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The State of the HTML5 History API

balupton edited this page Jul 17, 2011 · 17 revisions

The State of the HTML5 History API


The HTML5 History API is hugely important as it finally allows us to create stateful web sites.

This works by pushing or replacing states via history.pushState(data,title,url) and history.replaceState(data,title,url) respectively.

  • data: is a json object (optional)
  • title: is the title of the state (optional)
  • url: is the url of the state

Before the HTML5 History API we had to implement hacking workarounds such as transforming the traditional anchor in a url, into a stateful hash. Which caused and is still causing the web to break for search engines and javascript disabled users for websites which implement the hash workaround.

The HTML5 History API should provide us with a way forward, but it does still have it's problems which libraries such as History.js attempt to resolve.

Browser Implementations


The HTML5 History API adoption rate has been very quick by browser vendors. It is currently supported by the following browsers:

  • Firefox 4+
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari 5+
  • iOS 4

However, just because those browsers have implemented the HTML5 History API, the functionality of it is incoherent across all implementations. Which is a serious problem.


Firefox Chrome Safari iOS Opera IE History.js
Minimum Working Version 4 8 5 4.3 None None 1.7
Supports onpopstate 4+ 8+ 5+ 4.2+ 11+ None onstatechange
Supports onhashchange 3.6+ 1+ 5+ 4.0+ 8+ None onanchorchange
Initial onpopstate No Yes No No ? ? No
Initial onhashchange No Yes No No ? ? No
Fires onpopstate with hash changes Yes Yes No No ? ? Only on state changes
Fires onhashchange with hash changes Yes Yes No No ? ? Only on anchor changes
States still set when busy report Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? Yes
State still fire when busy report Yes Yes No No No ? Yes
Can replace a hashed url report Yes Yes No No ? ? Yes
Back buttons work with new states Yes Yes Yes 4.3+ ? ? Yes
back/forward/bookmark/etc will trigger `onpopstate` Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Yes
`pushState` and `replaceState` will trigger `onpopstate` No No No No ? ? Yes
`pushState` and `replaceState` will set `document.title` No No No No No ? Yes
State data persists when navigated away and back ? One state only ? ? ? ? Optional
Transparent HTML4 Fallback No No No No No ? Optional
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