run them using the test
yarn test
npm run test