This is a timeline of important events in Rust's history, mostly focusing on the pre-1.0 era.
2006/07/23 - Graydon starts working on Rust
2009/??/?? - Graydon starts working on Rust for Mozilla
2010/06/16 - Initial commit to git repo
2010/07/07 - Rust announced at Mozilla Summit, Whistler
- 3:45 PM. Session B093 - Servo Project
2010/07/08 - Rust mentioned on LtA
2010/0?/?? - Patrick enters project
2010/12/?? - Raphael enters project
2010/12/?? - Brian enters project as volunteer
2011/??/?? - Marijn enters project under contract
2011/04/29 - rustc bootstraps
2011/05/?? - Brian joins Mozilla
20??/??/?? - Marijn exits project
20??/??/?? - Raphael exits project
2012/01/20 - Rust 0.1 released
2012/03/29 - Rust 0.2 released
2012/04/26 - roc convinces Samsung to work on Servo
2012/07/12 - Rust 0.3 released
2012/07/20 - Rust 0.3.1 released (Mac fix)
2012/10/15 - Rust 0.4 released
2012/12/21 - Rust 0.5 released
2013/??/?? - Alex enters project
2013/04/03 - Rust 0.6 released
2013/07/03 - Rust 0.7 released
2013/??/?? - Graydon exits project
2013/??/?? - Alex joins Mozilla
2013/09/26 - Rust 0.8 released
2013/??/?? - Tim exits project
2014/01/09 - Rust 0.9 released
2014/04/04 - Rust 0.10 released
2014/06/?? - (new) Cargo initial alpha release
2014/07/02 - Rust 0.11 released
2015/04/10 - Leakpocalypse
2015/05/15 - Rust 1.0 released
? - Removal of garbage collector
? - Removal of green threading
? - "mutpocalypse"
? - "libcpocalypse"
2020/08/11 - Mozilla fires everybody on the Rust and Servo teams except Niko
- This marks the end of Mozilla Research, Servo, and the Rust Project at Mozilla