All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
nomad: Change settings to adapt to modified nomad rc script
traefix: update the sample to work with traefik 2.x, now the standard version in the portstree
cron: fix a nasty bug in the PATH, causing pot to be destroyed, even if running
examples: nginx.job is now really minial, while nginx-full.job is a bit more complete
nomad: add the automatic configuration of the client's network interface
README: quickstart guide pot: add initialization steps traefik: proxy configuration file newsyslogd: log rotation for traefik cron: pot prune cron job (every 15 minutes) easy script that start all the needed services
minipot scripts: remove .sh suffix consul: agent bind to nomad: small naming improvements renamed from Provide the IP is not mandatory anymore
consul: agent configuration file nomad: server configuration file syslogd: configuration files newsyslogd: log rotation configuration files script with additional conifguration and preparation example: add a job example